Weight loss assistance required

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
OK I am getting this plea for help out now even though things are going OK. My worry is that if I start down the slippery slope of not weighing myself (again) then my weight will creep/jump back up. Thast where you guys hopefully come in with support and a gentle, or maybe not so gentle nudge back onto the right path.

I am adding my starting weight, target weight and current weight to my signature and will post on this thread weekly (Sundays) how much I have lost in the last week. If my weight starts to creep up, stabilises for too long or if I miss my Sunday update without good reason then you have my permission to harrang/insult/support as you see fit - i'm ex Navy so used to insults and sarcasm (one for steffs quotes thread - "Sarchasm, the gulf between sarcastic wit and those who don't get it").

For the record Max weight was 18 st 10 lbs when I was diagnosed and I am aiming for 14st.

I started my diet proper (again) in Feb hence the date discrepancy

First weigh-in (14/02/2010) 16 st 7 lbs
last weigh-in (21/03/2010) 15 st 11 lbs
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Well done so far!

I have joined Slimming World and although I cannot follow their diet to the letter I need the discipline of a weekly weigh-in.
Well your going down so your definitely moving in the right direction!!


You can do it!!
Thanks all - I am hoping that by making this public I will be too embarassed to quit early - and I have done that plenty of times (although now at my lowest weight for about 17 years)
i joined slimming world in may 2009. 45 weeks ago. and ive lost 5 st 9 1/2 lbs and now been taken off insulin🙂
Good Luck Sandy!!...I am desperatly trying to lose weight as well! It is very difficult as I am in a great deal of pain alot of the time and my mobility is very limited...which makes excercising kind of near on impossible :( I will keep on at it though, very slow but sure!

Hey, way to go Stute!...What a fantatsic achievement!

Good luck to us all!
i joined slimming world in may 2009. 45 weeks ago. and ive lost 5 st 9 1/2 lbs and now been taken off insulin🙂

W O W - impressive
Good Luck Sandy!!...I am desperatly trying to lose weight as well! It is very difficult as I am in a great deal of pain alot of the time and my mobility is very limited...which makes excercising kind of near on impossible :( I will keep on at it though, very slow but sure!

Hey, way to go Stute!...What a fantatsic achievement!

Good luck to us all!

fee free to join in, post your weight and get ritual abuse 🙂
great idea sandy !!! and wow stute that is amazing !! we have another memeber champion slimer Cazcot shes passed the 50lb lost ....im so impressed by you all x
Simply put, the way I've found that works is to cut back on what I eat and to get some serious exercise in at the gym. I've managed to shed a half kilo in about two weeks because of that. Ideally I'd like to shift eight kilos and get back to my pre university weight of seventy kilos.


you have done really great, i too have lost weight although not as nuch as you have, i tend to treat myself to a new top every time i reach a certain goal ie half a stone or a stone. its not always a new top, sometimes it a good book. i find this helps keep me focused and able to lose the next half a stone.

keep up the good work

You are doing very well. What kind of diet plan are you following? It will give other members who want to loose wieght some ideas. Your weight is going in the right direction, so here is a virtual pat on the back from me.
You are doing very well. What kind of diet plan are you following? It will give other members who want to loose wieght some ideas. Your weight is going in the right direction, so here is a virtual pat on the back from me.

healthy eating and upping my exercise regime.

typically something like
Porridge for breakfast
beans on toast/soup and a slice of bread etc. for lunch
some sort of meat/fish and salad (although a home made thaui fish curry tonight) for dinner

This time I have made some very strict rules

1. No snacks - not even one if I have done well (or not until I reach my target) I know that once I have just one biscuit I will have a packet so none allowed in the house
2. exercise three times a week (we have a small gym so a bit easier for me) but walk briskly when out with the dog or going to the shops
3. My one vice is coffee so I allow myself one skinny latte a day and the rest is milk and water or espresso

I am also trying to keep D under tight control and this means low carbs (diet controlled) and low saturated fat (keeping cholesterol down) then this sortof equates to low calories.

I have tried weight watchers worked for a while but didnt really get on with it - couldnt go to the classes as I talked to loudly about fat people (of which I was clearly one) which seemed to upset a few of them 🙂 never been known for my diplomatic skills.
My first weigh in 17 st 7 1/2 lbs. may 13 2009. last night 11 st 12 lbs . now a life member of slimming world so long as i stay 3 lbs either side of 12 st. go to hospital today to pick up byetta. as i said insulin has been ditched. the funny thing about it, is byetta may stem my desire to eat and i may lose more weight. i can only say WHAT !!!! 🙂
My first weigh in 17 st 7 1/2 lbs. may 13 2009. last night 11 st 12 lbs . now a life member of slimming world so long as i stay 3 lbs either side of 12 st. go to hospital today to pick up byetta. as i said insulin has been ditched. the funny thing about it, is byetta may stem my desire to eat and i may lose more weight. i can only say WHAT !!!! 🙂

Now there lies inspiration - well done, its only someone who is very overweight who can really appreciate what a fantastic achievement that is. Hope to continue and emulate you soon.
Well done to everyone doing so well with their weight.

Sandy I fell out with weightwatchers when my big boy was about 4 or 5. He had german measles and the doctors advice was to keep him away from people for a couple of weeks. Since hubby was working, it meant I had to stay in with him, so no weight watchers. Other class members could see the logic, but no the group leader, so I stopped going.
Other class members could see the logic, but no the group leader, so I stopped going.

The little britain sketch is so insightful.

15st 7lb this morning before I went in the gym so the 100kg milestone passed
(hopefully I wont have gone up by Sunday for my weigh-in)
The little britain sketch is so insightful.

15st 7lb this morning before I went in the gym so the 100kg milestone passed
(hopefully I wont have gone up by Sunday for my weigh-in)

Thought so - I was up at 15 st 8 lbs yesterday - but pleased as still gone down 3lbs this week.
good one sandy slowly and surely is the best way xxxx
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