What are our hobbies and pastimes whilst managing diabetes ?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I enjoy walking , supporting my football team Cardiff City , fishing , learning to cook , heavy rock music
Same as they were before diagnosis, like watching football & other sports provided its not cricket.

Fav is walking to relax, that & short trips away plus reading & gardening to name few.
All music bar opera and jazz (heavy metal particularly good for getting me round my 3 mile walk at a spanking pace!), reading and walking. Playing the piano (with difficulty now due to arthritic fingers). My ideal day covers the Times crosswords and sudokus, reading a new book and getting 20k+ steps in. With some music thrown in and a bit of crap tv in the evening with a nice glass of red!
Hope you don't listen to heavy rock when fishing @Taffyboyslim, you'll frighten the fish away! :D
Like @nonethewiser my hobbies have not changed since my diagnosis.
I continue to enjoy walking, cycling, climbing ... and most exercise.
I also enjoy reading, movies, wine, food, cooking, dress making and baking.
Plus a bit of gardening and house decorating.
Walking, gardening, guitar/bass/harmonica, making repairing restoring things. Reading, films, gigs, theatre, board games. Food, pub, cafe, people-watching. All sorts!
I like walking, reading, films, theatre, Tai Chi, swimming, visiting new places both home and abroad, geocaching, languages, board games, word games like Wordle, food and drink and making new recipes, and crochet and embroidery (although I rarely have time for those now).
I am a church bellringer and have been for the last 55 years. I am on a bellringing tour at the moment and reckon I have climbed at least 2000 steps. Just returned from ringing at Coventry cathedral.
Other hobbies are making stained glass items and gardening.
Horse riding, walking, gardening, and visiting gardens for inspiration and to see ones done properly. Reading, classical music, all sorts of sewing, though the only thing I’ve made in the last couple of years are curtains and face masks.
Must admit i have a few hobbies,
My main passion is paragliding which ties in with one of my others which is fell walking. I’m pretty lucky as theres plenty nearby and i’m not that far from the lakes either.
I also enjoy entering local motorbike trials riding events, and usually go for a 5k run most mornings before i head off to work.
Interests at home is my hifi/music and i also keep koi in the back garden
so yeah ive a few hobbies which keep me busy
though the only thing I’ve made in the last couple of years are curtains and face masks
Ah yes, face maskery.
In preparation for the second lock down, I was queuing outside my local haberdashery (have I mentioned one of my “hobbies“ is words? Haberdashery is a good one albeit underused nowadays ... I digress) to buy fabric for my next lock down project when I noticed no one in the queue was wearing a single use blue mask. We were all wearing our creations which were far more colourful.
All music bar opera and jazz (heavy metal particularly good for getting me round my 3 mile walk at a spanking pace!), reading and walking. Playing the piano (with difficulty now due to arthritic fingers). My ideal day covers the Times crosswords and sudokus, reading a new book and getting 20k+ steps in. With some music thrown in and a bit of crap tv in the evening with a nice glass of red!
Hope you don't listen to heavy rock when fishing @Taffyboyslim, you'll frighten the fish away! :D
I do ! I love Heavy Rock
Reading, music, theatre, walking, crochet (only basic as i'm teaching myself from youtube), good dramas on tv, food, pub, being with family and friends...
Gardening (love my allotment), amateur dramatics (especially musicals), music, dancing, singing, theatre, walking......and the new ones...learning spanish and crochet.
Walking in the fells, the coast or anywhere scenic. Bird watching and trying to photograph them! Cooking and baking, and am an avid reader. I also love to travel in the UK and Europe. Not interested in long haul anymore.
I also love words @helli and love writing about nothing in particular. I try and sneak some of the more underused words into my weekly FB blog which I started as a daily blog in lockdown. Folks seemed to like it but once a week is enough now. 🙂


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Almost anything that involves a puzzle. Crosswords, jigsaws obviously but current big puzzle is why the remote monitoring system in a well some 250 miles away keeps on giving out corrupt data. Just got my Raspberry Pi out, bought a breadboard, an ultrasonic sensor some LED's and jumper leads. Thats the easy bit. Now the puzzle, how do you connect it together and then write a program in python to control it all? I know very little about python other than like a crossword, there will be a solution, but you have no idea how long it is going to take you to find it. Like all good puzzles, when you solve it you will be wondering why you did not see the solution straight away.

And a bit of walking, and cycling (got my bike out today for the first time in ages) and photography and almost anything else which keeps the old brain working.
Mainly music, writing, recording, performing. Attempting to revive my knowledge of Spanish and German. A spot of gardening.
Playing online games that don't hurt my hands too much and feeding my news/politics addiction. Not too much I can do from my bed.. :rofl:
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