UK's first Teacherless classroom

Teaching, like a few other jobs, is a vocation. I doubt a computer could replicate that however clever it is.
The good thing about meeting other humans is during a two way conversation things arise which you never intended to talk about. You can learn about things outside of the topic of conversation (it could lead anywhere). You can even learn about yourself and others, about human behaviour.

The current tech trend almost feels anti human, almost like we are not wanted or needed.
Teaching, like a few other jobs, is a vocation. I doubt a computer could replicate that however clever it is.
A good teacher can change someone's whole direction in life and one day, one might bump into that teacher and be able to thank them. What a great opportunity to be able to have such an amazing impact on the younger generation.AI / tech just doesn't cut it.
Hmm...a teacherless classroom? was only a matter of time before this happened huh?...whatever next..
The thing with the anti-human / AI / digital movement including cashless currency that actually worries me for mankind's future is that it removes the ability to challenge and discuss what we are being taught or told. A one source of truth.

Mankind has been on the right path for centuries, with things slowly moving to a better standard of living, with improved health, travel, quality of housing and access to education.

For me, this movement will lead us in the wrong direction.
It was only a matter of it will be don't go to Uni, study from your seat at home, folllowing the trend of don't got to work, work from your seat at home; don't cook, order and eat from your seat at home; don't go shopping, shop from your seat at home; don't go to the cinema, watch from your seat at home; don't visit the doctor email them instead, don't go to hospital dial 111.

"There are many excellent teachers out there but we're all fallible," said John Dalton, the school's co-principal.
"I think it's very difficult to achieve [AI's] level of precision and accuracy, and also that continuous evaluation.

Who is going to edit and censor the AI ? Could stray into indoctrination rather than education. It's OK for right and wrong answers but not for value-laden subjects such as Humanities, History ( where the facts are free and opinion is sacred) and English Lit. etc.
Who is going to edit and censor the AI ? Could stray into indoctrination rather than education. It's OK for right and wrong answers but not for value-laden subjects such as Humanities, History ( where the facts are free and opinion is sacred) and English Lit. etc.
I don't know who or what is pushing the anti-human agenda (direct human contact, interaction and conversation is being stifled).

What do they see that is so wrong with our reality and way of life/evolution that we need a virtual one instead?

Life has existed in reality since the very beginning, life has evolved without AI or VR. There exists a guiding force behind life/nature and our evolution, it works perfectly well and needs no assistance (all be it seemingly slow in some respects like human nature etc). You could argue the AI / VR movement is anti-God (or whatever other name you use to describe how we got here and exist).

You can't beat having a good conversation with others, there is no substitute for it. AI is not wisdom.
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