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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I'm a newbie to the forum. I have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes; I wasn't diagnosed till I was almost 40; I have a family history of diabetes as both my grandparents had diabetes, then my dad and some of his brothers and sisters were then diagnosed with it then I was.
Hi Allan!

Welcome to the forum. If you have any specific questions then please ask, someone will probably be able to help, but if not then there's plenty to browse 🙂
Hallo Allan 🙂 Are you on medication for your type 2, or do you manage it by diet and exercise? However you manage it, there will always be someone here who can answer any questions you have.
Welcome to the forum @Allan_lockyer_wales

Hope you find support and encouragement here. We have literally centuries of lived diabetes experience on the forums so ask away with any questions, or share your experiences and family story, knowing you are among people who ‘get it’.

Were you told the result of your most recent HbA1c at diagnosis? And have you been started on any medication?
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