when to correct

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
HI all,
I just wondered at what level you decide to correct? I correct anything over 7 for A - but just wondered what everyone else does?🙂Bev
HI all,
I just wondered at what level you decide to correct? I correct anything over 7 for A - but just wondered what everyone else does?🙂Bev

When you pump it is a totally different thing. You will probably start by correcting only over 14.0 then you bring it down, with your team, slowly. We got to 10.0 and are still there as Jessica is still too high overall and we are slowly slowly bringing it all down.

When she was on BB I would only ever correct in the afternoon and only if she was over 22.0 !!!!!! She would just crash otherwise even if I gave 1/2 unit ! It was a nightmare, hence the pump.
Hi bev, I don't correct, but that's chiefly because my levels are rarely high - certainly never before a meal. If I'm at the top of my range just before my meal, I will 'round up' my carb-counted units and round down if at the low end, but that's as far as it goes.

Do you mean that if he was say, 8.5 before bed you would give him a correction?
I havent explained myself properly - ooops!
What i meant was - if he is for example 12 pre-meal - then i will correct it to bring it down to 7. I dont correct at night if i can help it - its too scary! Or if i check him after the 2 hour post meal - if he is more than 2mmols higher than his pre meal - then i give a correction to get him down to 7 or 2mmols higher than his pre meal level.

I ask this because at first we only used to correct anything over 10 - but a few months ago (when the nice consultant started) he told us anything over 7 should be corrected (pre-meal level), which i found a bit too close for comfort at first - but we have got used to it now. Adrienne, why is it so high on a pump? 🙂Bev
HI all,
I just wondered at what level you decide to correct? I correct anything over 7 for A - but just wondered what everyone else does?🙂Bev

I tend to correct 10's and above but as my levels have been really low for the last few weeks I would correct a 7.

P.s I did see in another thread that someone ( soz cant remember who 😱)
that they never correct at night :confused: I correct at anytime day or night , if its 2am and i had a high blood , out comes the bolus !! It is personal preference though.
My target is 4.5-7.5 so I correct anything over a 7.5. A unit of insulin usually brings me down by 1 unit (slightly less reduction at night) so I'd correct even a 7.6 for example as that should take me down to 4.6 which is still within my target.
Similarly anything below a 4.5 I would usually correct with food of some sort, unless it's close to a meal.
If high before bed I will correct. Tonight for example I've been to an event and had more canapes than planned so I'm a little high so have taken a correction dose. My correction doses are generally pretty reliable so a bolus before bed doesn't worry me. If I'm below 5.5 before bed I'll eat something just in case, although I know a lot of people can't go to sleep that low.

I'm quite similar to aymes, but I only tend to correct anything over 8. One unit of Humalog takes my BG down around 3mmols.

If my BG is below 4 I drink 200ml of fruit juice (2CP) to get me back up. But if it's around 4.5 and close to a meal I'll do a negative correction when I eat, ie calculate the carbs in the meal multiply by ratio and then subtract 1 unit.

I'm also happy doing corrections at bedtime, although I do very occasionally hypo through the night especially if it's one of the two nights I do martial arts.

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Hi Bev

On the pump it's set to correct to 8mmol/L. I think it was started at 10 but we have moved it down. R's sensitivity at night is 1:10 but during the day it's 1:6.6
i correct over 8 as well, but thats only since i had that nasty clinic appointment. Before i would only correct serious highs above 15
Hi Bev

On the pump it's set to correct to 8mmol/L. I think it was started at 10 but we have moved it down. R's sensitivity at night is 1:10 but during the day it's 1:6.6

Ours is set to correct down to 7.5 but people do what they want don't they. The 'boss' on the email group her daughter has her corrections set to correct down to 5.5 I think and so does the little boy on the sensor pump (hoping you know who I mean🙂)

I don't think Bev means this though. I think she means at what number do we do a corrections. Becca do you correct everything over 8.0 now? (obviously within the timing rules)?

Bev I think the reason it is high to begin with is so you can get used the pump and get the basals right. I am hoping I explained myself properly. When I say we corrected over 14.0 and then 12.0 and now 10.0 that doesn't mean we correct down to those numbers. We always correct down to 7.5 from day one. Eventually I want to be correcting all readings over 8.0 but they will be corrected down to 7.5 unless that I change that particular setting but with Jessica that would be far too dodgy.

