waking bg of 17.9 - confused, angry (abit hungry)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
ok, so i woke up at 17.9 this morning. I am currently in tears and desperate for something to eat but if i eat, i'll end up feeling guilty that my sugars will likely go higher.

i have no idea what is going on.

we've been over the lantus issues before. i'm not going to go back into them. But I am NOT hypoing in the night (I've been getting matt to wake me up so i test). Last night i was verging on the low (4.0) before bed so i had 2 rounds of marmite on toast as suggested by my DSN. She said to not inject for it.

not inject for it? Looking back on it, that's wrong surely? And is this why i've woken up so high? But surely, that's not really that many carbs???

i don't understand it. for all intents and purposes my day is ruined already. I don't want to eat anything now as i feel like death warmed up, headache and itll probably get worse at work. I can't phone in sick and the rest of my team are in meetings and having a leaving lunch for kim.

I hope you are feeling better. I know it is difficult, but try to have a light breakfast as it is quite cold out. How about a boiled egg and a small piece of fruit?
I hope you are feeling better. I know it is difficult, but try to have a light breakfast as it is quite cold out. How about a boiled egg and a small piece of fruit?

thanks caroline. I'm feeling awful :( I might have a banana on the way to work or something. And warn work about this 'oh yeah hi, i woke up really high earlier so ill probably have a huge hypo later on' (that always happens when i wake up sky high)
Let us know how you get on. I hope it's not snowing in your part of the world and it warms up a bit later.
aww sam {{big hugs}} i was going to say can u have a bit of fruit too but caroline beat me to it look after yourself today xxxx
13.2 now. Gunna quickly scoff some toast and probably have a little more insulin for it (i only had a correction dose)

i still feel like poo though
sorry you feel like poo! I woke highish today, didn't jab enough for those damn chips. I know less than you Sam but am surprised your nurse said have 2 pieces of toast and not to inject?! Hope you sort it out and don't have a nightmare of a day 🙂
sorry you feel like poo! I woke highish today, didn't jab enough for those damn chips. I know less than you Sam but am surprised your nurse said have 2 pieces of toast and not to inject?! Hope you sort it out and don't have a nightmare of a day 🙂

my thoughts exactly 😱 tbf, last night i was a tad out of it, and just sort of went along with it - food, nurswe said not inject, eat, bed etc etc


I've had some toast and just finishing my tea off, i'll have to keep a close eye at work this morning. But knowing my luck i'll end up going stupidly high again at lunch 😡

can't ruddy win
Hope your day is going better than you feared Sam. If I was low befre bed I would have a slice of bread and peanut butter (makes it nice slow release with the fat), and I would never inject for anything before bed - the point is to get your levels up a bit and keep them there and injecting might drop you low overnight. Depending on the bread, I think two slices might be too much though, and marmite is more protein than fat - hence I would use PB.🙂

Of course, this is just me - I'm not plagued by the random BGs that you are.:(
Join the club, I woke up in the 17s too. Feeling really rough now.
I completely over ate when I went low at midnight, always have the munchies when low but never been like that before, was like something had taken over me and I couldn't stop eating!
Hope you feel better soon.
same here my morning bs was 20.7 but i feel fine !!! and i have been fasting since 8pm as i had my bloods this morning for my next dr's appt.
Hope you feel better soon.
If Alex has 2 pieces of bread thats 30 carbs - which would need 2 units of insulin depending on the time of day he ate it. I would never let him have that much before bed! I do think you should have had something - but not as much as you were told to have. You could have had some apple juice (small carton) or glucotabs. I am not surprised you woke up that high to be honest. If this were Alex I would have only given him about 15 carbs to get him through the night and also checked him at 3am. Do speak with your dsn again to check she meant to have this much Sam.🙂

Also if your hungry - you are ok to eat as long as you correct and leave the correction to work for a bit - probably half an hour or so to get it going and then inject for the food you want.🙂 In fact I think there is something about not eating makes you go higher? I think it makes your body think your starving and increases levels or something similar (?) - so you end up being on the high side all day then.:(Bev
Yep I agree with Bev totally.

You can eat but get the correction insulin working first, as Bev said 1/2 hour to an hour. Then inject before you eat (I know this is all to late but for future reference) then eat. That insulin needs to start working. You will also need possibly more insulin for the food than normal as you are insulin resistent up there in the 20's.

Why this is happening, could be the dawn phenomenon. When do you have your Lantus injection. Could be the time of day that is wrong perhaps.

Your nurse was wrong (I'd love her to live with D for a while she would soon be changing her advice), she obviously knows nothing about carbs.

Two pieces of bread far too much if no injection. If you wanted that to eat and you were low, I would have done what Bev said, have a quick acting to just top you up a bit (but not too much) wait 15 odd minutes till you have come up to a bit higher then eat the toast but inject for it. What has no doubt happened is that the toast has shot you up and the Lantus is doing its stuff and keeping your levels stable ish. Hence the reason you were high I would imagine. The toast without novorapid would take you up high and the Lantus would keep you there. Does that make sense.

This is why on a pump we don't need long acting after quick acting for a hypo. Infact the new way of thinking on MDI is the same, no long acting is needed. If you have the Lantus or Levemir right then you only need the quick acting to get you up and the Lantus/Levemir will keep you there.

