Type 2 BGL

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Desired for whom - you or me, at which point in the day? But generally, we're aiming for as near to 5ish 24 hrs of the day as we can, cos that's what a person without diabetes has.

For yourself, 4 -7 before eating, 2hrs after first mouthful, an increase of no more than approx 3. What dietary and exercise advice have you had so far?
Hi, thanks for your reply, from diagnosis 2 weeks ago, today I finally got down to 4.8, from 14-18.
I've been following a low carb high protein type of diet, its been hard, but getting there, just a massive relief to be in single digits, this morning I was 9.1, 2 hours after breakfast (Full English, Griled) I was 4.8.
Hi @Kitch Well done. It seems as though your full english (without toast, baked beans, potato, fruit juice or tropical fruit - I Hope) told your liver to stop dumping glucose into your bloodstream , thus halting your 'Dawn Phenomenon'.

Breakfast now sorted (alternatives are kippers, eggs, cheese, greek yogurt with a few nuts/seeds/berries), how are you doing on other meals (if you eat them)?
I do eat eggs and cheese usually on wholemeal toast, for breakfast and shredded wheat with yogurts blueberry and mixed nuts, I've been sticking to 2 meals a day, with the odd yogurt, Nuts and fruit as snacks, dinners now are usually stir fry, Fish etc. My GP is exceptionally pleased, as she stated she has many diabetics in my age range (37) and I'm the only one who's taken it by the horns and dealing with it. Il admit its hard, as I seriously loved my sour fizzy sweets, vanilla slices and éclairs , and not a single crumb of any of it has passed my lips, I managed to find some Sugar free, cookies and digestives in B&M thankfully .
Hi @Kitch Well done. It seems as though your full english (without toast, baked beans, potato, fruit juice or tropical fruit - I Hope) told your liver to stop dumping glucose into your bloodstream , thus halting your 'Dawn Phenomenon'.

Breakfast now sorted (alternatives are kippers, eggs, cheese, greek yogurt with a few nuts/seeds/berries), how are you doing on other meals (if you eat them)?
Only a small amount of beans, and it was a cup of green tea with 1 sweetener.
I managed to find some Sugar free, cookies and digestives in B&M thankfully .

Be careful with how many of those sugar free biscuits you eat. Sugar free biscuits will raise your blood glucose because they still contain carbohydrates. The sugar free biscuits I’ve seen had as many carbohydrates as a normal chocolate digestive, but the sugar free ones had the warning of laxative side effects.

If you prefer the taste of sugar free then the occasional biscuit can work into your diet, but if you’re buying them because you’re thinking they’re good for diabetes then you’re wasting your money.
Hi All,

What are the desired Blood glucose levels?.
Hi @Kitch , I was diagnosed the same day as you with Type 2, I have a similar HbA1c as you too, so if you want a buddy to work on this together, I would be happy to share support with you 🙂

I can see you have already been put on medication, I dont have my diabetes clinic until 11th August so havent had anything prescribed but am cutting down on carbs, sugar and fat (also have high cholesterol and suspected fatty liver - My liver scan is on 1st August)

Anyway, welcome to the site, its a great place for support and information.

As you can eat high carb foods and maintain normal glucose levels, you should be OK for some considerable time.
I am much older, and so I do not eat bread cereal or biscuits, nor any beans but the French or runner sort - and then only in moderation, I also have to keep my intake of fruit to a minimum, as many are high in fructose.
Unfortunately your adviser seems to have omitted to tell you that diabetics have problems with starch and sugar in the modern diet so their glucose levels rise - but thankfully you have removed enough to get yourself back into normal figures.
I hope you were not told to have everything low fat too - we really do need fats for good health, and to maintain the proper levels of hormones and other body chemistry. No need to go to extremes, but carbohydrates are the only non essential food group.
Hi @Kitch , I was diagnosed the same day as you with Type 2, I have a similar HbA1c as you too, so if you want a buddy to work on this together, I would be happy to share support with you 🙂

I can see you have already been put on medication, I dont have my diabetes clinic until 11th August so havent had anything prescribed but am cutting down on carbs, sugar and fat (also have high cholesterol and suspected fatty liver - My liver scan is on 1st August)

Anyway, welcome to the site, its a great place for support and information.

Hi Jenny

That sounds like a great idea, all my liver bone profile and other bloods etc all came back normal, the only referrals I have is the Eduction course, feet and eyes. Working on this together and sharing experience of what works and what doesn't, will be highly beneficial to the both of us. Feel free to private message.
As you can eat high carb foods and maintain normal glucose levels, you should be OK for some considerable time.
I am much older, and so I do not eat bread cereal or biscuits, nor any beans but the French or runner sort - and then only in moderation, I also have to keep my intake of fruit to a minimum, as many are high in fructose.
Unfortunately your adviser seems to have omitted to tell you that diabetics have problems with starch and sugar in the modern diet so their glucose levels rise - but thankfully you have removed enough to get yourself back into normal figures.
I hope you were not told to have everything low fat too - we really do need fats for good health, and to maintain the proper levels of hormones and other body chemistry. No need to go to extremes, but carbohydrates are the only non essential food group.
Hi Drummer,

