unexplained hypos

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Hi all,

Like Redkite - I thought everyone was screened - but it seems maybe its just children - although the link does say that adults should also be checked.🙂Unexplained hypo's are one of the signs just after eating - a few children on the CWD list have had these symptoms and ended up with a diagnosis after having a biopsy. It surprises me that it isnt offered in general screenig for all Type 1's given that there is a well-known link/risk.:confused:🙂Bev
Hi Bev,
it could be that an adult would mention any symptoms to their GP or consultant, thus no point in testing unless symptoms showing.
Full blood count is testing you haemaglobin, white blood cells (can show infections, problems with immune system) and platelet count 🙂

Thank you!
Hi Bev,
it could be that an adult would mention any symptoms to their GP or consultant, thus no point in testing unless symptoms showing.

Hi Sue,

Yes your probably right - but a lot of people with this condition dont have any symptoms at all. I forget who told me now but someone said that they often find this when doing an autopsy - lots of damage to the intestines which would have had a huge impact on that persons health - often resulting in osteoporosis and worse. It is also important to remember that symptoms like IBS and gastroperiasis (sp?) can often be undiagnosed coeliac. Sometimes feeling bloated can be a sign too - but most people would put that down to feeling full after a meal - so its quite confusing and most people wouldnt have a clue they have any symptoms as such. Certainly as there is a link with Type 1 I would have thought that screening all adults too would be a necessity. Many people say they havent felt so full of energy once they change to GF foods and feel they have their life back.🙂 Unfortunately a lot of GP's hand out heartburn remedies as the symptoms can be similar to that - so it masks the condition and it goes undiagnosed for years.:(Bev
Oh Lawks a mercy! - I'm just the sort of person who reads the symptoms and thinks they have the disease!

Does coeliac give you the wind? - as in Trumpet Voluntary? without the follow through, LOL
Oh Lawks a mercy! - I'm just the sort of person who reads the symptoms and thinks they have the disease!

Does coeliac give you the wind? - as in Trumpet Voluntary? without the follow through, LOL

Lol - it does, but so do many other things too.

Coeliac UK recommend 3 yearly coeliac bloods for T1 adults though no official guidelines in place. They report 2-10% T1 are later dx with coeliacs too. There does not appear to be any T1 adults on this forum with coeliacs too. There is no apparent correlation with T2.
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