Whats insulin made from?

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I'm pretty confident that any male fish that externally fertilises - releases its sperm into the water where it may or may not come into contact with a previously unfertilised egg - can definitely "donate" sperm without dying, although I'm not sure about the concept of informed consent by fish, even higher bony fish such as various species of salmon.
I'll have to research the history of fish farming a bit before answering the rest of your question... Harvesting fish sperm wasn't covered in depth (well at all, actually!) during my BSc Marine Biology 1989 - 92.I guess either the demand was relativley low, so could be met by a few fish living in tanks, where harvesting would be easy, perhaps "encouraged" by chemicals to release their sperm, or sperm could have been taken from dead fish killed for food - although sperm from inside a fish body wouldn't be as "ripe" as sperm released into the water as happens with ntural spawning.
Environmentally, fish farming can mean more sustainable use of resources, because there is less pressure on wild stocks, but it's a complex issue, as things (food, faeces, medicine etc) falling though the nets have an impact on other marine organisms in the water and on the seabed, air breathing birds and seals can get tangled and drown in nets, farmed fish can escape and interbreed with wild stocks, where their differentt genetics can affect wil fish.

All I can say is, thank god I am not a fish. You go for a swim, you accidentally get pregnant! ha ha ha!
more on fish reproduction

No need to feel sorry for fish, Sugarbum, they don't get pregnant if they do external fertilisation - the fertilised eggs just float around in the water. The majority get eaten before they grow into fish, and then more get eaten before they get big enough to reproduce. Now, seahorses and pipefish - they've got the right idea - internal fertilisation, but then the male takes hold of the young and looks after them inside his brood patches, while female goes off fancy free...
(Glad to say, I'm home from work now [no longer working in marine biology], as not sure what colleagues would say if they caught sight of what I've been typing today!)
well well well you learn something everyday...good one for the pub quiz i thinks....what i want to know is if your T2 and not on insulin do you get extra protection if you eat the sperm? i love Roe fried up especially herring roe but dont particulary like the milts ?
Hmm, I wonder if we could get caviar on prescription?:D
It's can amazing what you find on the net,
Protamine Insulinate H. C. HAGEDORN, M.D. 1937
He was the founder of the Nordisc laboratory and the person who brought insulin to Europe.
....Accordingly we could not expect to have obtained one of the most suitable protamines at the very beginning, and so we began collecting ripe sperm from different fishes in the Mediterranean, Atlantic, and North Sea, as well as in the Danube, Elbe,V'istula, and the Scandinavian rivers .......... For this work we have chosen a protamine, as far as we know not hitherto prepared, which seems to us more suitable than the others, and which has the further advantage of being easily prepared from easily obtainable raw material, protamine of the rainbow trout, Salmo irideus. The protamine obtained was called salmiridin.
No need to feel sorry for fish, Sugarbum, they don't get pregnant if they do external fertilisation - the fertilised eggs just float around in the water. The majority get eaten before they grow into fish, and then more get eaten before they get big enough to reproduce. Now, seahorses and pipefish - they've got the right idea - internal fertilisation, but then the male takes hold of the young and looks after them inside his brood patches, while female goes off fancy free...
(Glad to say, I'm home from work now [no longer working in marine biology], as not sure what colleagues would say if they caught sight of what I've been typing today!)

well well well you learn something everyday...good one for the pub quiz i thinks....what i want to know is if your T2 and not on insulin do you get extra protection if you eat the sperm? i love Roe fried up especially herring roe but dont particulary like the milts ?

It's can amazing what you find on the net,
Protamine Insulinate H. C. HAGEDORN, M.D. 1937
He was the founder of the Nordisc laboratory and the person who brought insulin to Europe.


I am sooooo impressed with you guys! I find all this facinating. It suddenly occured to me how Id been injecting stuff for years and never taken the time to even know what goes on. I read the label on everything but all this I had completely ignored- and now I am enlightened!

AlisonM- loving your trail of thought. I see another petition on the horizon!

Copepod- thanks for the info- I find all that really interesting actually. And good for you too, because I paid a lot for my uni education which I have to say Ive forgotten mostly! You would be a great asset as Am64 said in the pub quiz!

HelenM- great work!

Damn, wish I was a sea horse 😉
university education

"Copepod- thanks for the info- I find all that really interesting actually. And good for you too, because I paid a lot for my uni education which I have to say Ive forgotten mostly! You would be a great asset as Am64 said in the pub quiz!"
Sugarbum - perhaps it's precisely because I had grants for both my university degrees, that I feel it's so important that I use the information I learned wisely for the benefit of myself and others - that's not meant to sound self satisfied, and I'm sure I'd be more out to recoup my costs if I'd paid for my degrees. As grant during BSc was pretty small, I also worked 1 or 2 shifts per week as a bank nurse in NHS hospitals, plus served at a TA nursing officer, working around 6 weekends per year, plus 1 x 15 day camp or course or military hospital stint (before I got diabetes and can no longer serve). This left my vacations largely free for voluntary work eg activity holidays for disabled adults and children, rehab centre / domestic violence refuge in Mexico and a youth expedition to South Greenland. During my MSc my grant was larger, but I still worked over New Year as a relief warden in an international student hospital, did a couple of transport surveys and helped with other research in the public health department (NHS, not academic department) where I carried out my research project.
I feel that today's students have a much tougher deal and will, completely understandably, have different attitudes.
Thanks for getting me thinking about fish again!
COPEPOD! Got your TV on?

BBC1 "Life" 4/10 on fish and they literally just did the male seahorse homing all the aggs and then them hatching! Brilliant stuff! Just what you were describing! No doubt you are already watching.
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