Certain foods with carbs, do raise my level, compared to others. I'm going through lancets like nothing else, all trial and error, as before I was diagnosed, nothing was off the menu, I would eat and try anything. I haven't omitted fats, I've read many of documents on good fats and tend to use full fat milk and yogurts etc. I'm getting there slowly but surely. We use hello fresh and the meals are very well balanced appropriately portioned and very tasty.
Hi Jenny

That sounds like a great idea, all my liver bone profile and other bloods etc all came back normal, the only referrals I have is the Eduction course, feet and eyes. Working on this together and sharing experience of what works and what doesn't, will be highly beneficial to the both of us. Feel free to private message.
Good Morning @Kitch

I hope you are are well in this hot weather, I am finding that a challenge at the moment but checked and have lost 4 pounds in 4 days, so the walking and diet is paying off, I am not sure if you are also trying to lose weight, I basically ate my way into diabetes over lockdown, literally put on about 3 stone in 2 years. I will tell you a little about myself, I work for an ambulance trust and see the statistics so should have known better. In March 2020, all staff were told to work from home except the paramedics and call takers, and basically we have now been told we will never go back to the office except for meetings.

Whilst working from home, I stopped wearing my nice work clothes and lounged around in comfy clothes while I did my work. There was no reason to lose weight as I simply didnt notice as my loose elasticated leggings and clothes didnt tell me I was fat, until one day my son (who also works for the same trust), "Mum, I am worried about you, you have so many of the factors for an early death and I want you to live to see your grandchildren" I understood what he meant because I smoked (now given up), I was obese (am still) and sedentary - never went anywhere, and all the weight was around my middle (still is) and I am 57 so not getting any younger. I am ashamed to say my response was to him "well, I have just had my bloods checked and they are all normal, and I was suprised but pleased as secretly thought I was heading for diabetes" - little did I know that the wrong results were given to me at that stage.

A week later, my doctor called me in to see them and said the results did in fact show an extreemly high Blood Glucose Plasma level (19.4) and liver abnormalitys that suggested gall stones (I havent got a gall bladder!) or potentially a fatty liver (having a scan next month) - The doctor organised for more tests to get my average glucose and my cholesterol levels. They came back as 80 and 9.4 both very high, so now seeing the diabetes nurse on 11th August and waiting for an appointment with the Lipid Clinic, I have been told this could be 8 months so I am treating it with diet until any medication is prescribed as I know 9.4 is an exceptionally high cholesterol level.

I have lost a stone since diagnosis but still a long way to go.

Next week I am off to Ireland for my sons wedding, this weekend I am getting myself organised for it (just hope the flight isnt cancelled as myself and my other son (best man) and my daughter (bridesmaid) are all travelling together the day before the wedding and would hate to miss it :(

Have you any plans for the weekend?
Good Morning @Kitch

I hope you are are well in this hot weather, I am finding that a challenge at the moment but checked and have lost 4 pounds in 4 days, so the walking and diet is paying off, I am not sure if you are also trying to lose weight, I basically ate my way into diabetes over lockdown, literally put on about 3 stone in 2 years. I will tell you a little about myself, I work for an ambulance trust and see the statistics so should have known better. In March 2020, all staff were told to work from home except the paramedics and call takers, and basically we have now been told we will never go back to the office except for meetings.

Whilst working from home, I stopped wearing my nice work clothes and lounged around in comfy clothes while I did my work. There was no reason to lose weight as I simply didnt notice as my loose elasticated leggings and clothes didnt tell me I was fat, until one day my son (who also works for the same trust), "Mum, I am worried about you, you have so many of the factors for an early death and I want you to live to see your grandchildren" I understood what he meant because I smoked (now given up), I was obese (am still) and sedentary - never went anywhere, and all the weight was around my middle (still is) and I am 57 so not getting any younger. I am ashamed to say my response was to him "well, I have just had my bloods checked and they are all normal, and I was suprised but pleased as secretly thought I was heading for diabetes" - little did I know that the wrong results were given to me at that stage.

A week later, my doctor called me in to see them and said the results did in fact show an extreemly high Blood Glucose Plasma level (19.4) and liver abnormalitys that suggested gall stones (I havent got a gall bladder!) or potentially a fatty liver (having a scan next month) - The doctor organised for more tests to get my average glucose and my cholesterol levels. They came back as 80 and 9.4 both very high, so now seeing the diabetes nurse on 11th August and waiting for an appointment with the Lipid Clinic, I have been told this could be 8 months so I am treating it with diet until any medication is prescribed as I know 9.4 is an exceptionally high cholesterol level.

I have lost a stone since diagnosis but still a long way to go.

Next week I am off to Ireland for my sons wedding, this weekend I am getting myself organised for it (just hope the flight isnt cancelled as myself and my other son (best man) and my daughter (bridesmaid) are all travelling together the day before the wedding and would hate to miss it :(

Have you any plans for the weekend?
Afternoon Jenny,

I'm doing ok, I love the hot weather, twice a year holidays abroad from 5yr old to 17, with my grandparents, , I lost some weight through the being symptomatic over the last 3 to 4 months, coupled with antagonising anxiety and worry and not eating, I'm at a comfortable 12.5 stone from 14. I've not been this light in over 25yrs. Feels very strange but I'm learning to embrace it. I'd like to cut a bit more weight, before I start weight training though. But I'm keeping myself in a calorie deficit, and eating the right things and corrent portion size, so should be doable.

