Type 2 diabetics not on insulin technology discrimination

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It's really frustrating the number of people who just order everything on their prescription list whether they need it or not. My practice nurse said to me that people do that with lancets - there are 200 on one prescription as opposed to usually 50 test strips, but they still order the lancets every month too.... (I'm not sure why they don't just put the lancets on non-repeat so they have to be specifically requested but maybe they think that extra staff time would cost more?)

I’ve been playing this silly game for over 30 years, and I don’t think I’ve ever needed to have lancets on prescription. The ones that come with the fingerpricker are usually enough to outlast the device at my changing frequency 😱 . I think I still have a box of manual stabbers from back in the day somewhere, and I bought myself a box of fastclix drums a year or two back that will most likely see me out!:D
You don’t have to order everything on the repeat anyway. I put a prescription in when it’s time to top up the insulin stock and just have a quick check to see if we need anything else too, which we often don’t. I’ve just put one in for insulin, and it’s at least 6 weeks since I last ordered any, and also Accu Chek test strips as the last couple of boxes we have of those are going out of date. I noticed they have removed those from the list without any consultation! Granted we don’t need 4 boxes at a time any more as we mostly use Dexcom now and only need a small number of strips in stock as back up. We have one Accu Chek meter and one different one which does ketones too, daughter likes to keep one in her school bag and one elsewhere so i don’t think it’s unreasonable to have a box of each in reserve. Have put in a special request to see if we can get them back, I do try hard not to overstock and don’t just order everything!
I notice we’ve had lancets removed as well, but we still have enough Multiclix ones to last for years and ordered a box of Fastclix when we got sent one of those finger bodgers to replace it, so that will probably last forever!
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