What do you think of the NHS App?

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That is weird
I have access to my test results and have full medical records accessible. I can also send an email to my GP with a query or access links to other support that might be helpful. I wonder whether it depends on your GP practice and whic services they have bought into.
Pretty certain GPs have some control over what patients see.

i can see my full record, attachments and so on, order prescriptions, see test result, but can’t book any appointments, or see appointments. MyGP can send me messages, but I can’t send anything to him he will respond to or action.

I like the app. I don’t care for how my GP is using it.
Hear Hear!
Had a total doozie of a message last week. This is it verbatim, except for my name (for obvious reasons):

"Dear AndBreathe, Your last blood test showed your cholesterol was high. Would you like another blood test to monitor your cholesterol, with a view to start medication such as a statin or increase your medication if already on cholesterol medication?"

I was then asked to complete a survey, which was essentially, my option. Those options were (paraphrasing as it is no longer visible to me), "Yes, I would like another test with a view to starting medication", or "No, I would like an appointment with the pharmacist to arrange medication".

No option to decline both test and medication. I couldn't believe it. Speechless, so had my OH check I wasn't reading something that wasn't there.

Within 12 hours, the response options were amended to the same, yes I'd like a test and the second "No I do not want a test to start cholesterol medication".

I mean, there was only ever going to be one outcome to any test.

I then had another message to say the previous message had been as a result of a medical audit taking place. Medical, my rear end.

Ever felt monitised?

I think they need some help with the communications.
I have my covid jab scheduled for Thursday at my GP surgery. It was booked about a month ago.
Yesterday, I got an alert on my phone to say I have a message on my NHS app.
In my excitement (I may be exaggerating a little), I login to the app and find the message. It is telling me how important it is for me to book a covid jab and provided a link to do so.
I wish the NHS was more joined up. The app highlights these canyons.
I use it frequently to order prescriptions, I did use Boots app too but can't access prescription requests on Boots app so ditched it. Had a message last night saying I could be eligible for 5th covid jab, within 10 minutes of message at 20:15 I had appointment booked for 11:45 this morning.
In my excitement (I may be exaggerating a little), I login to the app and find the message. It is telling me how important it is for me to book a covid jab and provided a link to do so.
I've been invited (by regular text messages) for a flu vaccination but not for Covid (there's an angry message on the practice website about the organisation of delivery for that vaccine). I've had a couple of messages from the NHS on the app asking everyone to donate blood plasma, which (as far as I'm aware) I'm not allowed to do.
Yes, I suspect that is it. Just curious, do you also see results and medications from hospital? My care is split between two hospitals and my GP, so that probably doesn’t help - hence I would love for an integrated system.
I get to see the outcome of hospital visits, but no notes alongside this. I do get a response if I question things. We are able to send an email to the practice, including details of what we want out of an appointment where we ask to speak to our GP.
I am not clear whether the Practices use different apps of which the NHS app is a part of this. I log in using my NHS log in then got to my Practice to make enquiries and send messages. So far so good.
I have only just started to use it. The first thing I looked at was how to request my next prescription. So I looked and saw it says I have just picked up a prescription and the next I can order is the 13th of July 24. I have only got 28 days supply and even if it was the month and year the days are out as I would need by the 31st of Oct so need to be looking at ordering by the 24th or the nearest 7 working days. Hopefully, I can sort this out on my next visit to the nurse after my Hb A1c appointment but they have COVID at the moment and it is only open for emergency appointments. They are making phone calls and working from home at the moment. Still, it is another week so I will wait until the 18th as day of the blood test, and act from there.
So I looked and saw it says I have just picked up a prescription and the next I can order is the 13th of July 24. I have only got 28 days supply

Hopefully that’s just a default value that hasn’t been updated to something more sensible, and they are ignoring it.

I have a feeling I can reorder anyway no matter what that date says.
I have only just started to use it. The first thing I looked at was how to request my next prescription. So I looked and saw it says I have just picked up a prescription and the next I can order is the 13th of July 24. I have only got 28 days supply and even if it was the month and year the days are out as I would need by the 31st of Oct so need to be looking at ordering by the 24th or the nearest 7 working days. Hopefully, I can sort this out on my next visit the nurse after my Hb A1c appointment but they have COVID at the moment and it is only open for emergency appointments. They are making phone calls and working from home at the moment. Still, it is another week so I will wait until the 18th as day of the blood test, and act from there.

Are you perhaps due a review of whatever medication is on there?

I know at one point our surgery pre-authorised 12 prescriptions, after which there had to be "a review". Such a review was even just reviewing if scripts were being requested (i.e. perceived medication compliance).

In your shoes, I'd put a call in, just in case they need anything else, like a set of monitoring bloods you could have done with your A1c blood draw.
Hopefully that’s just a default value that hasn’t been updated to something more sensible, and they are ignoring it.

