Try to make little changes to your diet and see what effect it has on your sensor readings the most , when i started to understand my diabetes better ten months ago my hba1c was 49 so i researched and learnt as much as i could .The people on here are great and I've learnt so much and am still learning , i went through a phase of cutting out all carbs to start with and when my levels where still high i looked at everything i was eating . I LOOKED INTO labels researching ingredients hidden sugars etc .I COULDNT WORK OUT WHY MY LEVELS WERE NOT DROPPING when i thought my diet was pretty good and i was desperate for answers , i made more changes to things like portion size etc adding more veg to meals to bulk out the plate introducing more salads then all of a sudden after months of just trying to be more conscious of what i was eating during the day and seeing no improvements my levels started to drop and have kept dropping i've lost 3 stone in weight in ten months just through my eating habits and for me it was finger pricks before and after meals and learning how best to manage .Now that i have enough staple meals that i know i can eat and doesn't affect me that much .If i could pass on any advice to you it would be take your time learn as much as you can , you have a sensor great that's your choice to fund it but try not to get caught up in the numbers too much just try small changes keep a diary of some sort so you can track what you eat and do during the day like going for small walks after meals etc. it all adds up little steps add up no matter how small you might think at the time .
Anyway good luck have a look in the learning zone there's a lot of good advice in there as well as on the forum , there's the Carbs n Cal book Which helps when putting meals together and the low carb freshwell app 😉