Upset and angry

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
BEWARE some ranting is contained in this thread .I spoke to my dad on the phone like i do every night and I was telling him about the London meet in April and as soon as i did he said why are you going to that there a bunch of strangers they could be any number of weirdoes among them I dont know if he hit a nerve or something but I just started getting angry at him saying dad you live with a diabetic you should know how isolated we can become sometimes these types of meets can only be for the good i said he said back to that well dont come to me when something goes wrong , and oh who do you expect will be looking after my grandchild he says at that point I put the phone down and went mad at myself, to think he has been living with a type 1 diabetic for 15 years and he reacted that way I never thought I would see the day but it happened.I cant even say well i can see it from his point of view because I CANT he had no right to react that way, im tempted to tell him where to go when he wants to come to me in March. GRRR someone get me a punch bag I am in need of one.
*hugs steff*

poor you, i get a bit angry when people say that sort of thing to me too. Like when Tez helped us move, the guy we were living with was like 'he could be a pyscho and i'll be at your funerals in a couple of weeks" :confused:

i get where you're coming from. As diabetics alot of us feel incredibly isolated and alone and its nice to have a community like this where luckilly we're all lovely people (well, most of us 😉 ). But in the same way i can 'kind of' see where people are coming from with the 'be careful' aspect you know?
And take a deep breath.. Firstly <HUG>

Just to play devils advocate slightly for a minute you do have to be careful about people on the internet that you meet, as there are a few weirdos out there. BUT he should have trusted you to be using your judgement & not react that badly. I have met plenty of groups of people from sites on the internet, most are awesome & just as they seem online. There was one group however that I had to do the friend emergency call thing on cos they were odd! hehe

This meet is much the same as going to a support group, which is what it is. I hope he comes round & understands why your doing it and that we arent actually a huge bunch of freaky people.
Didn't you know we're a bunch of axe murderer's Steff 😉.

On a serious note though, I know you have to be careful meeting people you've never seen before but we do that when we make new friends anyway. After all what do you know about anyone before you get to know them?

I used to be a big World of Warcraft nerd and I was in a guild and had 'known' the other members in game for a few years. Well a bunch of us thought it would be a good idea to meet up in real life so we arranged a Guild party in Antwerp.

About 20 of us met up there for the weekend and we had a great time visiting the local bars and walking around the city. Everyone got on really well and we were from a multitude of different countries.

Just goes to show that most people are perfectly ok and not closet maniacs.
I think there is a difference between meeting one person from the internet and meeting a group of people who have one thing in common. It is very unlikely that everyone there will be weirdos and if there is one, i'm sure the rest of them will protect you :D
Thanks guys xx

The bit that got me was the whos going to be looking after my granchild comment tbh either he would come with me I find a sitter or i dont go simple, either way my son will be looked after, he made me feel so bad in that aspect.I know ill calm down over it soon just it ate away at me last night and this morning .
I think there is a difference between meeting one person from the internet and meeting a group of people who have one thing in common. It is very unlikely that everyone there will be weirdos and if there is one, i'm sure the rest of them will protect you :D

LOL exactly how does my dad know ill not be the weirdo 🙂

Dammit, I knew I wasn't doing a good enough job of hiding my axe-wielding tendencies! 😉

Of course you've got to be careful when you're meeting people from online. But it's not like it's at someone's house - it's totally public! 🙂
I got a lot of stick from friends and a few concerned text messages from Theo when I went to meet up with the Shootuporput up people. I think he is genuinely concerned for your safety. I did not mention to my mum and dad I was going to the meet up, they dont really get internet blogs and forums and assume everyone is a stalker.

The bit about who will be looking after his granchild if V annoying though, you are allowed some time for you, especially when it is going to help you with your diabetes.
I think the most dangerous thing about any of us are our insulin pens!

I can just see the headlines now 'Crazed fiend stalks his victims armed with an insulin pen'!
I can see it from both sides to be honest.

I have met people from the other list and even been on holiday with them - all complete strangers until i met them! But - they all had a child with them who was diabetic and in my head it made it 'safer'!🙂

However, the dilema is that i wouldnt want Alex to think its ok to make arrangements to meet people off the internet without me being with him - that is why i choose not to join the meets on here. NOT because i think your all crazy or anything - just simply that i dont want it to appear to Alex that this is something that has my stamp of approval on. It is a difficult one - but i do see what your dad means Steph - I think he loves you very much and he is just using the babysitting thing to try to stop you from being in any danger - its a parents job to worry! My dad still worries about me and I am in my forties for heavens sake! Try not to let it get to you and just remember that he is only being like this because he does love you - not because he doesnt!:D And watch out for anyone wearing a mask or carrying an axe!🙂Bev x
Ah the one who writes lovely letters to Balance saying injecting in public is offensive and disgusting.

I'm sure the thread is fairly easy to find. She's a lovely woman 🙄

Oh that one! Now I remember.
Bev, I never would have met anyone from the internet when I was younger and I still wouldn't be likely to meet individuals. However, I see meeting up with a group on people on here as similar to attending a hospital meeting!
TY Bev very level headed respone,I do see he was only concerned for his baby girl lol x
Bev, I never would have met anyone from the internet when I was younger and I still wouldn't be likely to meet individuals. However, I see meeting up with a group on people on here as similar to attending a hospital meeting!

Katie - your probably right! But what if one of the group then decided to stalk you etc......sorry I just cant stop being a parent!:D

I would hate my 22 year old and 17 year old to meet with anyone off the internet!😱Lecture over now.🙂Bev x
Bev, I never would have met anyone from the internet when I was younger and I still wouldn't be likely to meet individuals. However, I see meeting up with a group on people on here as similar to attending a hospital meeting!

Would that be a Psychiatric Hospital where all us axe murderers reside? 😉
I hope you are feeling better Steff. My dad is type 2 and my mum is very blaze about it. I don't tell my mum things because I know how she will react. I am 52 this year and my mum STILL tells me what to do. I just ignore her most of the time which winds her up even more!

Next time you speak to your dad if he starts on about it, remind him you are grown up and if you are responsible to have a child of your own (your child, not his child) you are also responsible enough to meet a group of people you have something in common with in public.
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