I have a feeling I can reorder anyway no matter what that date says.
Oh , never thought it might be that lets see who knows . Ill probably just hand in the white slip you get with medication. We shall see.
I'm using Systmonline rather than the app, but I get silly dates sometimes and can't order something. There's a box for notes so I just put a note in asking for the item to be reviewed and pointing out why/when I need it and the surgery sorts it out for me. I don't think they'd do it if I just handed in the white slip without a note though, so if you're going to do it on paper, I'd stick on a note just to point out the issue.
I'm using Systmonline rather than the app, but I get silly dates sometimes and can't order something. There's a box for notes so I just put a note in asking for the item to be reviewed and pointing out why/when I need it and the surgery sorts it out for me. I don't think they'd do it if I just handed in the white slip without a note though, so if you're going to do it on paper, I'd stick on a note just to point out the issue.
This is the other part of your prescription sorry if i confused you.Each prescription we get has a re order slip but i need to drive a twelve mile round trip. So easier to order online as that saves one journey. .
Do you use it? Have you never used it?

There is a survey being undertaken by the Digital Coalition (details below) where you can give your feedback - whether positive or negative!

The survey closes next Saturday 7th October.

There’s a link below to take part.

The Patients Association Chairs the Patient Coalition for AI, Data and Digital Tech in Health (known as the Digital Coalition) – which Diabetes UK are a part of. The aim of the Coalition is to bring the patient voice to the development and introduction of digital health technologies.
We want to understand your experience of using the NHS Appto ensure you have the support you need to gain access to healthcare through it. We also want to encourage policy makers to consider your views in the implementation of the app.
We want to hear your views on the NHS App if:
• You are a user of the NHS App
• You have never used the NHS App
• You support friends, family or other members of your community to use the NHS App.
We also want to hear from people who rarely use digital devices and apps. Do you have friends, family and community members who need help to use the app, or who don’t use it at all? What is stopping them and how could they be supported? You’ll find an additional section in the survey for you to answer on their behalf if you wish to do so.
If you or someone you know will find it difficult to answer this survey online, please call the Patients Association helpline on 0800 345 7115 and one of the advisers will run through the questions with you over the phone.
Follow the link in the button below to take the survey.
The survey will close on 7th October; thank you for your support.
Survey link:
Is this in any way related to Patient Access, which is what my Doctors Surgery uses ?
Is this in any way related to Patient Access, which is what my Doctors Surgery uses ?

Patient Access is a different app that offers a lot of the same things.

The NHS one gained popularity during the pandemic as it was a way of getting a proof covid vaccination which some events and venues were checking for a short while.
Patient Access is a different app that offers a lot of the same things.

The NHS one gained popularity during the pandemic as it was a way of getting a proof covid vaccination which some events and venues were checking for a short while.
I am trying to use the NHS app for everything but prefer the way my blood test results are layed out in Patient Access so still use it. I also like the way it shows me when I last requested a prescription as I am scrolling through selecting what I need.

I hope everything converges and evolves into one NHS app before too long. It must be so confusing as we get older (apolgies for generalisation)
I am trying to use the NHS app for everything but prefer the way my blood test results are layed out in Patient Access so still use it. I also like the way it shows me when I last requested a prescription as I am scrolling through selecting what I need.

I hope everything converges and evolves into one NHS app before too long. It must be so confusing as we get older (apolgies for generalisation)
Totally agree it would be nice to have just one app. The cynic in me says that the NHS Committee that commisions this requirement and eventually accepts it into service will get it wrong and create a monster.

My son-in-law,who is very into providing bespoke software for big corporations world-wide, would argue that:
- plenty of choice originating from different 3rd parties leads to progress and innovation. When a big organisation goes it alone they flounder in the detail and just keep adding afterthought, but in doing so cause the core of the software to collapse.
- commercial big organisations don't want the risk "in-house" and are happy to engage a main contractor to provide most bits of their core business. That includes hardware such as the device or machine operating the software, the packaging and distribution of manufactured products and software in particular which invariably turns out to not work straightaway, but invariably needs more trial and refinement by the software writers - at 3rd party expense.
- state or local gov't organisations think there is an economy to be gained by making something for itself. Frequently "colds are caught" and huge unexpected costs accrue.

Personally I think both Patient Access and the NHS apps are essentially mediocre. Both have some decent aspects but both have a greater no of poor aspects. Both are trying to support GP Surgeries (and now probably ICBs) as well as Patients. But the requirements of each are pretty different: as a Patient I want simple but secure access, easy menus going straight to the things I need - mainly medication ordering and recent medical history. Surgeries need reliable historical data to assist diagnoses and clear awareness of any allergies (if I had £1 for every time I'm prescribed drugs containing penicillin despite being allergic to that - I would be rich). They also want to easily share this data within the Practice and when raising a referral. By now the requirements have become so big and unwieldy that any app is likely to flounder.

But the real nonsense arose during Covid when my former GP Surgery bolted their doors, wouldn't take repeat prescription requests over the phone thus forcing everyone to use an app - oblivious to whether everyone had a computer or smart phone. So inevitably patients sought repeats of everything, just in case. Regardless of need.
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