• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Virtual Meetup - second Sunday of the month

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
I’m looking to join a group of diabetics in the Oxford area, particularly one with people on pumps. Is this the right group? I’m a type 1 of long standing with a pump and Libre

Our monthly virtual meetup has people using a mix of diabetes types, technologies, medications and dietary approaches. Forum members can join in from wherever they live and we chat about all things diabetes related, and more besides!

Depending on who attends each month, and what has been going on in people’s lives we chat about all sorts, including pumps, CGM, hybrid closed loop, diabetes in schools, carbs, weight loss, hypos, holidays… you name it!

You’d be very welcome to join us 🙂
I am new I am hoping a moderator picks up your thread Annie R. I thought it was everywhere but they might help get you to the group and I’m sure you’d be welcome and others can explain
Hi, can you send me login details as I would like to join in,
Many Thanks for this today, was lovely to hear from many new faces and people.
Yes @Nayshiftin - so lovely to be joined by some new faces, and a really nice chat, as always.

And we hardly mentioned the football at all!

Glad you are feeling better @Michael12421 and all the best on your quest for information @Annie R

See you again next month! 🙂
Hope everyone well. Watching tennis in the boozer shook unable to join this month. Sorry to miss you @Nayshiftin!
We have had a couple of successful virtual meetups over the summer, and there seems to be appetite for more opportunities to gather ‘virtually’ for a bit of a chat and catchup via video ‘Zoom‘ meeting.

So I am suggesting we start to hold these regularly on the second Sunday of the month for a while, and see how it goes - until we are able to restart occasional face-to-face meetups.

The next one will be 3pm on Sunday 13th September.

These meetings will use the same meeting ID and password, so if you were part of the August meetup, you should be able to use the same details.

You would be very welcome to join us for 40 minutes or so.

Please let me know in a comment below if you’d like to join the meeting and I will send login details via Direct Message.
I'm gonna post a new thread: Virtual meetup - another time another place - to see if there's any interest. FYI
I'm gonna post a new thread: Virtual meetup - another time another place - to see if there's any interest. FYI
I would be however had to go to Scotland to look after special needs cousins daughter whilst cousins in hospital . So sorry to miss you all it’s not as easy on the mobile. Hope it goes well maybe next time.
Hello everyone,

With it being holiday season, and there is a likelihood that quite a few people are away, I’ve decided that we should skip August’s virtual meetup, and reconvene in September if there is still an appetite to continue.

Enjoy the break, and treat yourselves to an ice cream (or something lower carb!)
Hello everyone,

With it being holiday season, and there is a likelihood that quite a few people are away, I’ve decided that we should skip August’s virtual meetup, and reconvene in September if there is still an appetite to continue.

Enjoy the break, and treat yourselves to an ice cream (or something lower carb!)
Great good idea thanks
Thanks Mike
I just checked the calendar, and saw it in there.

I look forward to catching up in September
Hello folks!

I hope everyone has had a good Summer.

This coming Sunday (12th September) is the second Sunday of the Month, and so is our usual day for a virtual forum meetup.

Can you let me know if you would like to join in, and I will send you the Zoom log-in details 🙂
Many thanks for invite I’d love to come but sadly I am still in Scotland without a computer . Hope you have a great meeting .
Sorry, can’t make it this month, daughter and I have got tickets to some local Horse Trials. (An event close enough to walk to is too good an opportunity to miss!). Have a good meet!
Would love to, but am on holiday. Look forward to next time.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.