What is meant by False Hypos

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Since the thread has already gone off topic, can I ask what was the "thing" the "point" which convinced you to go vegetarian? @Inka helped me in this direction in one of her posts on here a while back, but although I have as a result greatly reduced meat in my diet, I still haven't given it up completely.
I have not eaten meat for over 20 years.
I gave it up when I learnt about factory farming techniques.
I have never been against the idea of eating meat but I have struggled with the suffering of animals for our gain.
Twenty years ago, it was very difficult to find free range meat so it was easier to cut it out.

Free range meat is much more common but, after so long, I do not miss meat and have no reason to reintroduce it back into my diet.

Free range eggs have been easier to source although the same is not directly true about free range dairy products. However, badly treated cows produce a lower milk yield. Therefore, it is generally (although not always) considered economically beneficial for diary farmers to look after their cows welfare.

Regarding plant based products that resemble meat, I understand the point of them but rarely eat them. I never liked bacon. I tried a Beyond Burger but didn't like the texture because I found it too "meaty". However, I do eat herby vegetarian sausages as they are an easy "packaged" protein when I can eat something similar to my non-vegetarian partner and enjoy the herbiness rather than the meatiness.
It's going to sound ridiculous, but it was cows that made me go vegetarian. I used to walk past a farm with beef cattle in the field, and the cows would come up to the fence. They're inquisitive creatures, and will come and check you out, and a couple of them would let you scratch their ears (if you search in youtube for cow scratching machines, cows are clearly having a great time with the scratching machine).
So, I made a connection of sorts with them, and couldn't bear the thought of them being on my plate, so I cut out beef, then everything else eventually after that over a space of a year or so. There's loads of other reasons for being vegetarian (welfare/ environmental), but this isn't the place for them really, particularly on a thread on hypos.
The only thing that has stopped me giving up meat completely is the break in the chain from animal to plate. I certainly couldn't kill or hurt an animal or see an animal being killed, and certainly couldn't go onto eat an animal I was stroking a few moments before, but when you don't see the whole process....
What gets me is all the “not bacon” and “not ham” and stuff that you see in the shops, plant based food dressed up to look like meat. What is the point of that? If you don’t want to eat meat, don’t eat it, I’m certainly not going to get into an argument about the ethics of it; but why pretend? Just eat a plate of vegetables and be proud! And then you go to a pub for a meal and they have “not fish and chips” on the menu, and they proudly tell you that there is no fish in it but they don’t tell you what it actually is. Forgive me, but if I’m going to choose a meal in a pub or restaurant I want to know what it is made of, not what it isn’t!


Vegetarian food advertised as ‘second best’ ? 🙂

I just wish they would stop saying ‘fake turkey’ ‘fake bacon’ and create a new meme that is an an alternative to meat.

I’m not an ‘idealogical vegetarian’ but since Brexit has removed the obligation for food producers to conform to EU food standards I’ve become far more wary of what I eat. Especially meat. I’ve moved on to eating meat occasionally and checking where it comes from, and looking for interesting vegetarian alternatives.
The only thing that has stopped me giving up meat completely is the break in the chain from animal to plate. I certainly couldn't kill or hurt an animal or see an animal being killed, and certainly couldn't go onto eat an animal I was stroking a few moments before, but when you don't see the whole process....

I’ve always thought that to be a truly moral and authentic carnivore requires being personally prepared to slaughter an animal and cut it up and cook it yourself. Shouldn’t ask others to do something you wouldn’t be prepared to do yourself? I probably couldn’t do that. But if push came to shove I could probably catch and gut fish for my own consumption if I really had to.
It's going to sound ridiculous, but it was cows that made me go vegetarian. I used to walk past a farm with beef cattle in the field, and the cows would come up to the fence. They're inquisitive creatures, and will come and check you out, and a couple of them would let you scratch their ears (if you search in youtube for cow scratching machines, cows are clearly having a great time with the scratching machine).
So, I made a connection of sorts with them, and couldn't bear the thought of them being on my plate, so I cut out beef, then everything else eventually after that over a space of a year or so. There's loads of other reasons for being vegetarian (welfare/ environmental), but this isn't the place for them really, particularly on a thread on hypos.
I feel the same. Animals are fully conscious, sentient beings and I think to myself, it's not right to kill them. Perhaps one day in the future, when we have moved away from killing animals, we will tell stories of times gone by when humans used to eat animals and think I can't believe humans ever did that!
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