Weighed myself and heart rate

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Just done it not long ago I check my heart rate every day by using an app on my phone
Just done it not long ago I check my heart rate every day by using an app on my phone
I meant what have you been doing that your hr was so high?
A resting heart rate of 120bpm is high.

Have you been recording it for a while?
what is it normally?
That’s all on the same day.
Do you have a record of what the reading is over the last few weeks or months?
This is pretty typical for me. But of course we’re all different.
Having a word with the GP is a good idea.

What’s your blood pressure like?
And your weight?
My blood pressure can differ sometimes as I’m on blood pressure medication called irbarstan last time I was weighed I was 15st.5lb
No I don’t but I am going to see if I can get an appointment at my doctors Cuz I am concerned

Check it first (just measure your pulse with a finger on your wrist and a timer---low tech) to make sure it's not just the app. Also, does your pulse feel really fast (like 2 a second)?
It’s definitely beating fast

Definitely worth hassling your GP about, then. (My heart beat is also too fast (for no reason that they've been able to discover), and I feel much more comfortable now I take a daily low dose beta blocker. But that's after ECG on a treadmill, collecting 24 hours of urine, etc., so expect some investigation.)
How high is your day to day BG? - I ask because for a few weeks before I was fist diagnosed - hence I assume my BG was far too high - I had periods where my heart raced and thumped so I was surprised other people couldn't hear it.
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