Have I made it more complicated now :confused:
He he - yes you have! Not entirely sure what you mean - sorry! Not sure which boy using sensors you mean either?Does it begin with E?🙂Bev
He he - yes you have! Not entirely sure what you mean - sorry! Not sure which boy using sensors you mean either?Does it begin with E?🙂Bev

Yes to the E.

Ok I'll try again. I correct everything over 10.0 at the moment. We use the wizard and it corrects down to 7.5 mmol. We have a sensitivity ratio of daytime 1 unit brings down by 6.5 mmol and at nightime 1 unit brings down by 16 mmol.

I will at some point change the correcting over 10 and bring that down to 8mmol but can't at the moment.

Is that better? I'm tired and need to go to bed I think 😱
I correct anything over 7 before meals, but I dont usually test 2 hours after meals if im very high though i will correct.

Just to rephrase what I said earlier, if my blood sugar is above 8 I would take a correction dose of insulin to get me down to between 4.5 and 7.5.

I'm on MDI and testing just before meals and taking insulin after I've eaten. I know 1 unit of bolus takes me down around 3 units, so if my blood sugar was 12 I'd take 2 units (1 unit would take me down to 9, so another unit should take me down to 6) to get me back down to within range.

Think that makes more sense this time 😉

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I correct anything over 7 before meals, but I dont usually test 2 hours after meals if im very high though i will correct.

Ah ha the plot thickens and my brain has started working. Gosh I'm so rubbish on this thread.

If Jessica is high at a meal time and we use the wizard then the pump will always correct anything over 7.5 to bring it down to 7.5 !!

When I was talking about the over 10 thing, I mean 2 hours after a meal or during the night, not at a mealtime, totally different kettle of fish !!!
Hi bev, I don't correct, but that's chiefly because my levels are rarely high - certainly never before a meal. If I'm at the top of my range just before my meal, I will 'round up' my carb-counted units and round down if at the low end, but that's as far as it goes.

Do you mean that if he was say, 8.5 before bed you would give him a correction?

I can't believe you NEVER need a pre-meal correction 😱
Hi Bev

I am a bit worried about adding to this thread in case i cause more confusion but this is what we do.

When first on the pump we only corrected if over 14 and used 1 unit to bring him down 4 but only aimed to bring him down to 10 (day or night). This was a starting point and is erring on the safe side until you learn their sensitivity to the pump insulin (because their requirements for insulin changes from when they were on mdi so you have to start with caution and better to run a little high to start with then come down gradually).

So, for example, when using rule above, he would need to be 14 before we could correct anyway because 14 - 4(=1 unit) = 10. If he was 16 then we would give 1.5 correction because 16 - 4(=1 unit) - 2(0.5 unit) = 10.

Now we are move confident of his insulin needs we correct to 7. We currently using 1unit = brings him down 4 for the daytime and 1unit = brings him down 5 for the nighttime. Apparantly the correction dose can vary throughout the day for some people.

If he too high before a meal we include the correction in the meal bolus (unless it going to be a slow meal in which case we would bolus the correction before eating and bolus for the meal after eating). If he too high two hours after eating we correct down to 7.

So at the moment, at night we can only correct if he 9.5 or over because
9.5 - 0.5 unit (which should bring him down 2.5 as we use 1unit = brings him down 5 at night) = 7.

I hope this makes sense. 🙂

Adrienne - I hope I am making sense and please correct me if i am (accidently) mis-leading Bev. I will not take offence! 🙂

Mand x
PS Bev.

We not using bolus wizard yet. 🙂
I can't believe you NEVER need a pre-meal correction 😱

I know it might sound unlikely, but I've looked back over my records since diagnosis, and it has never happened. What used to happen was that I would be below 4.0 more often, but that has improved now. In fact, I've only had 5 hypos in the last 30 days and one slightly false reading above 10 (false because it was taken at bedtime, before my NR had finished doing its stuff).
Hi Northerner,
So often when you describe your diabetic experiences, I identify. I think that we have a very similar type of diabetes.
My pump is set to correct premeal at below 70(3.8mmol) and above 120(6.6mmol). Its very rare for me to have a premeal reading above that but it often has to reduce the insulin for a lower reading. (I've had far too many hypos this month so we differ there at the moment)
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