Virtual (on-line) meet up.

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
What do people think about a virtual meet up. There's already a long time since there was a RL one in some area. (2 years in my area.)
I've used Skype a little bit for one to one video calls. I've been an "attendee" for a number of Zoom group video meetups/"conferences".
We'll be at a weekly Zoom coffee morning at 10.30 on Friday, there are often around 20 of us so the host divides us into 3 'rooms' usually otherwise too many to have a proper chat. Nice to see people we only usually see when we both go to France for our holidays to some of the same places cos they live quite far north of Hadrian's Wall and only visit some places in England for a few days at a time on their way south to Eurotunnel! - and other more local folk.
Hi there! I am new to this support forum and wondered if there is a regular zoom chat for type one's to chat and get to know each other? I am really keen on making friends with those who also have type one and thought this place would be a good place to ask? ☺️
Hi @Em04 The only online thing I know of, other than the forums, is a Zoom meetup of a diabetes support group in my area. The group's I know of have both T1 and T2.
In the past people from the forum have had real life (RL) meet ups. Maybe you could get some interested in doing an online meetup.
I think this is a great idea @Ralph-YK

I’ve just started a thread so I can gather names of people who would like to take part

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