Type 2 Diabetes: The First Year by Gretchen Becker

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have my early diagnosed Type 2 well under control due to the amazing info that I have got from you lovely people on here, thanks again (and again and again and again ......)

This post is a suggestion with the aim of helping those first diagnosed, which is not too long ago for me, and knowing enough to know I know nothing 🙂

The pinned Useful links for people new to diabetes post on the 'Newbies say hello here!' forum has an amazingly good depth and breadth of really good info

However - I finally had time to get round to the book Type 2 Diabetes: The First Year by Gretchen Becker.

I really, really wish there had been a pinned post (in addition to the above mentioned excellent post) simply stating 'Type 2 - Maggie Davey's letter and Type 2 Diabetes: The First Year by Gretchen Becker, then look at the post Useful links for people new to diabetes for more info'

I am finding this wonderful book has all the info in one place, and is both beautifully written and easy to read, and does not appear controversial

I know it is third on the list of the linked post on Type 2, but amongst all the rest (of the great info) and the problem I had when first diagnosed was not a lack of info, but an excessive amount for me to take in.

Well, I hope I haven't trodden on any toes, but I think it would make an excellent forum just a tiny bit better and would 'simplify the lives' of newly-diagnosed Type 2's

Best wishes

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