what a shocking night (hospital for me)

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well after being in hospital im now finally home , not a nice experience but the staff where superb, so anways all started about 9.30 last night had my first hyper at 7,45 had felt abit sick after that and about 9.30 i lay on the couch and had chest pains really tight as well, an uncontrollable shaking left arm and pins and needles in my legs and finger ends, o/h rang nhs direct and they got me an ambulance, my arm by this time was going 20 to the dozen , they where here within 5 mins whipped me down into ambulance by this time it was about 10 ish, the tested me i was 13.8 and tested me again once i was in hosp i was 10.3 ,thy gave me an egc did my BP and pulse, tryed to stop my arm and calm me down, i was puttng it down to a bad reaction to the swine flu jab i had earlier that day but the nurse said my arm had no rash just a small lump, so after observing my bp which they said was high they came back yo me and said all the signs point to an anxiety attack which in turn have put your BP and your levels up so she said we will keep you in and let you go when where happy your ok and your happy so they let me out about 6.15.Im to mention this to the doc on friday and im to relax today as i will be groggy for next couple of days hmm i felt so embarrest i always do i hate fusses .
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Steff don't be embaressed by all the fuss as you needed the help. It is hard sometimes, but we all need help. I hope you are feeling better. Have an easy day, listen to good music or watch a good film and you'll soon feel better. Good luck with the doc when you see him.
Oh Steff, i am so sorry to hear about last night! Not a pleasant experience for you. I do so hope you are feeling better today and that you are able to rest. Do let us know how you are feeling later.

Thinking of you and sending a hug.

Mand xx

That sounds like quite a scary experience! Pleased to know it was nothing more sinister than a panic attack, although this panic attack you had does sound awful, lets hope you have no more.

Hope you get well soon!🙂

Cheers gals im v.tired i must be bad o/h is taking lad to school that aint happened since erm well never. Im away to bed now laters x
Oh Steff, you poor thing - that must have been so scary for you.. hope you are feeling better once you've had your sleep. As the mother of a 20 year old who has near crippling panic attacks, I've seen how terrifying they can be.

Take care and be nice to yourself

Hopefully you will have had a good nap by the time you read this and are feeling much better. Thoughts are with you xx🙂
steff i hope u are okay have a nice rest today let the o/h pamer u big {hugs }
Take care Steff hope you soon feel better xx
Blimey Steff, sounds like you had a scary time! You shouldn't worry about causing a fuss, it's more important to know that you're ok. Hope you're resting today. Take Care. Ax
thank you everyone for your kind words , im awake now had to eat and test im 8.2 so thats a relief
Sorry to hear you have not been well. Sounded rather scary.
Take care and hope you are feeling better soon.
Gosh Steph - i bet you were really scared!😱 Just glad your home and things have settled down for you all.🙂Bev x
Hi steff, how scary for you - glad to hear that you are OK. You did the right thing, so don't be embarrassed. Just take it easy and try to chill out today, I hope you're back at full strength very soon🙂
Hiya honey

Sounds similar to my wee 'turn' last month. Felt such a fraud in A & E, then had to wear a 24 ECG machine. But all was fine

As everyone said, don't feel embarrassed about the fuss - just so very pleased that you are OK.

My very best wishes to you

Take care

Hi Steff,
I feel your pain, been in and out of the hospital for a month now, finally fixed. Hope you feel better soon. Have an easy day with your feet up. Take care x x x 🙂
God Steff! Sounds horrid!

Ive ended up in A&E after a panic attack linked to really bad tonsilitis a few years ago. "panic attack" makes it sound trivial but it is really scary, specially if you think its something more serious.

Hope you get lots of rest today hun.
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