Type 2

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
can anyone tell me when type2 was 'discovered'
Diabetes Timeline:

1936 ? Sir Harold Percival Himsworth distinguished diabetes type 1 and 2.
so when did it start being so widely diagnoised.

I ask because i was first tested at 16 as i had the classic symtoms..then whilst pregnant at 30 when i nearly passed out in very important meeting at work...then in my 30's i had contuous abcesses under arm top of inner tights aswell as continuing thrush and my feet big toes started to go numb...finally at 44 i was diagnoised T2 ....not mega bs first HbA1c 7.9 now 1 1/2 years on 6.4 ....I have suspected that ive actually been T2 for 30 years .... my grandfather was diabetic but it wasn't distinguished (sorry spelling) between T1 or T2 has this always been the case? when did it change
can anyone tell me when type2 was 'discovered'

When I was first dxed way back in 1992 they were still talking about NIDDM (Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) and Maturity Onset Diabetes. About that time they started to the general use of the term "Type 2" for those. I think the World Health Organisation coined the terms Type 1 and Type 2 sometime in the 1970s or 80s. Although the distinct types - Juvenile Onset Diabetes and Maturity Onset Diabetes were known for decades before.
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i tried to add a calmer perspective to it...despite wanting to kick off.

We're all in this together, you're right ladies. But I really think that was out of order :(

I don't wanna start all guns blazing, all am wanted to do was ask a question.

I know that type 2 was noted very early on. I think it was first noticed around the sixteenth century or something.
i tried to add a calmer perspective to it...despite wanting to kick off.

We're all in this together, you're right ladies. But I really think that was out of order :(

I don't wanna start all guns blazing, all am wanted to do was ask a question.

I know that type 2 was noted very early on. I think it was first noticed around the sixteenth century or something.

thanks sam xxx well long ago then even before i was born !!!x
Either that or you must recommend your plastic surgeon/face cream, am! :D

hehee thanks SC ....im upset cos Peter C should not have done that to my thread I needed straightforward Information !!! But deep breathes
IMO peter was out of order as this place has never been bias more to either type 1 1.2 or 2 and they has never been a divide, saying something like that brings tension , this place prides itself on not making anyone feel more important then anyone else.Its one of the main attractions that first got me really liking this place infact, welcoming all types and not making comparisons.Maybe from his comment onwards the thread could be split so ams original question does not get hijacked


this website says it was first noted in 1936 after someone noticed the differences in sensitivity or whatnot. But this seems like one of those sites which isn't brilliantly trustworthy

But I know i read somewhere the other week that it was spotted earlier :confused: i can't find it now. It would have likely been noticed by some of the great medical boffs out there back in the day.
IMO peter was out of order as this place has never been bias more to either type 1 1.2 or 2 and they has never been a divide, saying something like that brings tension , this place prides itself on not making anyone feel more important then anyone else.Its one of the main attractions that first got me really liking this place infact, welcoming all types and not making comparisons.Maybe from his comment onwards the thread could be split so ams original question does not get hijacked


Very well said, Steff.

As I said somewhere else, it's often easier to think that the grass is greener on the other side, but you'll quite often find that something nasty is making good fertiliser, and you don't like the smell of it 🙄

I don't want to see a divide either.

Now back on topic, I remember reading The Babysitter's Club books when I was younger (oh, how cool was I?), and they were talking about 'Juvenile Onset Diabetes' in those, and I think they were written in the late 80's/early 90's, so I think the whole T1/T2 label must be quite a recent thing :confused:
Hmm that got things stirred up!!

Hey Peter even I think what you said was not too clever!

I thought they were all discovered after lunch about 2:45 just before afternoon tea break!!😛
Right folks, just halting replies to this thread briefly to deal with a few issues against forum rules etc. AM, promise you'll get your original thread back up soon...
There really was no reason for that statement, so I have removed it and the subsequent (valid) furore.

Regarding Type 2, although some have said it was recognised in1936, I don't think the name was applied until much, much later - as others have said, it was thought that age was a defining factor until fairly recently - hence the juvenile and maturity designations, but the reality is that age is largely irrelevant. Type1 is a lack of insulin, Type 2 insulin resistance - although we can all suffer the resistance and Type2's can lose the ability to produce insulin.

No wonder the public at large get confused!
thank you everyone back to the original question
....what im trying to find out is at 15/16 in 1979/80....(if you do your maths you can all work out my age) i was tested for diabetes...what i was trying to find out was would they be looking for T1 or T2 or both in those days
...i suspect i have been on the 'cusp' so to speak for years
My initial thought would be that back then, T2 would be harder to pinpoint, as it wouldn't have QUITE as many obvious symptoms as T1 - especially before the advent of insulin?

what in 1979?????
I did not realise you had the absesses in the same place as me am thats how i got diagnosed they spotted it as high bgs and next thing i knew doc sat me down and said your diabetic, I guess wat sacredheart said is right back then things where not as easy to spot maube the docs where not aware like they are these days.
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