What foods play havoc with your blood sugar levels.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Just out of intrest is there certain foods/drinks that you stay away from because they send your BS levels all over the place.
hi simone welcome i have caught up with some of your threads ...for me Fruit !!😱 but if im careful with all my other stuff i can get away with a bit ...but Im T2 :(


Cheese sends mine hay wire.. and do I love cheese.. must be the local mouse..😱
so far, naan bread, chappati, rice (other than basmati) send mine high - all the food i love :-(
That's intresting cause Harry had coucous at nursery and he was high.
Hi simone3112,

I'm a non-insulin dependent Type 2 who was diagnosed more than nine years ago.

After the obvious things like simple sugars and sugary food, it's the starchy carbohydrates that send me into double figures - i.e. cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, pizza and pastry.

Just so long as I minimise the amount of that type of food that I eat then I have no problems whatsoever in maintaining non-diabetic blood glucose levels below 7.5 mmol/l at all times including one hour after finishing eating tests.

Best wishes - John
Hi simone3112,

I'm a non-insulin dependent Type 2 who was diagnosed more than nine years ago.

After the obvious things like simple sugars and sugary food, it's the starchy carbohydrates that send me into double figures - i.e. cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, pizza and pastry.

Just so long as I minimise the amount of that type of food that I eat then I have no problems whatsoever in maintaining non-diabetic blood glucose levels below 7.5 mmol/l at all times including one hour after finishing eating tests.

Best wishes - John

Hi John

Thanks for that. Its certainly food for thought😉I know potatoes and bread r ok. Do these starchy food keep u high for a long period as well???
...........I know potatoes and bread r ok. Do these starchy food keep u high for a long period as well???
Hi again simone3112,

Yes - they do!

Don't know what you mean about bread and potatoes being OK?

Hi again simone3112,

Yes - they do!

Don't know what you mean about bread and potatoes being OK?


We eat alot of bread and potatoes and i've never noticed him fluctuating as a result.
Hi again simone3112,

I'm a non-insulin dependent Type 2 myself however I'd certainly be very cautious indeed regarding the effect of bread and potatoes on raising blood glucose levels.

Best wishes - John
That's intresting cause Harry had coucous at nursery and he was high.

But with such a young child as Harry, it must be very difficult to pinpoint whether it's a particular food or something else entirely.

Even when you'r much older I don't think a one off rise tells you much. Soon after diagnosis a tiny portion of rice sent my levels into the stratosphere.On the forums I read of lots of people who said that they avoid rice.Afterwards, I avoided rice until one day I had to eat some or go hungry; my levels were fine. Now it's part of my normal diet.(and I know a lot more about the various types of rice!)
Conversly,yesterday, I felt dreadful within 2 hours of breakfast, I tested and had a reading of 12.9mmol. For me that level is now very high, the highest level I've had in a couple of years. I've no idea what caused the spike but I eat that breakfast most days with no problems.
Hi again simone3112,

I'm a non-insulin dependent Type 2 myself however I'd certainly be very cautious indeed regarding the effect of bread and potatoes on raising blood glucose levels.

Best wishes - John

I think your situation is completely different to Harry's, John. As a 4 y.o. child his diet shouldn't be restricted in the same way that an adult T2 might need to be.
I'm diet controlled type 2, and what sends me higher are rice, breakfast cereals (other than porridge) and...chips...shh dont tell anyone, I'm on a diet! 😉
Pizza is always a tricky one for me. I am on a pump and have found that I have to put on an extended bolus for about 4-6 hours if I eat a few slices otherwise I am very high the next day
pizza plays havoc with jacks levels, hes only had pizza twice since diagnosis last Aug. Going to try him again next week as we have just changed to MDI. think it will still play havoc by the sounds of it though.
Gemma, I find that splitting the dose for pizza works quite well for me, and I know it does for some others as well. I'd take half the dose up front, and then check after two hours and take the rest then, because of the later kick pizza tends to have. 🙂
Couscous sends my blood sugars all over the place & it doesn't matter how many different ways i try & bolus for it i can't get it right but rice is fine if i do a dual wave bolus, i've given up on couscous
yep quite a few 😛 chinese takeaway , pizza , doritos , pastys/sauage rolls (anything with pastry on) cake im sure theres a few more....i'll tell u if i eat one and remember lol
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