very sad

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Oh Bev, huge huge hugs xxxx Some people are just so ignorant and scared. Poor Alex, tell hime there is nothing wrong with him!

Are you going to speak to this other mum? What's Alex going to say at school to the kids that went?? I can't believe that the kids had to cover up about it...

Sending lots and lots of hugs
Oh Bev, only just read all this. How awful, yet another child left out due to an illness, how horrendous. Unfortunately, as you know, this happens all over the UK and it is despicable.

Do you know what I would do in this particular instance, ask the boy round to tea this week. I presume he is a friend of Alex'. I wouldn't bother saying anything to the woman, no point, she won't change as she should have approached you in the first place so don't waste your breath but you can ask her son over. That will be one in the eye to her and the boys will have fun. You could go one better and ask the lad on a sleepover at yours with Alex !!!!!

I feel sorry for all the boys quite frankly. Fancy having to keep it a secret, I think that is the worse bit really. The mum is an ignoramus whether she is frightened or not but to get a bunch of boys lying to a friend is horrendous.

Tell Alex not to worry, he is sooooo much better than that bloody idiot woman, she can have bad mum of the year award I think. 😡
Just before he went to bed i asked him how he felt about it all. He said 'I dont blame my friends - and i wont say anything to them because it isnt their fault'.
It is his sisters 18th next week and he is allowed to have a few friends over as our house will be full of screaming girls!. I said he might like to invite the boy involved - but he wants to invite another boy who never gets asked to anything because he comes from a rough estate and Alex wants to let him play with his wii and dj hero thing. I just wish adults could show as much empathy toward children.

I must admit that the thought of speaking to the mother fills me with dread. If she has this sort of mentality - then i dont want Alex at her house anyway and i would probably end up being a little rude to her.

Having had 2 daughters go through teenage years i thought i had seen it all. But having a child with a 'difference' has really opened my eyes to the ignorance and thoughtlessness of others. I remember my dear departed mum used to say 'there - but for the grace of God go I' and never a truer word was said. None of us know what fate has in store for us do we - so we should live our lives with empathy and understanding as we never know when we may need it back.🙄Bev
Oh Bev, only just read all this. How awful, yet another child left out due to an illness, how horrendous. Unfortunately, as you know, this happens all over the UK and it is despicable.

Do you know what I would do in this particular instance, ask the boy round to tea this week. I presume he is a friend of Alex'. I wouldn't bother saying anything to the woman, no point, she won't change as she should have approached you in the first place so don't waste your breath but you can ask her son over. That will be one in the eye to her and the boys will have fun. You could go one better and ask the lad on a sleepover at yours with Alex !!!!!

I feel sorry for all the boys quite frankly. Fancy having to keep it a secret, I think that is the worse bit really. The mum is an ignoramus whether she is frightened or not but to get a bunch of boys lying to a friend is horrendous.

Tell Alex not to worry, he is sooooo much better than that bloody idiot woman, she can have bad mum of the year award I think. 😡

very well put adrienne xxx your a supermum tooo!!
bev dont waste your energy with folk like her, as alex says its not the kids fault.... I too have been through the playground crap so deep breathes!!
get alex to invite who he wants...and one thing i learnt 3 is not a good number to have round especially if playing computer games ! hehee good luck sweetiexx🙂
I look at those poor children in Haiti and think that at least Alex doesnt have it this bad and then i feel guilty for feeling upset for something that is so unimportant in the big scheme of things. Bev

Yes, but it's the 'small scheme of things' that we have to deal with in our everyday life, and that matter to our individual families, so don't feel guilty about feeling upset over something that is important to you and your boy. What a wonderfully warm and loving heart your son has.

The replies on this thread have brought tears to my eyes, actually. It's a shame that everyone can't be as lovely as the people on here.

People fear what they don't know or understand. One day someone will be saying I don't want this woman around because she is old or has spots or she talks in her sleep.

Alex is a very brave boy as he is coping with something lots of adults have problems with.
Thats awful, your son sounds like an amazing boy & she sounds like a frightful person😡. Theres a lot of people in this world that make me sad & her type falls into that, but then there are the people that actually make you hope thats its not all bad & your Alex is one of those. (& the people on these boards too!)
I only just read this Bev, its very sad. Im so sorry.

Some people are so ignorant it is unbelieveable and its so sad it has affected Alex in this way.

Its nice that you have something else in mind and inviting people over to yours. I admire his and yours spirit to rise above it, especially when something like this hurts so bad.

Bev, I am sorry you have had to encounter this stupid ignorant woman! I feel especially sorry for Alex as he will probably never forget the incident. When I was 15 (many years ago) I liked one of my sister's friends. All was fine until she found out I was on daily injections. Her response was something along the lines of "Ughh! You are not normal!"
Bev, it sounds like you have a real diamond of a son in Alex.

In this selfish world we live in it is refreshing to know that someone so young as Alex is always thinking of others and not himself, if only more people were like him the world would be a better place.

You must be very proud of him.
Sorry, just catching up on posts. What a kid you've got there, he's certainly more mature than his age, and probably that Mothers too. He's obviously gonna come out of it OK, but why should he have to - some people don't deserve to make decisions that affect others.
Tell him he deserves better, but not too worry about people like her, he's better than that.
Gosh thanks everyone! I am sitting here with tears in my eyes - you couldnt wish to 'meet' a nicer bunch of people than everyone on here.

I dont want anyone to misunderstand that I want Alex wrapped in cotton wool - i dont! Life can be tough and I always think its a learning curve when negative things happen. I suppose its just that i cant imagine why anyone would want to leave a child out of anything - this is alien to me. Every child and person is precious in their own way and their specialness (sp?)should be embraced not used against them. Rant over and thanks again everyone - your all special people.🙂Bev x
Is it weird of me to be looking forward to the first time Hannah wants to invite someone for a sleepover and I get a "my daughter is diabetic, let me explain it to you..." conversation with another mum? :D

Make sure you tell Alex he's not a freak, if he is then I must be too...hmm, on second
Awww, your Alex is a star! "Normal" is overrated and rather boring.

I expect that the woman in question is just ignorant and frightened, oh and incredibly insensitive. What a thing to do to a kid?!?!
Oh bev ... Just picking this up now.

It's completely heartbreaking. It just seems 'another thing' that someone with a difference, and specifically someone with an invisible difference called diabetes has to deal with... Like thereis not enough already...

Times like this the frank unfairness of it all is so very wearing...

But: you know you are right, and A is right. And it's good people like him who make life properly real and worth it for the rest of us.

I'm sorry he's had to go through this. And you. It's not a small thing- it hurts!

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