Hope that helps.
Hi salmonpuff, hope things have settled down for you. I really feel for you as I've been struggling with high morning readings for the last couple of months, in fact off and on since diagnosis! For the first time in ages, they're down to the 7's. For me, it seems to have been gradually changing my lantus from a morning dose, to an evening one, but not sure yet, only time will tell.

If you're not sure what your correction dose should be, the Bdec site tells you how to work it out:

Sam, personally I would have had one peice of toast and not injected. 2 is definitely too much for most people not to bolus for it!! I also would have had my breakfast in the morning, in fact I think it's better to have breakfast rather than just take a correction dose! I would work out how much I need to take for the food im going to eat, then add on the correction dose. I'd inject about 15 minutes before I eat. Injecting a correction at breakfast without eating anything would probably mess things up even more.

I keep hypoing at night atm, almost every night. Set my alarm for 3am last night, so that I didn't wake up later with a really bad one. I was 3.9 so I had a bit of coke and a bit of bread roll. Tested a bit later and I was 3.6 > more coke, more roll. 2.6 > more coke another roll. eventually went up to 7.2 by 3.45. Woke up at 6.30 and I was 11.3 then when I got up at 10am I was 3.9 again. Ive reduced my lantus. If anyone knows what is going on please let me know 😱 I'd usually wake up high after treating that hypo!
I keep hypoing at night atm, almost every night. Set my alarm for 3am last night, so that I didn't wake up later with a really bad one. I was 3.9 so I had a bit of coke and a bit of bread roll. Tested a bit later and I was 3.6 > more coke, more roll. 2.6 > more coke another roll. eventually went up to 7.2 by 3.45. Woke up at 6.30 and I was 11.3 then when I got up at 10am I was 3.9 again. Ive reduced my lantus. If anyone knows what is going on please let me know 😱 I'd usually wake up high after treating that hypo!

Katie, are you waiting in between your coke and bread roll. You should be following the 15 rule? All on MDI and pumps should follow the 15 rule. You take 15 carbs of quick acting, is that what your coke was? It is one small party sized can of coke of 150 mls measured out. You then have to wait 15 minutes, then test. If up you can then have your bread roll, if down or the same, repeat the 15 carbs and then wait 15 mins etc.

If you do it all at the same time, the bread roll will slow down the coke and not make it work. Each time you tested the coke would not have been working and so you were repeated and eventually it would all build up and hence the 11.3. However you then potentially crash again, which you did, because of the way it all built up and hypos breed hypos.

Does that make sense? Maybe you did it the 15 way. We sometimes get times where it just keeps going down and we always follow the 15 rule but this is Jessica's bit of pancreas waking up and producing insulin because I am giving quick acting, which your pancreas won't do. It could be one of those bizarre moments which will never be explained.

Hope that helps. 🙂
Sam, personally I would have had one peice of toast and not injected. 2 is definitely too much for most people not to bolus for it!! I also would have had my breakfast in the morning, in fact I think it's better to have breakfast rather than just take a correction dose! I would work out how much I need to take for the food im going to eat, then add on the correction dose. I'd inject about 15 minutes before I eat. Injecting a correction at breakfast without eating anything would probably mess things up even more.


Yep some people do it like that if too high and add them together, we do that on the pump as well is high but not that high. If you are that high, ie up in the 20's if you give food as well the potential is that the food will just take you up and up and up regardless of what insulin you have given. It is all to do with being insulin resistent at those high levels plus morning. At 20 odd it would be better, if you had the time to give the correction and wait, not long, just long enough for it to have kicked in and started working. Half hour would do the trick. You are not going to go hypo in half an hour with insulin resistence playing a part and numbers of 20. Then you inject for food and eat.

If however the high 20 was from a rebound hypo and over correction its a whole other ball game.

Yep some people do it like that if too high and add them together, we do that on the pump as well is high but not that high. If you are that high, ie up in the 20's if you give food as well the potential is that the food will just take you up and up and up regardless of what insulin you have given. It is all to do with being insulin resistent at those high levels plus morning. At 20 odd it would be better, if you had the time to give the correction and wait, not long, just long enough for it to have kicked in and started working. Half hour would do the trick. You are not going to go hypo in half an hour with insulin resistence playing a part and numbers of 20. Then you inject for food and eat.

If however the high 20 was from a rebound hypo and over correction its a whole other ball game.

Yes - this is what we do. I would always correct and wait until levels coming down before eating anything - it just adds to the load and stops the correction from doing its job!😱

On the subject of the 15 minute rule - havent heard of it! We always check after 10 minutes and if not rising - treat again etc - but i would never give anything other than pure glucose until he is over 6 - otherwise it stops him absorbing the glucose. But i will bear it in mind for future hypos though!🙂Bev
Yes - this is what we do. I would always correct and wait until levels coming down before eating anything - it just adds to the load and stops the correction from doing its job!😱

On the subject of the 15 minute rule - havent heard of it! We always check after 10 minutes and if not rising - treat again etc - but i would never give anything other than pure glucose until he is over 6 - otherwise it stops him absorbing the glucose. But i will bear it in mind for future hypos though!🙂Bev

The levels don't have to come back down totally, just on the way down so you know the correction given is working and on its way to being ok.

15 min rule :

All at our hospital are taught about the 15 min rule, you must have head JD talk about it, perhaps not. I can email you our emergency instructions if you like which have the 15 min rule on them.

I find that if Jessica is low and I give quick acting, if I test after 5 mins, she has gone down, if I test after 10 minutes she will be the same, when I test after 15 minutes she will be up, if all goes according to plan of course.
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