Very sad

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Please done feel like you have frightnened me bcoz you havent 🙂

, ...........they have even said we will wake up because we are in tune with him as his parents.


I'm glad I haven't frightened you but I'll be honest and your medical team have frightened me 😱

The above sentence is ludicrous. I can't believe they have told you that. They may well have had parents saying to them something like 'I just got that feeling he/she may be hypo and I just happened to wake up'. This of course cannot be relied on ever so I hope they didn't say that to you meaning that. Oh dear god!!!!

It is great that your son can feel hypos, again don't take that as read though, it is all still new at the moment for you all and things can change by the day. Hopefully this will continue as it is a great thing if he can feel them always.

Unfortunately though you have proved your team wrong already in that he didn't wake with that hypo. This is why most of us test on a nightly basis. Sleep deprivation is one of the worst things for all the parents but there is little that can be done and with two parents sharing the load a bit easier.

Take care of yourself though, treat yourself as well as your son to things, you need looking after as well. 🙂
I think it usually takes more than a 3.4 to wake you up. Ive woken up in the morning (when my alarm goes off) to that kind of number feeling a bit shaky. I would have woken up if it had gone lower and given me worse symptoms. Can't tell you how low I am when I wake up to a bad hypo because I go straight for the hypo treatment.
It is a very sad story. Part of me feels that something went wrong somewhere, this sort of thing shouldn't be happening. Somehow this girl was let down. but I also know that people can only change if they want to, you can offer people every help and support and unless they are ready to accept it theres not alot you can do.

The thing that make me thing "what the..." was that she checked herself out of hospital when she was still ill a few times. When I was 19 there is no way my parents would let me do that. I know she was officially an adult, but still young!
The thing that make me thing "what the..." was that she checked herself out of hospital when she was still ill a few times. When I was 19 there is no way my parents would let me do that. I know she was officially an adult, but still young!

I agree Katie but as an adult the hospital have to listen to her rather than her parents ! We don't know all the details, who knows what was going on behind the scenes. Newspapers only print so much.

"I think it usually takes more than a 3.4 to wake you up. Ive woken up in the morning (when my alarm goes off) to that kind of number feeling a bit shaky. I would have woken up if it had gone lower and given me worse symptoms. Can't tell you how low I am when I wake up to a bad hypo because I go straight for the hypo treatment. "

I think that most kids though don't wake up whatever they are, a few do but most don't regardless of whether they are 3.4 or 2.1 or 1.9. Jessica was 1.7 and mid seizure Feb last year when I just happened to look in her bedroom. Glucagon injection was very handy that night !
I agree Katie but as an adult the hospital have to listen to her rather than her parents ! We don't know all the details, who knows what was going on behind the scenes. Newspapers only print so much.

"I think it usually takes more than a 3.4 to wake you up. Ive woken up in the morning (when my alarm goes off) to that kind of number feeling a bit shaky. I would have woken up if it had gone lower and given me worse symptoms. Can't tell you how low I am when I wake up to a bad hypo because I go straight for the hypo treatment. "

I think that most kids though don't wake up whatever they are, a few do but most don't regardless of whether they are 3.4 or 2.1 or 1.9. Jessica was 1.7 and mid seizure Feb last year when I just happened to look in her bedroom. Glucagon injection was very handy that night !

Yeah as I said, I know she's an adult, but i'd have done what my parents (not to mention the doc/nurses) said. Doesn't really have anything to do with it, I was just saying :D

I can only talk about my own experience, I dont think i'd wake up because of a 3.4 but if it kept getting lower I would. I'm just interested in finding out if this happens to many adults and if it doesn't, when do children start to wake up hypo.

Need to ask some children who have now grown up: sam, Jeeta etc.
Yeah as I said, I know she's an adult, but i'd have done what my parents (not to mention the doc/nurses) said. Doesn't really have anything to do with it, I was just saying :D

I can only talk about my own experience, I dont think i'd wake up because of a 3.4 but if it kept getting lower I would. I'm just interested in finding out if this happens to many adults and if it doesn't, when do children start to wake up hypo.

Need to ask some children who have now grown up: sam, Jeeta etc.

I used to wake up like you say, when it's dropping below 3.2'ish - happened a lot in the early days before I got my lantus sorted.

I think that, with the girl, it sounds like it was more a case of a mental disorder no doubt exacerbated by the swinging sugars - sounds like she was in a very destructive frame of mind and we often see what that can do to, say, people with eating disorders - they just won't be helped, no matter how hard their parents and everyone tries.

I'm the same as Katie - when I wake up through the night due to hypo I'm always in the 1.x - 2.x range.

I've never been above 3.0 when I wake, so going below <=2.9 seems to be the trigger for me, but again everyone is different and it probably varies depending on how good your own control has been lately.

have all ways checked my son through the night around 3 or 4 o'clock
the dsn couldn't understand this and said its not needed
i still do though
Quite right Delta. No DSN or consultant will ever understand this unless they have children with diabetes or are extremely good experts. Our team in London totally back this.
good for them

the thing is this is the dsn's job when they get home and can switch off we cant they will never understand the worry we go through everyday while putting a brave face on for our little ones
Yeah as I said, I know she's an adult, but i'd have done what my parents (not to mention the doc/nurses) said. Doesn't really have anything to do with it, I was just saying :D

I can only talk about my own experience, I dont think i'd wake up because of a 3.4 but if it kept getting lower I would. I'm just interested in finding out if this happens to many adults and if it doesn't, when do children start to wake up hypo.

Need to ask some children who have now grown up: sam, Jeeta etc.

I don't wake up from a hypo unless its really really really bad now...the last one I woke up to was a er...1.8 when I was still in winchester because I was having really wierd dreams that i was hypo and coulnd't get out of bed :confused:
This is an awful story. I was diagnosed when i was 3 and when i was a teenager really struggled and could not except a condition that i got as a young child. I really could feel this poor girls pain. More needs to be done to help people who can't cope or understand why this is or has happened to them.x
I don't wake up from a hypo unless its really really really bad now...the last one I woke up to was a er...1.8 when I was still in winchester because I was having really wierd dreams that i was hypo and coulnd't get out of bed :confused:

I think i have woken up for every hypo during the night but then how can u tell ???

sometimes i think im dreaming that im goin hypo and im like half awake then i finally wake up properly and i am going hypo.... its weird...
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