What Are You Listening To?

An excellent Podcast series called Coffee Break German.

About 15 years ago I started learning German from scratch to see if I could. Anyway, about 12 years ago, I did my 'A' Level, but I couldn't find a course locally to follow on from that. I have been looking for something to listen to in German without much success as I didn't want to commit to anything expensive that I would not be able to follow.

I recently found 'Coffee Break German' which I listen to in the car. It's a free German Language course split into 30 min lessons. So far I have listened to about 35 of the lessons from the very beginning It has reminded me of much that I had forgotten or not really understood fully at the time I was learning.

There is Coffee Break French / Italian/ Spanish and others. If anyone is thinking of learning a language, I would recommend trying this series.