Unhappy :(

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Thats being T1 ! I dont thing there is any hard & fast rules at times. A few weeks ago i had 1 & half days of cold systems went sky high & expected to have proper cold but dissapered ? Just shows how much you can ajust with pump 🙂

I'm so glad it's not just me! I think I must have a bug or something, my levels have been better today than they have been, I adjusted my TB to 85% in the morning and it was 8.9 at 9.30 and 6.5 at 11.20, but then in the afternoon went really low again :( Better then they were though. I have four days off now and I intend to start sorting these basals out 🙂 Plus appointment with new GP on Monday to get my new pump clinic sorted 🙂
Hi Lauren

If you have an iPhone then I recommend getting an app called carbs & cals. It's brilliant for doing your carb counting. I also use my fitness pal, this has a lot of branded food item and their carbs.

If you are gonna do the fasting thing to check your basals, try only missing one meal per day. You can still have something to eat as long as its carbohydrate free. I like slices of cold meat which keep me going, it's fine as long as you don't over do it.

I have been on my pump for a year and I have crazy periods like you. It's horrible :( maybe you have a bug though. I also fine the changing weather really affects me.

Hope you can get some control back soon


Just added this app on my phone and it is amazing! Plus there are quite a few other free health and fitness apps which look good 🙂 Thanks Julie!
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