Whats on your bedside cabinet/table


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Thought it would be fun to compere what we all have on these,
cabinet {on r side}
lamp.2 books [britney spears the woman in me and a miss read book] extension socket [phone chager dvd player charger laptop charger ]
table [l side]
laptop portable dvd player +remote cup of cold coffee from last night the west wing dvd boxed set czrry on boxed set buzzer for staff mobile phone laptop +remote old diary

Due to the layout of my room, I have a "behind bed shelf" which contains
- Kindle - so a vast array of books
- phone charger - my CGM and insulin pump are controlled via my phone so it needs to be near me
- lamp
- candle for when i want more subdued lighting
- mug ring from the last time I had a cuppa in bed.

I also have an "under bed drawer" which I can access without getting up. It contains
- diabetes detritus and hypo treatment
- make up (not that I wear it in bed)
- hairbands for when i am reading and it decides to get in my eyes.

And, at night, my "diabetes kit bag" (meter, insulin, spare lancets, etc.) is slung over my bed post for easy access.
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I must be so boring as all I have is a lamp, a TV controller and a place mat for my
morning tea.

On the other hand, I just might be tidy!!
A lamp, a clock radio (yes, retro, but I like it), 3 books, a nail polish, lip balm, a phone charger, a packet of Dextro tablets, a glass of water and a space to put my Dexcom receiver.
Two bedside tables with a lamp on each - that's it. Things change quite radically at nighttime when my mobile phone keeps one of the lamps company 😉
A lamp, a pint glass on a coaster for the water I drink through the night, my current book and the book I'm reading next.

No gadgets or TV in the bedroom for me.
a touch lamp on each side of my bed
then on my side
usually some water
finger prick testing kit (unless it’s on the floor)
hypo treatment, not on top but in the drawer below
alexa (she lives in the echo dot in my bedroom)
asthma inhalles (that should be in the drawer)
tv & firestick remotes
mobile phone stand
pen & notepad
I also have a clock radio, @Inka, it was a wedding present 40 years ago, and it’s still going strong.
Doesn’t anyone have a box of tissues? Or am I the only one prone to waking up with a a snuffly nose in the middle of the night for no apparent reason?
Otherwise, I have my watch, ipad, book, nail file, nail scissors, hand cream, mug ready for morning tea (the kettle's on my husband's side) and my 2 insulin pens, spare needles, and Libre reader. Oh, and Jelly babies, of course!
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Plus another for the clock radio. I like to think it is from this century because it is a DAB radio. 🙂

But the TV is never in my bedroom. If I want to watch something late into the night, I can loaf on the sofa.
I feel slightly ikky when in a hotel by myself where the only place to sit is the bed and the only mindless entertainment after a long day of work is the telly. It just feels too slovenly for me.
What a great idea.
On my bedside cabinet, lamp, clock, book and radio.
Its amazing wot we have and how often the same things occur I excuse the amount by the fact that ihave a room
I have a lamp, clock alarm echo, remotes x2, Kindle, phone, couple of Kipling pouches with Asthma gear, and testing gear.
Hello, very little. Just a quirky Ikea nightstand for my charging phone which doubles as an alarm to wake me for work. My wife’s side is where “she who shall not be named” sits, atop a “floating” drawer stand her father made some 50 years ago? I gutted the room redesigning & decorating a year & a half back. It’s an area of tranquility now inspired by some of the places we’ve stayed & liked on our travels? Until the ceiling lamp comes on, then it’s like a Nevada nuclear test site. You seriously need a welder’s mask.
I also have a clock radio, @Inka, it was a wedding present 40 years ago, and it’s still going strong.
Doesn’t anyone have a box of tissues? Or am I the only one prone to waking up with a a snuffly nose in the middle of the night for no apparent reason?
Otherwise, I have my watch, ipad, book, nail file, nail scissors, hand cream, mug ready for morning tea (the kettle's on my husband's side) and my 2 insulin pens, spare needles, and Libre reader. Oh, and Jelly babies, of course!

I have a box of tissues too but they’re on a unit beside my bed rather than my bedside table. That’s a bit like an overflow area and has tissues, a small box of biscuits, a cannula/set, a pen and notepad and a moisturiser.
Thought it would be fun to compere what we all have on these,
cabinet {on r side}
lamp.2 books [britney spears the woman in me and a miss read book] extension socket [phone chager dvd player charger laptop charger ]
table [l side]
laptop portable dvd player +remote cup of cold coffee from last night the west wing dvd boxed set czrry on boxed set buzzer for staff mobile phone laptop +remote old diary

Too many books waiting to be read 🙄
Touch table lamp. Old school combination radio/LED alarm clock/landline phone. Books. Tweezers and scissors and stuff.
Touch table lamp. Old school combination radio/LED alarm clock/landline phone. Books. Tweezers and scissors and stuff.
Stuff??? More detail please :D
My phone, Lypsyl, various pills that I take before bed and when getting up, lots of lavender spray for my pillow, and balm for my pressure points, magnesium spray, ( I’m a rubbish sleeper so need all the help I can get). My current book, my reading glasses, Kendal mintcake, watch and diamond solitaire ring which I always remove before bed, a pot of random earrings, my journal, which I write in everynight, and a biro. Oh and always a glass of water on a really nice glass coaster that was a present from my youngest daughter from one her many holidays. May I add it’s a chest of drawers as opposed to a bedside cabinet hence the vast array of “stuff”!
Good game, good game! 😉
I also have a clock radio, @Inka, it was a wedding present 40 years ago, and it’s still going strong.
Doesn’t anyone have a box of tissues? Or am I the only one prone to waking up with a a snuffly nose in the middle of the night for no apparent reason?
Otherwise, I have my watch, ipad, book, nail file, nail scissors, hand cream, mug ready for morning tea (the kettle's on my husband's side) and my 2 insulin pens, spare needles, and Libre reader. Oh, and Jelly babies, of course!
If I’m full of cold I always take a box of tissues up with me. But otherwise no, if I feel the need to blow my nose I’ll pop into en-suite and grab a slice of loo roll! And then immediately regret it, not as good as Kleenex balm tissues. Think I’ll copy you and have a box as a permanent feature. I may have to lose something though, it’s already crammed!
On my bedside table you'll find the following....

A Lamp

A DAB digital radio
A copy of "Carrie"by Stephen King
A DVD player
And most importantly of all.....
My diabetes bag containing my diabetes Equipment.