What a difference....including T3C diagnosis

Phew! Good to hear you have Creon albeit difficult to get hold of at times.
@rebrascora @Wendal I am indeed on Creon (At least when I can get hold of supplies, but that's a conversation for another day!!) and I only put the diabetes meds in my signature. There's a whole lot more I'm on for the various other conditions which would make my sig hideously long if I were to include them all :rofl::rofl: I have tried all sorts of dietary changes over the years regarding the whipple, but the issues I have seem to be totally random with no real patterns to it at all. The best I seem to get from the consultants now is that I simply have to live with it. I am still pushing the gastro department for better support and treatment, but it's an uphill struggle.

@Proud to be erratic thanks for the link, some interesting stuff to bear in mind there.

Also @Wendal I suspect you're correct about the miss diagnosis of T3c as T2. If I hadn't gone in prepared and mentioned it myself, I definitely had the feeling that there would have been an assumption that it was T2, particularly from the regular nurse who hadn't even heard of T3c.
Or even misdiagnosis of Type 1 as there are more similarities between the two as they are both insulin deficiency but with different causes.
There are differences as well which is important in recognising Type 3c as being a distinct diagnosis in its own right.