Upset and angry

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Sorry to hear that steff, but like the others have said, your dad cares about you and sadly you do hear about people meeting up off the net and nasty things happening.. however, I have met several people from the net singly and in groups and have had a great time and have made new friends from it.. I dont see that it is any different from meeting someone in a pub, you dont know them from adam whereas online we tend to know more about the people we chat with. It is a great experience meeting up with people who share something in common with you, whether it be interests, lifestyle or health conditions.
Katie - your probably right! But what if one of the group then decided to stalk you etc......sorry I just cant stop being a parent!:D

I would hate my 22 year old and 17 year old to meet with anyone off the internet!😱Lecture over now.🙂Bev x

That could easily happen to someone you meet at the hospital. Someone you meet at Karate class. Someone you meet in a night club...

I didn't give my address out at the london meet so I should be ok 😉
i wondered why people kept giving me funny looks upon seeing the axe strapped to my back 😱
i want a katana :( everytime i go to the british museum japan section i end up drooling over the katana and wakizashi swords in front of the ceremonial armour.

i want to be a samurai :( stupid japan telling them they cant be samurais anymore :(
swords are still cooler 😉

I have to agree!! 😛 In fact this isnt as off subject as I was about to apologise for being. I used to be a member of a medievil society & learnt to sword fight. Scary turning up to a meeting in a church hall when 18 to do my first session with a bunch of people I didnt know. And some of the actually were holding axes!! :D :D

Still, apologies for the sidetracking.

It is a really contentious issue about meeting online people. My husband doesnt agree with it but I do, so I am always interested in attending meets (world of warcraft guild meets being one, just like Phils!) but I dont usually as he is of the opinion that there will be too many odbods.
There are certainly safety issues with meeting people online, just as there in meeting people in different contexts. I have however met up with people I've met online several times. For me it's a case of just planning to makd sure I'm safe, so meeting in a busy public place, someone knowing where I am, being confident that I know where I'm going and how I'll get back etc. With those kind of things covered I don't feel I'm any less safe than I would be going places by myself.
Hi Steff,

We all have to be careful when we meet strangers and I can see where your dad is coming from.

On the London meet I met Tom at the railway station, where there is lots of CCTV. Not that Tom's a nutter or anything - just insurance. I told my sister what my plans for the day were. I kept in touch with my other half and sister by text every hour or so.

The thing you could do personally is to tell somebody exactly where you are going and what time you plan to leave.

Perhaps your dad will feel better if you phone him a few times on the day to let him know you are safe?
*hugs steff*

poor you, i get a bit angry when people say that sort of thing to me too. Like when Tez helped us move, the guy we were living with was like 'he could be a pyscho and i'll be at your funerals in a couple of weeks" :confused:

i get where you're coming from. As diabetics alot of us feel incredibly isolated and alone and its nice to have a community like this where luckilly we're all lovely people (well, most of us 😉 ). But in the same way i can 'kind of' see where people are coming from with the 'be careful' aspect you know?

A lot of folk, especially older ones are suspicious of relationships built up over the 'net. Mostly because our, 'oh so responsible' press have filled their heads with horror stories. You've got more chance of being run over by a bus than meeting an internet predator and Sam's absolutely right about the isolation we can feel. It's good to be able to meet up with other souls who are in the same boat, people who understand the problems we face because they're living with it too. Don't let him get you down Steff and when the day comes you'll have a ball I'm sure of it.
I went to the London meet. Actually that's the first time I have met up with mopre than 1 person from the internet. Met a couple of people who went to my uni that I met online first.

Hope you can talk things over tonight when you speak and he will be more understanding
Would that be a Psychiatric Hospital where all us axe murderers reside? 😉

I appreciate that this comment was meant to be taken too seriously, but please be aware that many people who use psychiatric hospitals rightly get very upset by the assumption that all are violent / dangerous etc.

Now, back to the general point about internet safety...
I appreciate that this comment was meant to be taken too seriously, but please be aware that many people who use psychiatric hospitals rightly get very upset by the assumption that all are violent / dangerous etc.

Now, back to the general point about internet safety...

Sorry if anyone was offended by my comment. It was not my intention to suggest that everyone with a mental health problem is a nutter.

My own sister is Bi-Polar, so I know how difficult it can be for people who have to live with conditions like that.
Poor you Steff :(

I went to the London meet, I was just nervous at doing that kind of thing really. I had never done anything like that before. Deep down I new it was going to be fine, just nerves. I am pretty sure I hadnt told anyone where I was going either! Ooops! Not good! Perhaps because I wasnt far from home ground. Not recommended I guess.

He reacted badly I know. I can only guess its a bad way to voice it, but its all about his concern and care for you. Maybe when he comes to stay with you, show him the photos from the London meet and what a jolly bunch of peeps we are!

Bev, good call. I would have love to met you but the point you raise in the message you set to Alex is a very important one. Maybe one day.....?! 😉
Thanks everyone did not expect such a big response x

Well I spoke to my dad last night and he apologised i kinda made him work for it though took a while to come down from my high horse but anyway he and I are ok.If i had of sat and thought about it i should of seen things from his side after all he has my best interests at heart and was only being father like.
Well done Steff for seeing both sides, it takes a bigger (not literally you understand 🙂) and better person to be able to do that rather than just be totally blinkered. Good on yer. xx
Also meant to say that if your dad is like you, then it probably took him a lot to apologise as well so good for him as well. What lovely people. x
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