Weighed myself and heart rate

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So my weight is 15st-6.5lb

and my heart rate is 95bpm

Hi Sammy,

Has your doctor asked you to monitor your heart rate? Were you given any idea of what it should be? Have you been trying to lose weight? Is the weight posted an improvement or a starting point?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to put a bit of context to your post 🙂
Hello yes my doctor recommended that I keep an eye on my heart rate and the weight point is a starting point
How are you finding any changes in diet/exercise level so far? Is the heart rate check to see if that was causing the dizzy spells you mentioned in your previous post?
Yes it does concern me really badly cuz the dizzy spells ware bad and I remember the ambulance person saying that I was Higlycaemic due to needing a wee a lot
Hi Sammy

I see you have been asked by forum members in other posts for some information. Did you manage to put in a call to your doctors surgery yet?

I notice you’ve mentioned your weight, heart rate and blood pressure before, so it’s obviously something that’s concerning you. Although others have posted information re how many checks a year we are generally allowed, there is nothing stopping you ringing and seeing if you can have a chat with a doctor, whether or not you’ve already had an appointment...especially as you are worried. If you haven’t had a proper review and checks already, a call might be the prompt they need to get on with it. Tell them you are concerned and would like some help / advice. Do you monitor your blood sugar levels at all?

I’m sure you’ll feel much better for having a talk with someone. 🙂
The last time my blood level got tested was when the paramedics came it was 11mgl
Well it should be nearer 5mg/Dl Sammy, so the ambulance staff said you were Hyperglycemic, which just means your blood glucose was higher than it should be. When this happens, it puts a terrible strain on everything within your body, including the heart and everything else.

Just remind me cos I can't remember if you've already told us - what blood tests did they do (if any) to establish that you are definitely Type 2?
I've not come across a blood test result expressed in mg/l before. Always something new to learn on here.

Possibly 11mmol/L?

The different units for all these things, and the spellings of the pesky drugs can be quite confusing!

11mmol/L would be high enough to make you wee more often if it stayed that high for a while @Sammybrown87 🙂

Glad that your heart rate has come down a bit, but 95 is still quite high for a resting heart rate I think.
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I've not come across a blood test result expressed in mg/l before. Always something new to learn on here.
It's probably the famous autocorrect
It would be worth getting a Blood Pressure monitor which also measures your pulse rate - I'm assuming that pulse and heart rate are the same

I use an Omron M2 Basic. It's easy to use and measures your blood pressure (systolic & diastolic), and pulse rate
Costs about £25, otherwise Search t'Net for other models

Any pharmacy should be able to give you a quick finger prick test for blood glucose, but it's a lot better to have your own meter
I have a Spirit Healthcare TEE2 which is easy to use
It is provided by my GP as I inject, but I gather they're one of the cheapest to buy & run, perhaps others will advise you
OK, so I'm guessing that when you were diagnosed (January?) you were given the standard advice to change your diet by reducing your carbohydrate intake, losing some weight and exercising more? How's that been going?
I am on Metformin and irbarstan I take metformin twice morning and night and I take irbarstan once in the morning that’s for my blood pressure the irbarstan
Hi @Anitram yes I’m on Metformin I take it twice I do find it hard sometimes but I will get there but thank you
Sammy, just taking the medication isn't going to help. You need to help yourself by eating the correct food as well. Unless you do this you will end up having injections everyday as well. So you need to get your weight down exercise will help as well.
Hi Sammy

Have you ever received any advice regarding diet and suitable foods for you to have, I know from reading posts on the forum that the advice given to those diagnosed can be pretty hit and miss.

There is a link at the top of the section for new members, that has lots of very helpful information regarding type 2, home testing and monitoring, food etc. Apologies if you have this information already.
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