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Thanks for the advice about meat as I do like my meat but even my diabetic nurse says I should limit my intake of red meats.
I will do my research on the veg and get more in the know on the carb values of specific meals.
I am still none the wiser as to why my GP and nurse tell me not to worry about having high readings even like this morning with a reading on 11.6 on the freestyle and 11.4 on finger prick test this after over 9 hours without food
That will be the dawn effect. The liver readies itself for waking up by pumping out glucose into the blood
That will be the dawn effect. The liver readies itself for waking up by pumping out glucose into the blood
Well thanks as I never knew that before and certainly not something my GP or Diabetic nurse have suggested.
Odd thing is on the day of my accident looking back as I was only using finger prick testing my reading that morning was just 4.8 that was before eating breakfast.
Again when I was in hospital at QE the diabetic nurse there did say that I shouldn't drive below 5.0 though my local diabetic nurse says that only applies to Type 1 diabetics and further as it was before breakfast and my accident was over an hour after that test was likely irrelevant
Thanks for the advice about meat as I do like my meat but even my diabetic nurse says I should limit my intake of red meats.
I will do my research on the veg and get more in the know on the carb values of specific meals.
I am still none the wiser as to why my GP and nurse tell me not to worry about having high readings even like this morning with a reading on 11.6 on the freestyle and 11.4 on finger prick test this after over 9 hours without food
You could see if it might be the Dawn effect by seeing what your Libre reading is in the overnight period in particular if it goes up just before and when you get up and just after or has it stayed at the high level all night.
If people are finger pricking then they may test in bed as blood glucose can go up as soon as they get up, the liver being super helpful in releasing glucose.
As you are still in the recovery phase from your accident that could be partly having an effect on blood glucose.
Have they ruled out any damage to the pancreas that could have been caused by the accident.
You could see if it might be the Dawn effect by seeing what your Libre reading is in the overnight period in particular if it goes up just before and when you get up and just after or has it stayed at the high level all night.
If people are finger pricking then they may test in bed as blood glucose can go up as soon as they get up, the liver being super helpful in releasing glucose.
As you are still in the recovery phase from your accident that could be partly having an effect on blood glucose.
Have they ruled out any damage to the pancreas that could have been caused by the accident.
Apologies for the delay responding, have only just seen this as I had to go up to Scotland as a family member died suddenly and my help was needed.
I had read your post just before so have been monitoring overnight and if it is on the high side when I head off for sleep it tends to stay high throughout the night till morning however if it is normal 2 hours after evening meal on occasion it has gone up to around 14 by 2am and stays that way, but equally for a few days it did drop very low around 2.7 - 3.1, this lasted 4 days I was treating the lows with the obligatory Jelly Babies when I became aware.
I am still awaiting to see the endocrinologist who I am guessing will be investigating my pancreas function.
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