Unless you're on Facebook you're missing out.

Some of us were diagnosed well before normal folk owned a computer - let alone the Internet being invented - so we joined whatever support group we were able to and just had to get on with it!
Some of us were diagnosed well before normal folk owned a computer - let alone the Internet being invented - so we joined whatever support group we were able to and just had to get on with it!
Or none at all, until I joined this forum (to ask about endurance exercise.) I don't regret not having been part of any groups in the previous ~35 years of being diabetic, but it's also nice to be part of one now.
I personally have no problem with Facebook and have met up with lots of old friends through it. It also enables me to keep in touch with people who live away from the area I live in.

Having said that my first port of call when I was pre-diabetic was here. Whilst I like FB and all the groups I found a lot of support here and I personally do not think it is the case that if you don't use social media or FB you cannot get any. That, however, is just my opinion and what I have found personally.
I originally only joined Facebook to keep in touch with my sister once she and her husband and their son and daughter emigrated to Australia. Now I only stay on it since a camping organisation we're members of use it for odd bits of news and for members to post any news they want to share with the others.
Yeah I don’t find Facebook good for diabetes groups, I have been added to a few over the years, and left.
And actually I think there’s only one person here I am friends with on Facebook, they know who they are.
I do actually like the nature of this group we could be anonymous if we wanted.
I find instagram is good for linking up with other diabetics, loads of type 1s on there and I follow a space engineer and an athlete and I do find them posting interesting, and all the usual diabetes charities and even a few American ones which are useful but I haven’t found any which I couldn’t do without.
I'm on Facebook, but just because that's where many tango events are posted. Haven't used it for diabetes at all that I remember, though I do get ads for the glucose sensing watch frauds and lifestyle CGMs and things, so I guess it must know somehow.

Twitter is pretty good for diabetes support (a generally friendly community of people, unlike the bulk of Elon's Twitter). Follow GBDoc (@GBDocInfo) and tag things with #GBDoc to get the attention of people.
Am new here so have been using social media for a while, seems unless your on there you cant get the same level of support ie local groups are only on facebook, surely youve experienced the same ?
Hello, I think it’s down to the FB algorithm especially using a smart phone? (GPS or location.) you are more likely to find groups nearer to you. My wife is member of a local community group where some members seem to know the inside leg measurement of the bin men on our route? Lol, last year I had a recommendation for items sold near me on an “eBay style” market place service that was introduced. One item as I attempted to scroll on, I had mistakenly tapped. A vendor’s name & image came up I hadn’t bothered with in 35 years. I’d dated the seller for 2 years? Back in the 1980s. 😱:rofl:
Hello, I think it’s down to the FB algorithm especially using a smart phone? (GPS or location.) you are more likely to find groups nearer to you. My wife is member of a local community group where some members seem to know the inside leg measurement of the bin men on our route? Lol, last year I had a recommendation for items sold near me on an “eBay style” market place service that was introduced. One item as I attempted to scroll on, I had mistakenly tapped. A vendor’s name & image came up I hadn’t bothered with in 35 years. I’d dated the seller for 2 years? Back in the 1980s. 😱:rofl:
This is my main objection to facebook.
Dodgy privacy practices whereby they harvest every scrap of information they possibly can - whether they need it or not. IMO a reputable company should not do that
Dodgy privacy practices whereby they harvest every scrap of information they possibly can - whether they need it or not. IMO a reputable company should not do that
I think I've just decided to mostly not care about companies doing that. They're going to do it anyway (Facebook was reported as keeping shadow profiles for users who weren't signed up to the service and I presume they still do), so I may as well use their service and get whatever benefit I can from it. I'm only using it to check on tango events (what's on this Sunday, is this evening's happening, and that kind of thing) but that's worthwhile enough.

If I cared more I could use a separate web browser for Facebook or something, but I just don't care any more.

Facebook is collecting all this information because that's how it makes money, of course. I'm not that convinced their advert targeting is that much better because of all the information (or that Google's works that well), but they can apparently charge advertisers more on that basis.
I think I've just decided to mostly not care about companies doing that. They're going to do it anyway (Facebook was reported as keeping shadow profiles for users who weren't signed up to the service and I presume they still do), so I may as well use their service and get whatever benefit I can from it. I'm only using it to check on tango events (what's on this Sunday, is this evening's happening, and that kind of thing) but that's worthwhile enough.

If I cared more I could use a separate web browser for Facebook or something, but I just don't care any more.

Facebook is collecting all this information because that's how it makes money, of course. I'm not that convinced their advert targeting is that much better because of all the information (or that Google's works that well), but they can apparently charge advertisers more on that basis.
Agreed, but in my case I just have no interest in using Facebook anyhow 🙂
Like others, I use Facebook to keep up with distant (geographically) friends.
I block anyone or any group that I am not interested in and do not share too many personal details or make up false ones.
For example, I used to get fed up with all the weight loss ads I got so I changed my gender to male and most of them disappeared.
This is my main objection to facebook.
Dodgy privacy practices whereby they harvest every scrap of information they possibly can - whether they need it or not. IMO a reputable company should not do that
Yeah, it’s an advertising snake pit. But that’s how it pays its way. I get adverts for tatt like hoodies or tees with my sir name, “diabetic watches” for a few bucks that are non-intrusive. Some torch that claims to cut through metal like a “light sabre.” (Really? The cops use it?) all this & more whilst I try to catch up with what school chums, family members, & ex colleagues are upto. Seems to have happened heavily since covid lock downs. Tasteful.
I used it to help me get CGM readings on my smart watch but that's about it