warning signs over high sugars

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i know that you are not supposed to run high sugars for long periods of time but have any of you have had warning signs that have scared you into taking control of your diabetes?

Ive been diabetic for 9 years, and regardless of what my DSN or gp say, i kind of refuse to take my diabetes seriously until something bad happens!!

i know that sounds bad but have any of you had a shock to the system that has kicked you up the jacksy into taking responsibility of your diabetes?

Any advice would be great



Hmm very tough one for me, when i was diagnosed i was in shock as i had no idea about diabetes or how to deal with it, but when the doctor said to me when he first saw me this is now a warning sign take it serious you have an 8 year old son he wants to see him mum and im sure you want to see him grow up, after that i got off my backside and did something and luckily the new me seems to be sticking.

I'd say your attitude it not wrong as its your life but would you not feel awful if it was something really serious that woke you up to this condition, diabetes is something you cant take lightly.x

I ran high sugars for a long while after i was diagnosed and i always felt so awful it was ruining my life but with the change in GP and having a lovely DSN i feel so much better now.
Nothing that has scared me but a couple of irritations (if you'll pardon the pun). My legs get so itchy in the night I have trouble sleeping when my numbers are high and my vision gets too blurry to read properly.

I do have days when I think oh (bad word) it and try to pretend the diabetes is not there and I get very cross with everyone, but I also want to sleep at night and I want to be able to read, so I have to take control.
Not something that I would want to frequently discuss but for over a year I suffered from thrush, which varied in severtie from month to month.

Of course I went to the doctor fot creams and pills but unless you get the sugars down it will never go away.......

This encouraged me to get a grip and other areas of my life were being affected, as you can imagine....

And although diabetes may not be the reason, it took me nearly 10 months to concieve my son, I know people can try for years but I honestly believe my bad control of sugars contributed to the long wait.

Minor effects I know, but significant none the less..........
Thanks Steffie, i dont have any kids but have a bf that doesnt understand diabetes either!!

thing is, i can take my sugars and theyll be 16 or 17 but becuase i dont feel particularly bad or anything i dont see it as a problem, thats why (god forbid) i need something bad to happen to me to make me realise diabetes is actually quite serious, if my DSN or doc talks to me, im like "well its easy for you to say do this, that or the other cus you're not the one who is diabetic", and i know it is a selfish way to think but i cant seem to change the way i feel about it all!!

sometimes, i'll get tingly on my fingers, and will only test then, and thats when its in the 30's but cus im still alive and it doesnt affect my everyday life, i just stab to get it down to normal, which i usually overdo and then have to eat something to compensate! but even so, it doesnt bother me...

does anyone else feel like this or am i the only poorly controlled diabetic on here!!?
I have been and IDD for so long that I cant remember life with out it, so never really kicked against it. Its just part of life, but it does not rule, it's a consideration. I went a bit off the DB rails so to speak at University and it was not until I started work when I had 2 big Hypos and I was changed onto a 4/day injection regime, that I used it to start a fresh so to speak.
We all know the dangers of not controlling the condition, and I guess like you I would like to lead my life without a guide dog or frequent visits to a dialysis unit with a prosthetic limb. Harsh perhaps but don't think it might never happen to you. You will kick yourself, perhaps with your one remaining leg!!!
yeah the thrush thing is annoying admittedly, i suffer from that too!!

i guess it might have to take for me to think about having kids before i take things seriously...?

were you poorly controlled all the way up till when you became preg novorapid??

Sorry to post again...................taking the DAFNE course also encouraged me......

It basically teaches everything you need to know about controlling your sugars, complications, excercise, sick days, the lot......

I cant stop testing my blood as I am so keen to know whats happening because of DAFNE........many people might need more than just that but its worth a go.........you will be supsrised at how little you know.....and annoyed to why you didnt know already...........
hi curdster

i thought the same, i went to uni and changed to 4 injections daily but i only do three because i basically forget to do the nightime one and dont notice any difference if i dont take it

i need a massive kick up the jacksy

yeah been talking to my DSN bout DAFNE but its called sumink else in chelmsford, cant remember the other name, think emma31 knows it

is it actually worth doing?

HB84. also worth noting that not everyone on here is an Angel I am sure, and I am not either. But I have found that using this site has helped me aim for better control, and I also find that with control it makes life easier and I feel better. And if I want that checky beer, then I have it.
I had just started getting better when we decided to try for a baby.....I had only just found out about carb counting and 4 jags a day about a year previously, but I didnt have the education to do the regime effectively....

I dont know what thrush is like for woman, and I know woman probably get it more, but for me it was absolutely murder..........

Years of bad control is why it happened, I can remember getting in from work monday to friday and just falling asleep straight away, thats what me till morning........i slept all through the weekends too......bad bad bad......

