What Are You Listening To?

This came up in another forum, apropos what is and what isn't ironic

Alanis Morissette, Ironic
That video is sod 'em and come tomorrow! Shades of Studio 54.

Need to watch the Blues Brothers again now. 🙂

I got a piano on freecycle last week but let the sisters' gkiddies have it. How old is too old to learn the piano? 🙂
Need to watch the Blues Brothers again now. 🙂

I got a piano on freecycle last week but let the sisters' gkiddies have it. How old is too old to learn the piano? 🙂
I don't know about the piano, but I'm 50, and trying to learn the bass, I'm trying to learn these pieces at the moment

They seemed easy, but the changes and the tempo ...
This cover of a Manowar tune by this lot is my guilty pleasure right now.
It’s so gloriously over the top as a pacifist. I want to go out & start a fight with someone… 😉

And talking of covers, Thalia Bellazecca (ex Frozen Crown) covers Unleash the Archers fiendishly technical piece Awakening