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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well I never just been sick and it is the 3rd time in my life yes i know that because im never sick so anyway i guess it must be the byetta, at first i though it might of been the triple cheeseburger and doner kebab i had at 3 (only joking):D:D.I forgot what it felt like and its yuk .
Oh dear :( hope your feeling a bit better now hun. I'd make sure your levels don't drop because of it so maybe test in a little while to see if it's affected your bg's x
Oh dear :( hope your feeling a bit better now hun. I'd make sure your levels don't drop because of it so maybe test in a little while to see if it's affected your bg's x

Thanks Emma did'nt even think about that.
Yup, I just looked up the list of side effects and nausea is there. You must be feeling awful. I hope it wears off quickly. How are you getting on with the injecting bit?
Yup, I just looked up the list of side effects and nausea is there. You must be feeling awful. I hope it wears off quickly. How are you getting on with the injecting bit?

yeah good going so far hun, away for a lie down woooosh i feel weird x
Hi Steff,

I went on Byetta in Janaury and found the first 10 days or so just that little bit odd, not vomiting so much as being just out of sorts with the world. The good news is that it settled then and i didnt go through the same when uppin to 10ug.

I am on 6mm needles and can only really use my ample belly as my thighs have virtually no fat on them as carrying my somewhat portly (!) frame around all these years means they are fairly solid muscle!

I lost some weight (1 st out of 19) quite quickly (more due to lack of appetite in that first 10 days I think) but now settle at what I hope is a sustainable gradual loss. Biggest issue for me has been not being able to grab and go food when running late etc due to the 30 min wait (anywhere between 30 and 60mins seems fine). Has meant more McD breakfasts, but vritually no midweek takeaways, so a good result there. Can now run a 5k in under 30 mins - just

Any issues that crop up that you want another opinion on, please let me know, can't promise to be medically perfect, but happy to share my experiences.

Have faith that the sickness passes and all will be right with world....

Hi Steff

Sorry to hear you have been sick. I was never physically sick I am pleased to say but I felt really nauseaous during the first week or so as you know - don't worry too much about it unless you can not keep anything at all down of course.

Here are a few things I tried: drink sugar free ginger ale, nibble ginger biscuits- forget they have sugar - I said nibble not eat the whole packet - oops, no, that was me - I love 'em! This one sounds weird but it did work a bit - a teaspoon of cider vinegar in a glass of warm water.

In the end I found diet lemonade was just as good and sucking a mint helped too.

Poor you - you will look back and laugh at this one one day. Chin up🙂
Hi Steff,

I went on Byetta in Janaury and found the first 10 days or so just that little bit odd, not vomiting so much as being just out of sorts with the world.

Hi Malc

I forgot about that spaced out feeling - no fun if you have to go to work! For anyone about to go on Byetta, and can do so, I would book a few days off work for when you begin- give yourself a chance to adjust.
thanks malc and everyone, just had 29 min nap will take my jab at 5.30 urghh

ps forgot to add i tested at 16.45 and was 10/4 then 17.10 and was 8.2
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Hi Steff, I hope you feel better. Remember to keep your fluids up and keep checking your levels.
thedame or malc if you read this can you help me out, i dont feel much like eating an evening meal but ive taken my byetta will anything happen if i dont eat???
Poor Steff, being sick is horrid. Hope you feel better soon.

Yes i was having egg salad for tea but im afraid even looking at abit of bread at the minute is a no no

You must try to eat something within an hour of injecting or you will be sick again. If you can't face egg salad etc just have something bland- toast or porridge/cereal. Don't worrry baout carbs at this stage- you need something inside you for the Byetta to work on. This is very important.

This will settle and you will find your levels settle too - give it a few days Steff. Have PM'd you x

You must try to eat something within an hour of injecting or you will be sick again. If you can't face egg salad etc just have something bland- toast or porridge/cereal. Don't worrry baout carbs at this stage- you need something inside you for the Byetta to work on. This is very important.

This will settle and you will find your levels settle too - give it a few days Steff. Have PM'd you x

i will reluntantly have 2 weetabix then , thank you x
Hi Steff, hope this settles for you soon, poor you :(
Hi Steff, hope this settles for you soon, poor you :(

Only to be expected,heaven forbid im one of the lucky ones who gets no side effects, at the moment im fine no appetite though.
Steff, you poor thing!
That sounds horrible. Try and eat something before you take your byetta, coz like Metformin, it's worse on an empty stomach (or so i'm told, i've had an incident of vommiting so much i had nothing left to come up and i think it's actually worse that way..), can you ring your dsn for advice? I looked on www.byetta.com but it's helpline was in the states...

Hope you feel better soon, things migh settle down in time.

Steff, you poor thing!
That sounds horrible. Try and eat something before you take your byetta, coz like Metformin, it's worse on an empty stomach (or so i'm told, i've had an incident of vommiting so much i had nothing left to come up and i think it's actually worse that way..), can you ring your dsn for advice? I looked on www.byetta.com but it's helpline was in the states...

Hope you feel better soon, things migh settle down in time.


Already tryed her phone just went to answer phone and i hate leaving messages i will try her again early morning to see if i catch her
Hope you are feeling better Steff.

I hate leaving answer phone messages too - but sometimes the answer phone is allowed to take messages so they can filter and ring back the most urgent cases first. If you get no joy call your GP and see if they can give you some advice over the phone.
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