What Pump to choice for my daughter

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I have a tubed pump and wear it in a Hid In soft belt round my waist under my dress. My pump can be controlled by my phone so I don’t need to take it out.
Good point. I don't remote bolus, so I do everything on the pump. But if someone had a pump with a remote bolus feature, a pump belt would be useful under a dress.
Good point. I don't remote bolus, so I do everything on the pump. But if someone had a pump with a remote bolus feature, a pump belt would be useful under a dress.

Absolutely. I didn’t use to mind about taking my pump out but now I can do everything on my phone, I only get it out to check it’s ok and change reservoirs. I can bolus, do a temporary basal, edit my basal rates, etc, all on my normal phone (it’s a Dana pump).
I've got a pump with tubes and I occasionally wear dresses.

I try to get dresses that have pockets (in general, not just because of diabetes) and I sew large button holes into the pockets that the pump can slip through. The tubing can go from my infusion set, under my clothes and into my pocket, making it easy to take out the pump when I want to check where my blood sugar is at, when get an alarm and when I need to bolus. Having the pump in a belt under a dress would mean needing to lift up the dress to get to the belt and the pump.

The dress modification might sound like a faff, but it was easy and makes life with a pump a bit simpler for me. Any seamstress should be able to do it if you explain what you want.

I do have a pump belt (Spibelt, they make kids sizes too) but I use it at night so my pump doesn't get tangled when I sleep. I do use it around the house during the day sometimes if I'm not wearing something with pockets, but more often I just tuck my pump into my trousers, shorts or skirt.
Thank this is a good idea . Hopefully we won’t have a problem with having to take it out all the time as she should be able to control it all from her phone .
I have a tubed pump and wear it in a Hid In soft belt round my waist under my dress. My pump can be controlled by my phone so I don’t need to take it out. When I had a pump I did need to take out, I’d either put it in a Tubigrip round my thigh or simply bolus with a pen if that was more convenient.

I’ve never found any issues with tubed pumps. I like being able to disconnect them in literally a second or two; I like being able to put the cannula in more places; and, most importantly, I think it’s crucial to have a choice of cannulas. The wrong cannula can ruin the most fantastic pump in the world.

In your position, I’d go for the tubed pump with the loop. I’d also ask if there was any chance of getting a different loopable pump like the Dana i or the T Slim mentioned above.
Thank you. The tubigrip is a good idea . I will have a look into the choices of cannulas I hadn’t thought of this. At the minute the only pump we can get to loop with the Libre 3 is the Ypso be after doing some research it seems a good pump.
Thank you. The tubigrip is a good idea . I will have a look into the choices of cannulas I hadn’t thought of this. At the minute the only pump we can get to loop with the Libre 3 is the Ypso be after doing some research it seems a good pump.

I can’t stress the importance of the cannulas enough @Rob C They are potentially the weak point of any pump. Having a choice is so important. It’s nothing to do with preference and everything to do with efficiency. I use different cannula types in different body areas because some types simply don’t work in that area. It’s not just a question of Teflon or steel cannulas, it’s also the angle of the cannula. Many go in at 90 degrees but lots of people find they need angled cannulas that go in at 30 or 45 degrees for all or some body areas. Obviously you’re not going to know in advance what will suit your daughter, but having a choice gives you a much better chance of getting things right rather than being tied to one cannula type.

Good luck. It’s an exciting thing but can be nerve-wracking too because it’s different. However, I found I soon got used to the pump and very soon didn’t even notice it.
The OP's daughter is 8. This is unlikely to be a solution for her.
Good point @helli . One to log for the future!!!!!

@Rob C I look forward to hearing what your daughter decides on and how she gets on with it.
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