Understanding Blood Glucose Levels

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The finger prick test allows you to see what effect on your BG individuals meals have. Hopefully, over time, you'll see a pattern. Try keeping a food diary along with a record of your levels.
The carbs you ate for breakfast were equal to my whole days intake - and from high carb foods too - I do eat a very low carb bread, but grains are not part of my normal diet.
I found that carbs eaten early in the day had more effect due to my insulin resistance being higher then, so I usually keep my intake to about ten gm of carbs first thing, and from things such as tomato, sweet pepper, courgette, in a stir fry, or a large salad, so as to remain free from hunger until I eat again late in the day.
I never remember the mmol things.
I go on saying HbA1c (scale with larger numbers or small numbers) and finger prick test. The HbA1c is an average that covers 8 - 12 weeks. What you've eaten that day won't have a noticeable effect.
The finger prick test is your BG level at that moment, goes up and down through out the day, and from day to day (as you'll have noticed).

Stredded wheat, no sugar, would make more difference to my BG level than a jacket potatoe. Or a cooked breakfast. It's not just the sugar in breakfasts that makes a difference I'm afraid. Try some instead eggs.

I know Ralph, I always used to have shreaded, weetabix or oats and occasional cornflakes, now it looks like the shreaded wheat and weatabix has to go as well as the cornflakes. I am not sure about the oats will have to see what my readings are before and after eating that.
Hi Drummer, are you finding that your blood glucose is always higher first thing in the morning before food?
13.7 at 8.55 before breakfast
21.6 at 11.54 - 2+ hours after food and before lunch

I really am not sure about this.

The first before breakfast I never set the before food symbol
The second reading I set after food symbol

Not sure if I am doing something wrong

I only ate
low sugar cornflakes 20g carbs
teaspoon yoghurt 2g and 4 grapes 1g
Slice of low carb bread toasted with butter 9g carbs
cup of tea
Milk total tea and cornflakes approx 2 gr carbs

Total 34 g for breakfast 😱o_O


Hi Jodee🙂 just to confirm what we all have "learned" if I ate that for breakfast I would be in the back of an ambulance.:( 21.6 after a meal is way too high, can we break your meal down and try to advise you what is best.🙄 Cornflakes is a no no for a lot of members, grapes we call them little sugar bombs, also milk can be very problematic if using milk go for full fat or use as a lot of us do almond milk or similar. As Lin aka @Ljc says test before and a couple of hours after your meal, keep asking away your opinion matters as well as ours.
Hi Karnak

I did better at lunch and dinner today BG before meal 6.6 and after 11.1.

I do use almon and coconut milk but cows milk in tea usually skimmed. because I use so little cows milk sometimes I have it on cereal as well, but I can see have to stop doing that. My milk goes off usually before I can use it all up.

Yes please Ted advise me what is best 🙂 thank you
It is very confusing Ralph with 2 different readings for mmol

so the HbA1C at 86mmol can't equate to the sd Codefree reading.

They only recently changed the units for HbA1c to align with the international community, and in the hope it would avoid confusion.

The old % method (the percentage of red blood cells what had become glycated) tended to give results that were quite similar to the numbers you saw on a BG meter, but were still very very different results of a different measurement.
They only recently changed the units for HbA1c to align with the international community, and in the hope it would avoid confusion.

The old % method (the percentage of red blood cells what had become glycated) tended to give results that were quite similar to the numbers you saw on a BG meter, but were still very very different results of a different measurement.

Many thanks everydayups 🙂 I am beginning to understand more clearly now, thanks to you and everyone who has posted here 🙂
You have eaten more carbs at breakfast than I can safely eat all day and still keep my weekly Codefree average under 7.5:(
Any cereal - and I've tried loads - would push my sugars up to Mars. Now have Greek yogurt and berries. Sometimes I'll add a slice of low carb bread slathered in butter and drink tea or coffee. Keeps me full until lunch.
You have eaten more carbs at breakfast than I can safely eat all day and still keep my weekly Codefree average under 7.5:(

Its a problem, mine are too high at the moment, although I had a ready of 6.6 yesterday 2 hours after lunch, but today back up to 13.7. I am worried.
Don't worry Jodee, I think you should be proud of yourself, you're really working at it, unlike me who has been in denial from being diagnosed and have probably ended up with liver damage. I'm pathetic. You are inspiring me to try harder. 🙂

It's all trial and error. I never have milk or cereal. I used to have 6 weetabix with nr a pint of wholemilk and six spoons of sugar. No wonder I'm type 2! 😱
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