We are Struggling...

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Hi everyone, I am overwhelmed with all your support.

Harry is on the accu check combo pump, rapid d cannula's......

If it was on the top of his bum, how do we go on pulling trouers down for toilet trips !! He goes on his own to the loo and just whips down his trousers in a flash !!! Would the cannula come out easily ...

change of cannula etc again tonight, will post tomorrow how we go on...am not looking for ward to it though.

thanks again helen
Hi Helen,

Not sure about your rapid D cannulas, but my son wears his cannula at the top of his butt too, and they have withstood some rough treatment including wrenching off trousers without bothering to undo the button and zip! They are quite robust usually. The only time he's had an issue is when the tubing got caught on something and pulled directly on the cannula (so a direct tug rather than a sideways knock).

Good luck for later on, get those smiley faces at the ready!
Good luck for tonight, will be thinking of you!!

We use the Sure T cannulas mostly for Mills which are similar steel ones but for the Medtronic pump? We use her bottom predominantly and she doesn't bother making a fuss there, but she will with her tum, she is very lean there still. I pop a little micropore tape over the top of the cannula as dd is probably very much like your little one, trousers/tights down without much consideration. If I catch her heading to the loo I shout after her to watch her "button".

I've tried a few different cannulas on the tum and none seem ideal yet - control is not as good and I get the feeling the cannula is possible hitting against muscle ? I don't know but feel much better with the buttocks at the mo. 🙂
Hope set change was ok.

To be honest I don't know many, if any actually who at that young age have their cannula on their tummy, it is only ever on their backside. You don't often hear of cannulas being yanked out with trouser pulling up or down either. 🙂
Hello. I don't know if this would help but it would be worth a go. Jdrf have a pack, for children, which has a teddy bear with little patches sown on him where infusion sites go. It is really lovely. I got one to explain to my little grandson, why and how I use a pump. It all comes in a lovely drawstring bag which has loads of information to help children. I'm almost sure it's free. Maybe if teddy had a pretend infusion set your little boy would have his. I hope this helps you.
Hello. I don't know if this would help but it would be worth a go. Jdrf have a pack, for children, which has a teddy bear with little patches sown on him where infusion sites go. It is really lovely. I got one to explain to my little grandson, why and how I use a pump. It all comes in a lovely drawstring bag which has loads of information to help children. I'm almost sure it's free. Maybe if teddy had a pretend infusion set your little boy would have his. I hope this helps you.

Ah ha this is Rufus the bear and all the kids love him. We were lucky enough to get Ruby, Rufus' girlfriend or sister or whatever she/it was. What a fab idea Spiritfree.

Do get a Rufus bear. It can help no end x🙂
Hello. I don't know if this would help but it would be worth a go. Jdrf have a pack, for children, which has a teddy bear with little patches sown on him where infusion sites go. It is really lovely. I got one to explain to my little grandson, why and how I use a pump. It all comes in a lovely drawstring bag which has loads of information to help children. I'm almost sure it's free. Maybe if teddy had a pretend infusion set your little boy would have his. I hope this helps you.

This is the link for a Rufus:


Hi, yes we have rufus and he is not bothered about him at all !!

The cannula change on Tuesday didnt go well again, though this time only took 40 minutes but we did have to hold him down whislt he was screaming. Have talked to him about having it in his bum but that made him worse.

Im dreading tonights one again, though tonights bribery is if he has it done quickly he can go up into the loft for a look !! Whatever next....

This diabetes lark is on my mind 24/7 , today's worry is not only the cannula change but his levels have not come down since snack time, and I fear a blockage is brewing cos this is usually what happens. Am currently at work waiting for the 2pm blood test at my in laws hoping he has come down, i fnot home I go to change everything.. This is happening far too often.

We are off to centre parcs tomorrow and I just want to look forward to it but again am dreading it , its a constant worry when he is active, asleep bsically all the time !!

I really cant see any light at the end of this long tunnel I am faced with, he starts school full time in Sept which is fast approaching , I just want things to be settled by then..