I'm a site manager responsible for refuelling and shunting of buses for First Bus, we work evenings 17:00 to 1am, but I've been off the last 3 week since diagnosis, to get to to grips with the lifestyle changes and accepting a lot of things need to change, luckily my employer was compassionate enough to give me the time as paid leave.

I have another telephone consult on Tuesday with my GP, I'm just fortunate that she is highly trained with diabetes. All other bloods was well within reference ranges. Liver bone profile spot on. I had a really bad diet, sweet treats every night at work, sweets, take aways, almost every night.

The wedding sounds like a good distraction, I've never been to Ireland but always wanted to go (Southern).

I have no plans for this weekend, just going to enjoy the weather and relax,
Had my first mild Hypo today, shaking hands and trembling. Felt it straight away and new exactly what it was. 4 jelly babies, drink of Coca cola and a crunchie, now back up in high 4's.
How's your day going?.
Had my first mild Hypo today, shaking hands and trembling. Felt it straight away and new exactly what it was. 4 jelly babies, drink of Coca cola and a crunchie, now back up in high 4's.
How's your day going?.
Oh I am sorry to hear that @Kitch, I havent experienced a Hypo, what do you think the trigger was, maybe the weather. It sounds like you managed it well though.

My day has been really good thanks, I went to the opticians today as scared of what damage may have been caused to my eyes from the glucose. I was relieved when she told me that from the 3D Scan my eyes are completely healthy, no sign of diabetes or glaucoma (family history, mum, grandad, uncle and sister all have it)

I met my daughter and her boyfriend for lunch and had steak and salad in the pub, they said it was going to be an hours wait for the food and I had breakfast very early (7) so I nibbled some cashew nuts to stop myself from feeling unwell.

I dont test my glucose levels so would have no idea if I ever do have a hypo, I do sometimes feel shakey, weak and nauseas but thought it was just hunger.
Oh I am sorry to hear that @Kitch, I havent experienced a Hypo, what do you think the trigger was, maybe the weather. It sounds like you managed it well though.

My day has been really good thanks, I went to the opticians today as scared of what damage may have been caused to my eyes from the glucose. I was relieved when she told me that from the 3D Scan my eyes are completely healthy, no sign of diabetes or glaucoma (family history, mum, grandad, uncle and sister all have it)

I met my daughter and her boyfriend for lunch and had steak and salad in the pub, they said it was going to be an hours wait for the food and I had breakfast very early (7) so I nibbled some cashew nuts to stop myself from feeling unwell.

I dont test my glucose levels so would have no idea if I ever do have a hypo, I do sometimes feel shakey, weak and nauseas but thought it was just hunger.
Sounds like a great day, I take my Glimepiride with my first meal of the day which today was 11am, but didn't eat a right lot, just an Arla protein yogurt, and an apple. Level was 5.1 before 4.9 afterwards, then a couple of hours later started feeling it, so tested and was 3.5, once I get a proper eating routine going with the right foods, I'm going to stop testing myself, my finger tips are like a second hand dartboard , peppered steak burgers and salad for tea today i thinks.
My day has been really good thanks, I went to the opticians today as scared of what damage may have been caused to my eyes from the glucose. I was relieved when she told me that from the 3D Scan my eyes are completely healthy, no sign of diabetes or glaucoma (family history, mum, grandad, uncle and sister all have it)

You should get a referral to go in and have a retinal scan on the NHS - this is then sent off to a lab where the image is examined by specialists. (I was told they blow up the image to quite a large size and can examine all the blood vessels.)

Not sure high street opticians offer the same level of analysis.
You should get a referral to go in and have a retinal scan on the NHS - this is then sent off to a lab where the image is examined by specialists. (I was told they blow up the image to quite a large size and can examine all the blood vessels.)

Not sure high street opticians offer the same level of analysis.
I've got an appointment at specsavers on the 28th, full eye test and 3d scan (OCT i think its called), still waiting for my exemption certificate to drop through the post. Hopefully be this week. Not had an eye test since 2017. When I needed glasses for reading and screen time.
You should get a letter inviting you to a screening. The results are sent off to specialist who examines it and sends you the results some weeks later.

I don’t think the exception certificate will help, it is only for prescription costs and does not cover eye tests.

This is all setup when you are diagnosed - I got my invite about 2 months after diagnosis.
You should get a letter inviting you to a screening. The results are sent off to specialist who examines it and sends you the results some weeks later.

I don’t think the exception certificate will help, it is only for prescription costs and does not cover eye tests.

This is all setup when you are diagnosed - I got my invite about 2 months after diagnosis.
Ah I see, I double checked and when I booked my eye test, the exemption covers it all, due to the diabetes and the complications it can cause to the eyes. Plus my pharmacist has been very forthcoming to what is available under the exemption, My Gp didn't even mention it on the day I was diagnosed.
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