What would you do?

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Thanks Margie, I have just read the article, several people have mentioned to me about the coenzyme Q10 but interestingly none of the doctors! I will ask about it if it seems I am to remain on a statin. The potentially life threatening side effect that is mentioned is the symptoms I was getting and yet 2 doctors failed to pick up on it. This is why I'm so afraid. Thank you for your link and your kind words. I will let you all know on Friday how I'm feeling after taking the new one on Thursday evening.xx

I fully understand your reluctance and am currently running away from making a similar decision myself (I'm keeping away from my GP for the moment to avoid having the conversation!).

However, I'm not being completely daft about it. I'm currently in the process of losing a pile of excess weight and also getting over the effects of a fatty liver. From my perspective, I'd much rather get those issues out of the way first before tackling my cholesterol levels. With any luck, my cholesterol levels will be within the required range by the time I see the GP next. If not, then I'll decide whether or not to take them, but won't have any other 'baggage' in the way of making that decision!

Another thing I will say is that there is no way I'll be taking a statin if my cholesterol levels are fine. Mind you I have not had a heart attack or stroke and my family does not have any history of that either.

Meanwhile, I hope the new statin works for you, if you decide to take it.

Andy 🙂
Another thing I will say is that there is no way I'll be taking a statin if my cholesterol levels are fine. Mind you I have not had a heart attack or stroke and my family does not have any history of that either.

Absolutely 100% agree with that. My total chol is a tad on the high side like yours Flutterby, but with a nice healthy whack of good and all but no trigs.

I have the statin conversation every year at annual review and I'm still refusing to take them. If I'd had your reaction and your recent strokes I really don't know what I'd do.

Hope you find a way though the impossible-decision maze.

It's so good to hear that other people wouldn't know what to do either. Have decided that starting tomorrow night I will take half a tablet and see how I go, that's 10mg. At least then if I do get bad reactions they will only be half as bad! After a few days I will take a whole tab and see how I go. Any more problems and that's it. Will start a new post once the fun begins, at least this way I've tried all I can. From then on it's out of my hands. xx
I, like you, had a stroke and I take simvastatin. I seem to tolerate it ok, although I do get very tired a lot. However I can't say if simvastatin causes this or not.
It's interesting how we are all so different, weird too as we are all the same basic make-up, I was on simvastatin for 6 days before the diagnosis and then they switched me to a stronger one so it didn't get a fair test. It did give me a cough though.
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