Wearing a pump with a suit

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Medtronic allows you to do a standard bolus on top of a running dual/square wave. As with most pumps the wizard assumes any bolus given against carbs was correct and although adjusting subsequent doses for BG and correction (if iob) it will not reduce the i:c dose itself based on excessive doses already given. I have never come across one which does. Doses against carbs are always assumed to be right.
Interesting, thank you.

I'd previously ruled out the Insight but I can't remember why, even after looking again at their website (not waterproof?) - beginning to think they removed some of my memory with my pancreas o_O

Been thinking about the remote and I keep changing my mind as to how important it is.

Had a long conversation with Animas on the phone today. Tried to call Medtronic but no-one picked up - is their customer service normally Ok?
Animas said you can 'bolus on bolus' and 'bolus on extended bolus' but can't 'extended bolus on extended bolus'. I'm guessing this is the same for all pumps?

Got a feeling i'm going to end up tossing a coin or going with which ever they can get me on the quickest.
Err, I think it might be with the Insight but I don't know for a fact, perhaps eg @pottersusan might know? Was it discarded as you can only use Novorapid pump cartridges?
Medtronic allows you to do a standard bolus on top of a running dual/square wave. As with most pumps the wizard assumes any bolus given against carbs was correct and although adjusting subsequent doses for BG and correction (if iob) it will not reduce the i:c dose itself based on excessive doses already given. I have never come across one which does. Doses against carbs are always assumed to be right.
There is so much to learn. Pumps are so adaptable to the individual 😎
How about cutting a small hole inside of one of your pockets and threading the cannula tubing through that hole so that it doesn't show? Then you can wear the pump in your pocket without having tubing poking out. That's what I do when I wear skirts with pockets 🙂 Does that make sense?
How about cutting a small hole inside of one of your pockets and threading the cannula tubing through that hole so that it doesn't show? Then you can wear the pump in your pocket without having tubing poking out. That's what I do when I wear skirts with pockets 🙂 Does that make sense?
There is always a way ! 🙂
Roche make a soft thin stretchy fabric 'Bra hanger' which their pumps fit in and the flexible, flat clip literally hangs onto the side of a bra with the pump below it at the side of the ribcage and the tubing coming out of the base of the container. The pump is totally enclosed because all functions and calculations are done using the meter/remote control.

Not a girl? No problem! I've frequently worn the pump using this, attached to the waistband of a skirt or trousers, pump on the inside (just move it round the waistband until it's in a comfy place for sitting, driving, walking etc) and being as the clip itself is transparent it is literally hardly noticeable.

The access aperture is tiny though and quite a struggle sometimes to get the pump into it - but nowhere near as difficult as trying to fit a new door seal on an automatic washing machine ! LOL

As it fitted the Combo as well as it does the smaller Insight, one assumes it would fit any make of pump. But - utterly useless if you need access cos the bolus etc calculator is on the pump itself.

If trousers - or skirts - have a side pocket, just stick it in there with the 'spare' tubing stuffed back down the inside of the garment.
Did you have any of the hooks break. I have gone through quite a few and they do not sell them separately, so if I wanted to carry on using them I had to fork out £20 for a new complete ouch. I have tried a variety of alternatives including giant paper clips, curtain hooks, but none are as comfortable as the flat ones that they provide. Any suggestions or is it just that I take them off without enough care.
Err, I think it might be with the Insight but I don't know for a fact, perhaps eg @pottersusan might know? Was it discarded as you can only use Novorapid pump cartridges?
Sorry - being dense - what's the question?!
Did you have any of the hooks break. I have gone through quite a few and they do not sell them separately, so if I wanted to carry on using them I had to fork out £20 for a new complete ouch. I have tried a variety of alternatives including giant paper clips, curtain hooks, but none are as comfortable as the flat ones that they provide. Any suggestions or is it just that I take them off without enough care.
Roche have sent me some clips free of charge.
I don't use the Insight clips - far too rigid for me. I assume that's what you are referring to as you couldn't break the ones on the bra hanger or the old Combo 'skin' ? - and if so Roche are aware they aren't the bees knees.

@pottersusan - it was whether you could program in another multi-wave or extended bolus, when an earlier one hadn't yet finished delivering it's insulin and still had time to run?
I don't use the Insight clips - far too rigid for me. I assume that's what you are referring to as you couldn't break the ones on the bra hanger or the old Combo 'skin' ? - and if so Roche are aware they aren't the bees knees.
Maybe it is me then. I have broken two of the ones for Combo bra pouch!!
I will try and asking for some replacements.
It's bendy plastic - and of course being next to your skin in a warm location, I'd have thought that would help maintain the suppleness?
I don't use the Insight clips - far too rigid for me. I assume that's what you are referring to as you couldn't break the ones on the bra hanger or the old Combo 'skin' ? - and if so Roche are aware they aren't the bees knees.

@pottersusan - it was whether you could program in another multi-wave or extended bolus, when an earlier one hadn't yet finished delivering it's insulin and still had time to run?
Sorry - don't know. I don't use them very much.
It was just a thought Susan - knowing you have the Insight and we're all different and each of us most likely makes more use of certain features that others don't need.

Wonder if Amanda does cos with the delayed digestion, I know she uses both the extended and multiwave for more meals than yer average user.
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