Once again, thanks for your support.
You are doing a brilliant job. (((hugs)))

The first time I had an injection in my buttocks I hated the idea (it was a tetanus jab). Thought it was sooooo embarassing.


Once I'd been convinced (there are fewer nerve endings there) I couldn't believe how pain free it was. Really hope you can persuade him to give it a go.

Frequent blockages do sound like something's not right - and given your litlun's reaction to changes it would be great to get those sorted/resolved. Have you had any suggestions from your clinic/team? Do they know the position you are in?
Hi Helen, things will improve eventually I'm sure. How sweet to be motivated by a trip into the loft 🙂 It could well be worth trying some different cannulas on him, especially if you are getting frequent blocked ones. Do they looked kinked when you take them out? I wonder if some of his struggling and wriggling means you end up not being able to insert it correctly sometimes?

We are going to Centerparcs this weekend too 🙂. It's my Dad's 70th so the whole family are going (Longleat). Which CP are you off to? I know what you mean about looking forward to it but dreading the D care, I know we will be chasing his levels the whole time, but I'm sure you'll have fun. I don't know about you, but D means I get less sleep and R&R on holiday then at home!
Hi Helen, things will improve eventually I'm sure. How sweet to be motivated by a trip into the loft 🙂 It could well be worth trying some different cannulas on him, especially if you are getting frequent blocked ones. Do they looked kinked when you take them out? I wonder if some of his struggling and wriggling means you end up not being able to insert it correctly sometimes?

We are going to Centerparcs this weekend too 🙂. It's my Dad's 70th so the whole family are going (Longleat). Which CP are you off to? I know what you mean about looking forward to it but dreading the D care, I know we will be chasing his levels the whole time, but I'm sure you'll have fun. I don't know about you, but D means I get less sleep and R&R on holiday then at home!
Wow if you went to the same one and if little boy saw big boy, both pumping how cool would that be for little boy.

I hope both families have fun.

Just in case this helps we went to centerparcs year before last to the Longleat one and obviously we all wanted to swim together so I had a word with the lifeguards and they have have a first aid/office type room just by where one of them is always standing and we were allowed to put a rucksack in there by the door with the insulin pump in and hypo treatment etc. I was allowed to go in and out just to get bag or pump or whatever and each life guard told the next one who was going to be standing there what I would be doing. It was really convenient.

Have fun
Hi redkite , we are going to Sherwood Forest..Its my inlaws 50th wedding anniversaryand they have paid for us so even better !!

I hope you have a lovely time .

I am hoping to sleep a little better , I dont get much at home , my husband sleeps through anything and does not wake in the night to check harry's levels so its all down to me really...

The cannulas never look kinked or anything , I dont really know the reason we get blockages...
Hope you have a lovely time at Sherwood!

Adrienne, thx for the tip - we usually do leave dextrose with the lifeguards but hadn't thought of trusting them with the pump. I'm just hoping I still fit into my swimming costume, haven't been swimming for at least a year. 😉
Hi redkite , we are going to Sherwood Forest..Its my inlaws 50th wedding anniversaryand they have paid for us so even better !!

I hope you have a lovely time .

I am hoping to sleep a little better , I dont get much at home , my husband sleeps through anything and does not wake in the night to check harry's levels so its all down to me really...

The cannulas never look kinked or anything , I dont really know the reason we get blockages...


Are you sure it is blockages? If it is set time day and for the hours before a change or whole afternoon before the change then it could be adrenaline causing a rise in levels as nerves and apprehension appears.

Or is it on day three that you do the set change? It may be if this is a pattern that unfortunately he may be one of the ones that needs every other day which I know would be a disaster for you (unless you are already doing that of course) or 2 1/2 daily.

Just trying to think of ideas
Hope you have a lovely time at Sherwood!

Adrienne, thx for the tip - we usually do leave dextrose with the lifeguards but hadn't thought of trusting them with the pump. I'm just hoping I still fit into my swimming costume, haven't been swimming for at least a year. 😉

I did keep telling them it was worth thousands of pounds of money and nobody could touch it and it was my daughter's life support just so they got the idea it was precious. It worked anyway
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