When to check BG?

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Hello Lydia, I'm going to be singing that song now all night... 🙂

I was testing 2 eclairs...sent me to 8.1 an hour after. Don't even have a sweet tooth, what did I eat them for? Crazy lady. I try to measure at least three times a day, first thing and last thing for sure...

I hope you get free strips. Wish I did.
At least you experimented Ditto ~ its the only way to determine whether certain foods & drinks can or cannot be tolerated ~ I lurve choc eclaires - 1 doesn't spike me 🙂x
Thanks for all this information, Robin. Quite helpful. You mentioned that the annual blood test, an HbA1c, gives a three month average. I only get tested once a year because they tell me I have good control of my type 2 diabetes. I was having it every third month, as I requested this, but they stopped that for that reason...? Would it make much of a difference if it is done annually or three monthly if the real way of checking on this is via the testing strips?

Still plucking up courage to do my first test. Keep putting it off. Can't afford to do it too often, only about twice a day, but am looking at those links provided earlier to see if I can persuade my surgery to prescribe them.. lots of stress in my life right now so finding it difficult to keep focused..
Stress is a b**ch and won't be helping your levels to stay in range Lydia - can you do some of relaxation ~ lying down perhaps listening to some calm music 3 x daily breathing slowly? Hope so x
Would it make much of a difference if it is done annually or three monthly if the real way of checking on this is via the testing strips?
I think the HbA1c test and meter testing complement each other. The overall average will show up if you are missing anything when you aren't testing ( for example in the night, if your HbA1c is lower than you'd expect, it can mean overnight lows) , and the meter will show daytime spikes and lows which aren't 'visible' in the HbA1c. I get mine annually, because being on insulin I am funded to test with a meter all the time, but I think the NICE guidelines suggest that for people whose test strips aren't funded, they should have a three monthly HbA1c.
I think the HbA1c test and meter testing complement each other. The overall average will show up if you are missing anything when you aren't testing ( for example in the night, if your HbA1c is lower than you'd expect, it can mean overnight lows) , and the meter will show daytime spikes and lows which aren't 'visible' in the HbA1c. I get mine annually, because being on insulin I am funded to test with a meter all the time, but I think the NICE guidelines suggest that for people whose test strips aren't funded, they should have a three monthly HbA1c.
I wish Robin!😉
Wirralass - lucky you chocolate éclair not spiking you. Might try one sometime and see what happens to me. Pre-diabetic at present so trying to avoid going diabetic and testing foods to see what I can and cannot tolerate. Always thought it was pretty cut and dried until I came on here and saw the differences things like porridge, bread, apples make to people - i.e. some can tolerate and some cannot.
Where I live Robin I believe that is the case - i.e. hba1c every three months. Once a year for pre-diabetes and 4 a year for diabetics. I asked about testing when diagnosed last year pre-diabetic. My GP thought it was not worth it but obviously left it up to me as he cannot stop me. He said though that he could not prescribe a machine or strips as I was not diabetic.

I recall when I was working (now retired) for a surgeon and I said that everyone should be tested on a yearly basis for diabetes, BP, cholesterol, kidney function, liver function and thyroid so that things were picked up before they caused trouble. This would save the patient and the NHS lots of money and, as far as the patient is concerned, illness and distress. He felt it was false economy as the only people who would go for the tests were the "worried well" like me. We agreed to differ.

I have started testing now as I feel I need to know what spikes me and what does not. I have had three normal hba1cs since I went on the prevention programme but they creep up a little each time so I really need to know what is causing trouble, as something must be otherwise they would come down or stay the same. I am going to have to get one of the SD Codefrees though as the Accu Chek, whilst a good machine, is costly on strips.
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