I only know what's been published. The corresponding page for T1 is this one
The (proposed) guidance does say to offer patients a choice. The evidence review for CGM also talks a lot about patient choice being significant (see pages 36, 37).
It seems clear the intent is to offer everyone some kind of CGM (isCGM or rtCGM), and inevitably the initial default is likely to be isCGM (in the form of Libre 2). When that just doesn't work for someone I presume there'll be an attempt to find something that does.
But how all this will translate to what happens once CCGs look at the costs and clinics consider the devices they can support isn't something I can judge. (I note there's an economic report there which I found interesting. The main findings are summarised in the overall evidence review. The evidence review notes the changing landscape of what's available, meaning that rtCGM is getting cheaper and isCGM is gaining some of the same features as rtCGM.)
I still find it surprising that there's not much difference in reported quality of life between CGM and SMBG. That seems very odd to me: while some people report not liking the devices (finding data from them overwhelming), most seem to, with Partha Kar and other consultants regularly reporting patients crying with happiness when they're able to get Libre on prescription. And, of course, many of us bought (and buy) CGM devices out of our own pockets.