Typical day's food

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ah well, if I'm asked the same question over the weekend I doubt I'll be giving an answer anywhere near as healthy...!!

Me neither - its always a struggle to get my 5 a day at weekends, especially if my OH's children are staying...

And I do like to treat myself to a glass of white wine or two at the weekend😱
yh i noticed ur all very healthy 🙂 lol

i try to watch wot i eat but its nice to have a wee treat and bein on 4 times a day makes it much easier to eat wot u want.
lol my food is generally the same all week.

breakfast : wholemeal toast with low fat spead on (3x slices)

mid morning snack : 2 ryvita wholemeal with low fat spread cheese on.

lunch : tuna mayo and sweetcorn sandwhich on yup wholemeal bread no spread, 1x muller light.

midday snack : 1x banana and 1x muller light.

evening meal : baked potato with grilled chicken and veg.

supper : 1x slice of wholemeal toast with low fat spread on it.

drinks : water, water, water and water. oh and a glass of sugar free juice to.

i've been told by my dietician and dn that what i eat is very healthy and for my lifestyle is a very good diet to try and stick to.
Hi everyone, what a useful post! Great to have an insight into other peoples habits and diets.

I have just started keeping a food diary this week, and am finding it very useful indeed. I was diagnosed about 6 months ago and am in a 'honeymoon' period, so my body is gradually producing less and less of its own insulin, requiring me to increase my doses. Recently i noticed my sugars creeping up, and the diary has been really effective already in helping me keep to more healthy levels.

Yesterday I ate:
breakfast BG 4.9 : branflakes with raisins and semi skimmed milk

lunch BG 4.8: packet of crisps, sandwich, apple and a cadbury's creme egg (guilty pleasure!)

after work I went a bit low - BG 3.3: a few sweets then packet of crisps

dinner BG 5.9: bread, salad and grilled lamb. 2 glasses of wine

One of the most revealing things about the diary is the honest amount of alcohol that I drink - every night this week I have had 2 glasses of wine. Not terrible, but probably I should have a few dry alcohol free evenings per week.

Anyway, I definitely recomment keeping a diary!
Great post. Well this was me for yesterday;

Breakfast BG 11.2 - bowl of fruit+fibre with semi-skimmed milk, mug of tea with 1 sugar.

Morning snacks - ceral bar and bag of crisps

Lunch BG 9.4 - Chicken and stuffing on wholemeal, chocolate bar, bottle of coke zero.

Dinner BG 5.2 - had takeaway, chicken+cheese burger with salad+mayo, fries + onion rings, can of diet coke.

Evening snacks - bread and butter (x1)

Drinks - water, diet coke or coke zero.

BG before bed 16.8 and then woke up at 11.1 this morning.
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