What’s the difference between full fat coke and an energy drink?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I drink a full fat coke for a hypo, sugars go up. But I drink an energy drink and my sugars don’t go up.
I don’t understand it. Surely an energy drink would cause my sugars to rise? Can anyone explain it?
I drink a full fat coke for a hypo, sugars go up. But I drink an energy drink and my sugars don’t go up.
I don’t understand it. Surely an energy drink would cause my sugars to rise? Can anyone explain it?
When do you drink an energy drink? If you drink one when you're exercising, or just after, the exercise could be mitigating any rise in your blood glucose. Also, depending on the brand, they don’t always contain as much sugar as a full fat coke, but have a mix of artificial sweetener. (lucozade sport, for example).Others contain a lot of caffeine, for 'energy' which doesn’t affect my BGs, some contain fructose as a sweetener, which the body deals with differently from sugar.
I drink a full fat coke for a hypo, sugars go up. But I drink an energy drink and my sugars don’t go up.
I don’t understand it. Surely an energy drink would cause my sugars to rise? Can anyone explain it?

Proper branded Coke has remained the same and not been affected by the sugar tax, but most soft drinks now have reduced sugar so aren’t so good to treat hypos. Even Lucozade, famed for being a glucose drink, is now pathetic and has reduced the sugar across its brand. Energy drinks are the same - reduced sugar usually, just with extra caffeine or other stuff.

So, it depends on the carb content of the energy drink. Some of them have no sugar at all!
I drink a full fat coke for a hypo, sugars go up. But I drink an energy drink and my sugars don’t go up.
I don’t understand it. Surely an energy drink would cause my sugars to rise? Can anyone explain it?

Sure it's not 9ne of those high caffiene energy drinks, if so might not contain much sugar, check nutritional value on label.
When do you drink an energy drink? If you drink one when you're exercising, or just after, the exercise could be mitigating any rise in your blood glucose. Also, depending on the brand, they don’t always contain as much sugar as a full fat coke, but have a mix of artificial sweetener. (lucozade sport, for example).Others contain a lot of caffeine, for 'energy' which doesn’t affect my BGs, some contain fructose as a sweetener, which the body deals with differently from sugar.
I drink an energy drink every morning once I’ve woke up. No exercise. As soon as I wake up I’m on 7.8 and my sugars don’t rise as soon as I drink the whole can.
I drink an energy drink every morning once I’ve woke up. No exercise. As soon as I wake up I’m on 7.8 and my sugars don’t rise as soon as I drink the whole can.

Do you have a Libre? Is there no rise at all? If so, that suggests your basal dose needs looking at. As an aside, you’d be better off with a mug of coffee if you’re after caffeine. Those energy drinks can encourage weight gain and can be addictive.

How did your therapy go? I hope it went ok.
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