Weight loss assistance required

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Familiy visiting for the weekend - weight has gone up a 1LB :( must have been the dominoes pizza last night
Familiy visiting for the weekend - weight has gone up a 1LB :( must have been the dominoes pizza last night

ty for the update sandy we will allow you this once 😛🙂
Well done Sandy, I understand exactly, how hard it is to keep on the straight and narrow. I managed to discard four stone and get down to 14st 7lb, I was so impressed with myself that I put on 1/2 a stone purely by carelessness and not being strict with my diet and exercise routine.
So, now its back to the grind again and hopefully down to my target weight of 14st, I'll keep trying anyway!
As Robert Bruce was alledged to have said "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again". Keep up the good work! :D
Done well this week and lost the weight put on at Easter along with a bit more. now 15 St 5 LBs - a happy bunny...
I weighed in at 15st last October when i was diagnosed and am now 13st. I want to lose 5 stones in total and am now on trying to lose my 3rd stone but it seems to have come to a bit of a stop even though i am eating less and walking more so i really need a kick start but not sure what else i can do. I too have cut out snacks and just have 3 meals a day but i have 'fallen off the wagon' a few times along the way, like we all do. Tomorrow i will go back to granola for breakfast, soup for lunch and a healthy meal at night.
Well done Sandy. I noticed the latest info on your signature. You must be really pleased.
Woo hoo, well done :D x
I am well chuffed.

I have lost over 3 stone from my max weight - down from an 18.5" neck to a 17", 40" waist to a 34" and have lost a bloody fortune from my wallet as I have just given away 12 pairs of trousers, 17 shirts and 30 polo shirts which will need to be replaced.

Ready for a new wardrobe to coincide with a move to Cornwall and new house 🙂
Great news sandy kicking out the old and getting in the new.It must be such a good feeling sheding all those pounds it is a whole new you.
I am well chuffed.

I have lost over 3 stone from my max weight - down from an 18.5" neck to a 17", 40" waist to a 34" and have lost a bloody fortune from my wallet as I have just given away 12 pairs of trousers, 17 shirts and 30 polo shirts which will need to be replaced.

Ready for a new wardrobe to coincide with a move to Cornwall and new house 🙂

You are doing fantastic, well done :D. Know how you feel , I have lost 61lbs in total so far (still got that and more to go) down 3 dress sizes and it is costing me a fortune in new clothes, and I still cant fit into primark stuff. But it felt good psychologically clearing out the wardope :D.
A late weigh-in this week as I was down in the Cornish pad for a long weekend. Down to 15st 3 Lbs when I got out of the Gym this morning.
Well done on the continued weight loss🙂. I've just started a diet and exercise regime and already finding it hard x
Well done on the continued weight loss🙂. I've just started a diet and exercise regime and already finding it hard x

I do find that posting on here (and another forum I frequent) helps - once I have told everyone, for instance, that I have hit 15st 3lb then there is a certain self imposed pressure to make sure that I continue to lose weight , or at a minimum stay static for a short while.
Well now I have gone and done it. Weighed myself when I got up this morning and I was above my weight on wednesday when I last posted so I decided to do something about it and after a hours walk around the countryside with the dog, some manually labour going to the tip andthe a 5.5 mile run I weighed myself again...

With some trepidation (becuase I have to beat it next week) I am pleased to say that I have hit 15 st exactly for the first time in living memory 🙂 well second time , but I think you know what I mean.
Woo hoo! Well done Sandy, that's brilliant. I've every confidence you'll keep it up!
Well done sandy keep up the good work. You'll have to update your signature now :D you'll get to 14st in no time at all xx
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