What Type Of Fast Acting Insulin Do You Use?

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Hey Rubyloo!

I'm having the same problem as yourself although I am on humalog x3 and levemir x1. My counts seem to be either sky high or having a hypo (altho becuase counts have been so high for so many years I feel hypo at around 8). Trying to rectify things at the moment but like you finding it hard eating when I'm not hungry. Do you do carb counting? I've just tried to start this and finding it hard. NOt getting support from nurse either and struggling on my tod with it!

How are things for you now? x
Got a new pen yesterday for my novorapid. Blue, yellow with a touch of green. must be fashion thing.🙄

Blue, yellow and green? Bleurgh! Makes my orange one look quite good. 😛

I quite liked the old design where the pen case itself was blue with orange hints and the insulin bottle itself was clear. Made it easy to see how much insulin I had left. Now they've encased the bottle part with bands of orange plastic meaning I've only got little windows to see the insulin amount through.
they changed the pen to make them more distictive so people have less chance of mixing up their insulin pens.
Lucky I'm not colour blind eh! 😛

The OCD in me now wants the Levemir styled the same way, but in green. :D
they changed it too and the novomix too. Probably you'll get them when your pharmacy has got rid of all the old style ones.
Got a new pen yesterday for my novorapid. Blue, yellow with a touch of green. must be fashion thing.🙄

may sound a little random a question but how often do you get new pens, is it just when one you have 'stops working' or do you get updates often? I've been diagnosed 4 1/2 years now and still using the same ones I had originally, never thought about asking for anything new...
may sound a little random a question but how often do you get new pens, is it just when one you have 'stops working' or do you get updates often? I've been diagnosed 4 1/2 years now and still using the same ones I had originally, never thought about asking for anything new...

Hmm sounds to me like you have a standard pen and you change the refill or cartridge in it? Which suggests you aren't on Novorapid or Levemir. Am I right?

The Novorapid and Levemir pens I have get binned when the insulin runs out and I get a new pen from the fridge. I've been told that the pens last about 6 weeks in the fridge so any insulin pens left over after 6 weeks get binned and I get me a new prescription for some replacements. 🙂
Hmm sounds to me like you have a standard pen and you change the refill or cartridge in it? Which suggests you aren't on Novorapid or Levemir. Am I right?

The Novorapid and Levemir pens I have get binned when the insulin runs out and I get a new pen from the fridge. I've been told that the pens last about 6 weeks in the fridge so any insulin pens left over after 6 weeks get binned and I get me a new prescription for some replacements. 🙂

on novorapid but yes a cartridge refill one
I use Novorapid and I have the same one I was first given (about 5 years ago). It's a refill one and it's silver. Maybe I should get a new one soon...

I like that it's silver and not multi-coloured though hehe 🙂
prefer cartridges over pre-filled pens

Fortunately, I find that various pens have suited me over the years - only ot new ones when cartridge size changed from 1.5ml to 3ml, when I broke one and when I lost a couple while travelling. Personally, I would object (on environmental grounds) to the waste of resources involved in getting a whole new pen each time I used a new cartridge in a pre-filled pen. I realise they may be more suitable for people with sight and / or hand use problems, but that doesn't apply to most people. Also, pre-filled pens would take up a lot more space in the fridge than my cartridges, after I have removed them from the cardboard boxes, separated the 5 cartridges from each other and stowed in a plastic clip-lock food box.
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may sound a little random a question but how often do you get new pens, is it just when one you have 'stops working' or do you get updates often? I've been diagnosed 4 1/2 years now and still using the same ones I had originally, never thought about asking for anything new...

This my second new pen in four and half years. the old silver one i use for my insulatard and my new blue one for my novorapid.🙂
I like the Novopens, there is a new one out novopen 4, supposed to be a nice pen maybe you could blag one from your DSN? Or get your GP to write a prescription.
Novopen 4 eh? How do I tell what number my pen I have? 😛

Perhaps we ought to do a photo gallery of our different pens. :D
Novopen 4 eh? How do I tell what number my pen I have? 😛

Perhaps we ought to do a photo gallery of our different pens. :D

I was astounded when on an education course to be shown about 30 different pens! I've got a novopen 3 and autopen 24 for lantus.
im using novorapid for my fast acting. does anyone else use insulatard for their slow acting??
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