My circumstances where such that I had little disposable income which effected my diet and so on.........no food, no insulin......
Thanks Steffie, i dont have any kids but have a bf that doesnt understand diabetes either!!

thing is, i can take my sugars and theyll be 16 or 17 but becuase i dont feel particularly bad or anything i dont see it as a problem, thats why (god forbid) i need something bad to happen to me to make me realise diabetes is actually quite serious, if my DSN or doc talks to me, im like "well its easy for you to say do this, that or the other cus you're not the one who is diabetic", and i know it is a selfish way to think but i cant seem to change the way i feel about it all!!

sometimes, i'll get tingly on my fingers, and will only test then, and thats when its in the 30's but cus im still alive and it doesnt affect my everyday life, i just stab to get it down to normal, which i usually overdo and then have to eat something to compensate! but even so, it doesnt bother me...

does anyone else feel like this or am i the only poorly controlled diabetic on here!!?

I cant say your the only badly controlled diabetic but your being very honest about it so i say thats good,but because your ok now it does not mean in the future you wont be, you will know the long term complications so why encourage them, most want to avoid it getting that serious that they take there diabetes head on, i knew a man who had diabetes and never took it serious then one day he stubbed his toe indoors and it turned black he was referred to the hospital but by then it was to late it was gancheries in the end it killed him while he was waiting for the op.
HB. No idea about DAFNE. I have seen some stuff here about it, and have wondered about it. Which injection are you not taking?
I have also had to have laser treatment to my eye and that is not pleasant at all. A little like you, I thought it would not happen to me, but it has.
Get on the course..............it varies regoinally.......it was a 5 day course and teaches you everything......

More importantly, what effect carbohydrate has on your blood sugar, what effect the insulin has on it.......theres lots of stuff, but its definetly worth it as your in there with other diabetics trying it out, you can trade stories and talk about your sugars whilst doing dafne, why its not working at that time of the day, so on and so forth...........

On the friday we all went out for a pub lunch, kinda goodbye lunch, we all counted up the carbs, tested our blood together, it was quite funny actually.
I'd just simply say that if you get the kick that you need, you may find that it is too late.

Start taking control now and avoid the 'if only' moment that will eventually come!

Andy 😱
i know that you are not supposed to run high sugars for long periods of time but have any of you have had warning signs that have scared you into taking control of your diabetes?

Ive been diabetic for 9 years, and regardless of what my DSN or gp say, i kind of refuse to take my diabetes seriously until something bad happens!!

i know that sounds bad but have any of you had a shock to the system that has kicked you up the jacksy into taking responsibility of your diabetes?

Any advice would be great



HI We have a new member to the forum Cheeky Monkey(Susie) you should read her thread. It will make you sit up and take stock of your life. I think she posted yesterday. best wishes Sheenax
What made me scared was the blurry vision. I don't know how long you have to have high blood sugar for to get it, but over the space of a weekend my vision went from normal (i don't wear glasses at all) to being unable to focus on anything more than two meters away from me. Id didn't know i was diabetic at the time, and wasn't even registered with a GP. I went to work on a Monday thinking it would wear off, but it didn't and i ended up going to A+E via the minor injuries clinic (luckily i work in a hospital). That's scary enough for me. If you want to be scared more just read all the pamphlets they give you saying about how you're more likely to have a heart attack, go blind, have an amputation, stroke, kidney failure etc etc (including the magaisine that also informed me i'm more at risk of developing dementia).
I don't have kids, so i find the whole motiviation of watching them grow up, graduate or get married.But not being able to see, having my extremities amputated and having to spend my time on dialysis is enough to scare me into good behaviour.
Working in a hospital means you see people suffering with diabetic complications on a daily basis. That used to scare me, but now i'm just thankful it's not me and wish them well.

Only recently diagnosed so not had long to think about it but for me it's the danger of kidney damage that really worries me. Neuropathy and retinopathy are nasty complications but I think I would have some symptoms of these if they started.
Your kidneys are irreversibly damaged by high glucose concentrations and you may not know about it until extensive damage has occurred. If you think having diabetes is a pain then you really really don't want to end up with renal failure on dialysis!
Are you testing for ketones? I was told by my DSN that levels consistently over 16 put you more at risk of DKA, which can have serious complications of its own.

In terms of warning signs, I tend to just feel 'off', it's not really describable.... When I go low though, I get palpitations and nausea and just feel generally awful.

If you run high you wont feel bad. Your body will think its normal. I ran high for 6 years till I got with my partner and we decided we wanted to start trying for children. It was only when I got my levels down I realised how bad I actually felt high. I have more energy I dont sleeping constantly. I can remember more things, and am generally happier.
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