what levels?

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Actually, I usually am around or below 9 mmol at 2 hours. I know this because I usually go for my run around 2 hours after breakfast and always measure before and after the run. This morning I woke to 5.4, then was 9.3 before run and 8.2 after. I expect to be around 5 before lunch. Looking back at my running records I range from 4.9 to 9.8 at the 2 hr stage pre-run, then usually rise or fall a fraction after the run.
Thats great Northerner! If Alex was 9.3 before a run - he would probably drop to 4/5 after a half hour run and would need a cereal bar or something to stop him hypoing! Bev
Glad to hear numbers are so improved, bev, wow! Alex must feel so much better. Much more energy, I bet?

We work to the same figures as are coming through from sofaraway, eg 4-8 pre meal, less than 10 after. These days don't tend to measure as much 2 hours meal -- I'm convinced that the novorapid actually peaks at more like 2.5 hours for E, so that tends to feel a truer reading...

Two more things: picked up the pump to play today! Yay! And: insulin on the increase again. The DSN wasn't kidding when she said expect it to keep going up and up. E is now on about 50 units overall for 44 kgs weight! Delighted though that he is getting more food in, more insulin...And numbers aren't desperately bad either, 5,6,7,8, and the occasional 9,10,11. Feeling like more things are possible in this long haul...
Wow Patricia - i bet your all excited! I am excited for you! What pump do you have and what features does it have? When does E get a saline practice? 🙂 Bev

p.s. Yes Alex has so much more energy and seems a lot happier - his face doesnt look so sad anymore!
No idea what features yet, just back from school pick up and have left it to E to 'unwrap'. It's a medtronic one -- we wanted one that would work alongside CGMs right away. Saline practice scheduled for 2 June. Not long now...Thank goodness. Every injection is a leaving a bruise. Can't seem to fix that. Too skinny.:(
Adriennes daughter has the medtronic - so i am sure she will help with any little queries! Did you get achoice of a pump then? I am starting to think the medtronic sounds the best bet as it is the only one with a cgm - although i dont know if we are 'allowed' to choose which one we would like anyway. I bet E is excited isnt he? No more injections - yeh!!!🙂 Bev
Yes, medtronic is the market leader, apparently... And we went for it precisely because it has a good replacement and response record, the cgm, etc. You *should* get a bit of a choice?

Excited yes. But he also tends to take all in his stride, really. What he really wants is good numbers. The injections are generally painful for him, but what annoys him more are the swings, and having to judge when to eat and not, etc. Case in point: last night was at 4.7 (why? no idea), so had snack. This morning, 11. We think, well at least he was safe. He thinks, too high! With a pump we would have been able to suspend basal, then re-check, but keep him in range. He would have woken up happier!

Unwrapped pump: absolutely *tiny*! We were stunned. It's such a neat, neat bit of kit. *So* much to learn: a massive book and lots of bits of paper, reservoirs, insertion kits etc. Erk. Going to have to take time off work to sort it!🙄
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