Unless you're on Facebook you're missing out.


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It appears unless you're on Facebook you're left out of a lot of support. I hate social media, and feel better for not being on Facebook but without it I wouldn't get the same level of support which for me and am sure others feels wrong.
I’m not sure what kind of support you mean. What support are you getting on Facebook that you couldn’t get here?
Am new here so have been using social media for a while, seems unless your on there you cant get the same level of support ie local groups are only on facebook, surely youve experienced the same ?
FB can be helpful and you can learn a lot when in groups of interest, but support groups for health can be both personal and impersonal. FB can also give voice to a lot of trolling. FB is not the B all and end all by any means, we can live with or without it.
Goodness me you lot are some miserable, was only trying to make a point.
Am new here so have been using social media for a while, seems unless your on there you cant get the same level of support ie local groups are only on facebook, surely youve experienced the same ?
Never seen a local diabetes group
Am new here so have been using social media for a while, seems unless your on there you cant get the same level of support ie local groups are only on facebook, surely youve experienced the same ?
I'm newly diagnosed and looking every where I can for support. Except sometimes it makes me panic and then I have to withdraw.

I'm dealing with a significant amount of shame about my diagnosis (and I have been an extreme introvert my whole life). Those things combined mean social media / this forum is my preferred option because trying to imagine actually talking about this face to face gives me the heebiejeebies!! I just about held it together talking to my diabetes nurse (didn't help that we used to go to toddler groups together when our children were small which made for a weird dynamic in my 'eat wholewheat pasta and smaller portions of potato' chat.)

I am finding that you have to be very, very careful with Facebook groups. An awful lot of them are AI controlled with stock photos and terrible, terrible diabetes advice. But trial and error, I have found a couple that seem like they might suit me and appear to feature real people.

It sounds as though you are the opposite of me and would actually value face to face interactions with others in the same boat? Have you managed to find anything that meets that requirement. I've been part of forums like this before (not for diabetes) that had a connections bit so you could find others in your locality (it's how I met my best friend 20 years ago actually! She's someone I can bear to talk to face to face!)
I can't be bothered with social media and have managed OK without it so far.
Its been fun... not..
Am new here so have been using social media for a while, seems unless your on there you cant get the same level of support ie local groups are only on facebook, surely youve experienced the same ?
Yes, I'm aware that various agencies have encouraged me to see more about them through FB. I tried FB about 4 years ago and it was my first experience of such social media. But I seemed to become inundated with messages from people who wanted to "be my friend" and yet not finding whatever I was looking for at that time, so I parked FB and ignored the accumulating unwanted messages and I've not been back since.

As a trial of a major social media platform it has left me convinced I am better off without social media.
I only joined Facebook so I could play Farmtown. :D Don't play anymore but still there. Keeps me in touch with the rellies. 🙂
Sorry to hear you are finding it difficult to get the support you need locally @EastRF

It can be tricky in some parts of the country, especially rural areas, where local groups are further apart. And with T1s being fewer in number, some local groups are more set up for supporting people with T2.

It might be worth dropping the Helpline a call from Tuesday next week as they may be able to offer contact details for local groups running in your area.
Never seen a local diabetes group
Diabetes UK have a Solent group on Facebook and organise coffee mornings , local walks and events in the Southampton area. You have to be on their email list to receive the notifications of upcoming events etc.
I only joined Facebook so I could play Farmtown. :D Don't play anymore but still there. Keeps me in touch with the rellies. 🙂
I used to play Farmtown a lot too. I also meet friends on Facebook but do not join their support groups. I did get the other Diabetes UK diet from there mixed up with this group.
I do not follow them though.
I think everyone is entitled to go on Facebook if they want to but I would not say they are missing out.
My cousin has no internet use at all and survives with her phone and friends all her life and is happier than I am.
Each has their way.
I may be the same if hubby was not there to sort out any tech issues etc.
Its been fun... not..
Do not take it so personally each to their own way of thinking. You asked and got truthful answers.
It appears unless you're on Facebook you're left out of a lot of support. I hate social media, and feel better for not being on Facebook but without it I wouldn't get the same level of support which for me and am sure others feels wrong.
I'm personally not looking for local groups, and I dislike Facebook, so I never log on it.

On the plus side this forum has a great group of knowledgable people who are happy to share their experiences and will always try to help answer your questions.
I hope you will give yourself a chance to get to know this forum, so you can see how good it is 🙂
I agree, this message board is an excellent source od advice and support
When I first got my diagnosis a couple of months ago the first place I looked was FB for support groups.
I’ve got to be honest, i didn’t like any of them and have left them all.

I have had so much support and info from this group and I am very thankful to everyone who has helped me through a difficult time.

It’s each to their own though, and we all find somewhere that suits us, I hope you do too
It appears unless you're on Facebook you're left out of a lot of support. I hate social media, and feel better for not being on Facebook but without it I wouldn't get the same level of support which for me and am sure others feels wrong.

Really pleased that your getting peer support on FB, don't use social media myself but can see why people do to keep in touch with family/ friends & to reach out for support, things like FB will make life less lonely for a lot of people which is a good thing.