When do you go on meds

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Metformin is usually the first choice for T2 as it doesn't make you put on weight unlike most of the others. Current guidleines state that Byetta may only be prescribed if the more standard medications have been tried and failed to get the patient's BS levels down to an acceptable level AND the patient has a weight problem... I fitted that last one no problem!

When prescribed Byetta, it seems to be the norm that the patient will remain on Metformin and or other meds - it not used as a substitute but an additional aid as far as I can tell. HTH x

From the horses mouth!...
When prescribed Byetta, it seems to be the norm that the patient will remain on Metformin and or other meds - it not used as a substitute but an additional aid as far as I can tell. HTH
yeah thats what i was told, it was never even mentioned to me that i came off metformin
I'm on it, my version is Glucophage SR with the SR standing for Slow Release. It's a lot easier on me than the plain Metformin was, though I still have some problems.

That is what I take, on my repeat prescription it says Metformin MR (modified release), and yes they are much better than ordinary Metformin, although I cannot tolerate 6x 500mg a day as that sends me to the bathroom, but I am ok with 5!!! Another Endo that I see said to talk to my Diabetes consultant about adding Sitagliptin to my meds when I see him.
Dave, do you know why are you on a higher than normal maximum dose of metformin?

In Feb when I saw the Consultant that is what he wanted me to try to see if my HbA1c will drop as it was 9.9% it went to 9.6 around June time but is back up to 9.8 .. I see him again on the 24th..
I was told I wouldn't be put on metformin as causes weight gain and I don't need that!
Was told would be a newer drug which caused weight loss but she kind of winced when said it - any ideas anyone what the newer drug may be?

The newer drugs would probably be a group of drugs called gliptins, such at sitagliptin.

They are not associated with weight gain and are very good for sustained lowering of BG's. Also in clinical trials very few people experienced adverse side effects, so that is another plus.

See link below for more details.

I was told that metformin takes 2 months to work properly is that true?? Also it has'nt surpressed my appetite & all i get is wind lol 😱
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