Whatever happened to ‘Miracle Dan’?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone else remember a man called Daniel Darks (?) who had Type 1 diabetes but was able to stop taking insulin? The press referred to him as Miracle Dan. He’d gone to the US for tests and apparently they found he had a rare gene that changed him immune system (or something similar) and ‘restarted his pancreas’.

I remember reading the story a couple of years ago. He was waiting for the results of tests, and it was said that if he stayed off insulin for 2 years that would count as a cure.

I googled to find out what happened but can only find the original story not any updates.

I don’t think he was cured, so I’m not sitting here pinning my hopes on that. Personally I think he was misdiagnosed. But I’d like to know what the final outcome of his case was, if anyone knows?
Does anyone else remember a man called Daniel Darks (?) who had Type 1 diabetes but was able to stop taking insulin? The press referred to him as Miracle Dan. He’d gone to the US for tests and apparently they found he had a rare gene that changed him immune system (or something similar) and ‘restarted his pancreas’.

I remember reading the story a couple of years ago. He was waiting for the results of tests, and it was said that if he stayed off insulin for 2 years that would count as a cure.

I googled to find out what happened but can only find the original story not any updates.

I don’t think he was cured, so I’m not sitting here pinning my hopes on that. Personally I think he was misdiagnosed. But I’d like to know what the final outcome of his case was, if anyone knows?

Inka - I haven't looked for him in ages, but he was active on Twitter at one stage. You might be able to find him there?
No idea! I only have the vaguest memory of the story, and think I filed it with stuff like Halle Berry in the ‘probably a mix up, not worth worrying about‘ section :D
No idea! I only have the vaguest memory of the story, and think I filed it with stuff like Halle Berry in the ‘probably a mix up, not worth worrying about‘ section :D

Lol - probably very wise :D I automatically file the “There’ll be a cure in 5 years” stories in my mental dustbin, but this guy stuck in my head because of the ‘rare gene’ thing, which sounded strange. if I find he’s cured via Twitter, i’ll be back to announce the good news!
No idea! I only have the vaguest memory of the story, and think I filed it with stuff like Halle Berry in the ‘probably a mix up, not worth worrying about‘ section :D

I read a fair amount about him a while ago, and he does seem a genuine anomaly. I wouldn't go as far as to suggest wrongly diagnosed or whatever, but maybe more like something recovered in him body, allowing his pancreas to produce a bit of insulin - for now.
Does anyone else remember a man called Daniel Darks (?) who had Type 1 diabetes but was able to stop taking insulin? The press referred to him as Miracle Dan. He’d gone to the US for tests and apparently they found he had a rare gene that changed him immune system (or something similar) and ‘restarted his pancreas’.

I remember reading the story a couple of years ago. He was waiting for the results of tests, and it was said that if he stayed off insulin for 2 years that would count as a cure.

I googled to find out what happened but can only find the original story not any updates.

I don’t think he was cured, so I’m not sitting here pinning my hopes on that. Personally I think he was misdiagnosed. But I’d like to know what the final outcome of his case was, if anyone knows?
Hi Inka,

See link below on the Dan Darkes posts. However it has been 1.5 years since he made any posts. He said he was running 80miles per week and that's what caused a change in his body, hence cured.

He said:

"there's no confirmed name for the gene as of yet, but it has generated dormant cells which have layed in my pancreas for this time to be recharged, therefore my pancreas to be working again, doctors have combined this with my long distance running, sending my organ into a "shock". It's a ongoing progress , and all looks good."

Inka, i'm off to do a marathon now! I'll let you know tomorrow the result.🙂

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Does anyone else remember a man called Daniel Darks (?) who had Type 1 diabetes but was able to stop taking insulin? The press referred to him as Miracle Dan. He’d gone to the US for tests and apparently they found he had a rare gene that changed him immune system (or something similar) and ‘restarted his pancreas’.

I remember reading the story a couple of years ago. He was waiting for the results of tests, and it was said that if he stayed off insulin for 2 years that would count as a cure.

I googled to find out what happened but can only find the original story not any updates.

I don’t think he was cured, so I’m not sitting here pinning my hopes on that. Personally I think he was misdiagnosed. But I’d like to know what the final outcome of his case was, if anyone knows?
I don't know if this was a cure or misdiagnosis or some unknown condition, but it is fascinating to think that a cure could be found without any medical intervention.
Haha @Amity Island :D I’m happy to let you do that experiment:D I’m still involved in the ‘does chocolate cure diabetes’ trials I initiated around Easter😉

I couldn’t find him on Twitter. There were only references to him doing a run.
It's a shame he's gone off radar!
Perhaps DiabetesUK could keep an eye on his progress? he could be the missing link to a cure, one that would cost nothing!
Thanks @Bruce Stephens 😉 That article suggests MODY.

Yes, it’s certainly fascinating to think about an accidental cure, so to speak. When I was first diagnosed, I used to think that maybe they’d made a mistake or maybe if I just ate/didn’t eat this or that or did/didn’t do something, it would go away. I still think about that occasionally now because something non-medical would be great, but it’s more wishful thinking.
In the live science magazine it says

"Live Science requested Darkes' medical records from Northamptonshire General Hospital communications manager Eva Duffy. She said the European Union forbids the release of patient medical records or test results even with a signed waiver. Duffy would not confirm or deny any of Darkes' claims."
I found him on Instagram. He says he is 5 years insulin free now, and is writing a book about it all due to be out in Oct 2022. He is waiting to run a marathon in the dessert… but is still running a lot! He goes by Dan, look him up on Instagram.
Thank you @UK Mom Misdiagnosed, I presume? I got the impression he had MODY not Type 1.
Are you asking if he was misdiagnosed? I have no idea I never talked to the man. The question was what happened to him and has anyone seen anything more from him. So I found him and his comment from this year so shared it. If the question was if I was misdiagnosed, then no I have been a T1D for over 10 years nearly 20 now… sorry I thought I was just helping by saying he is still out there. You could ask him on Instagram if he was misdiagnosed or wait and read his apparent book in October. ‍♀️
It made me wonder why we never hear of people having a pancreas transplant, reading about it seems to be a very feasible treatment, with a pretty good chance of success.
It made me wonder why we never hear of people having a pancreas transplant, reading about it seems to be a very feasible treatment, with a pretty good chance of success.
A pancreas transplant is perfectly possible, but I understand it’s only ever done together with a kidney transplant, if that’s needed. The reason being, once you've had a transplant you need anti-rejection drugs, with all the immunosuppressive risks they bring. Which is worth it if your kidneys have packed up, but as insulin treatment is available, it’s reckoned to be the lesser of two evils if it’s just a question of the pancreas.
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