Apologies for dragging up an old thread but I am new to the forum, recently diagnosed and only 12 days on metaformin. I kind of saw my diagnosis coming and had already dropped my weight by 10% by the time of my second blood test and by 15% by the time I had the consultation where I was informed of the diagnosis and given the prescription. I have been doing my finger prick test for some time (like I said, I saw it coming) and my at home measurements went down and down as I lost weight and changed my lifestyle. At the time of my first blood test I was an average of 8.5mmol with a range from around 7 to 12, by the time of my second I was averaging 6.7mmol and a range plus/minus 1.5 and for the last week I have been between 4 and 5 mmol, with an average of 5.2.
I’ve been through a range of emotions the last fortnight (guilt, anger, grief etc), mainly because I hoped that after my initial efforts I would be given the advice to manage this through lifestyle and that if my weight loss trajectory continued then perhaps even arrive at remission…but finally arrived at acceptance and the thought that the metaformin was a good thing if it prevented damage to my veins etc, however, I’m intrigued and slightly worried by the last line in your post above. Could you explain that please, or at least point me to more information? I was prescribed the metaformin by a prescribing nurse after a pretty shitty consultation where she essentially just delivered a speech about what diabetes was gave me a prescription and told me to follow up with a foot check and blood test in a month (no interest in my losing 3 stone in the last 6 months or my lifestyle changes, or indeed my emotional state), so I have been worried that I haven’t necessarily received the best advice as yet.